Specific staff a-helps

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Specific staff a-helps

Post by Jdobbin49 » 24 Aug 2016, 17:12

Summary (a quick, 2-3 sentence summary):When there are multiple staff online it is a cluster of trying to mark an a-help with all the staff wanting to get it first. What I am proposing here is that you will be given the option of which online staff you want to send an a-help to and maybe if you sent an a-help to one person one time then the next time you have to choose someone else because it's on like a cool down so you don't just send a-helps to one staff over and over.

Benefits (How this will benefit the server and game as a whole):It won't be a giant cluster of a-helps to everyone and it means that who answers the a-help isn't down to the fastest clicker.

Details (Description of how you think this would work, the benefits, etc):Like when you click send a-help it gives you the two types then it gives the names of the current online staff and you choose one of the names to send an a-help straight to them.

Implementation (Optional, if you have an idea how to implement it):I don't know if this is even possible to be implemented but it just seems to me like something that would be quite useful.

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Re: Specific staff a-helps

Post by Toroic » 24 Aug 2016, 17:17

How am I supposed to steal all the ahelps then?
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Re: Specific staff a-helps

Post by TopHatPenguin » 24 Aug 2016, 17:20

I feel that having to say "sorry" for yoinking an ahelp from someone is a better price to pay then all the ahelps going to the highest member of staff online which I fear may happen.
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Re: Specific staff a-helps

Post by Iatots » 24 Aug 2016, 17:55

Why not have a random staff member "assigned" to each ahelp by a script, and said mod/admin could then either answer or reroll the assignment?
Everyone would still see every ahelp, for transparency.
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Re: Specific staff a-helps

Post by Toroic » 24 Aug 2016, 18:25

Iatots wrote:Why not have a random staff member "assigned" to each ahelp by a script, and said mod/admin could then either answer or reroll the assignment?
Everyone would still see every ahelp, for transparency.
In practice we really do not want random or even distribution. If I am just observing I may take 80% but while playing only take 20%. We also avoid making the administrators handle mentor questions.
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Re: Specific staff a-helps

Post by Jdobbin49 » 24 Aug 2016, 18:51

Well what if you had a choice so like if you had a mentor issue then you click the mentor option then it brings you to the online mentors and the same for moderator questions then if people misused it so if they kept using the admin option for something a mentor should be dealing with they would be muted from using a-helps

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Re: Specific staff a-helps

Post by freemysoul » 24 Aug 2016, 19:45

Just add a specific button labelled "bitch to FMS for literally EVERYTHING that the moderators do that they don't like"

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Re: Specific staff a-helps

Post by Sarah_U. » 24 Aug 2016, 20:10

-1, would PM apophis 24/7 to send him cat links (Not really, but you get what I imply).
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Re: Specific staff a-helps

Post by Jdobbin49 » 24 Aug 2016, 20:20

Thats why I was saying about having the specific sections but then if you went to the wrong section for your a-help on purpose then you would get banned or muted

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Re: Specific staff a-helps

Post by LordeKilly » 24 Aug 2016, 21:42

No. The current system is our best bet. Having people pick staff won't help anyone, if not cause trouble. -1

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Re: Specific staff a-helps

Post by EMT_321 » 25 Aug 2016, 06:24

Why not use TGUI for ahelps? It's far more user friendly.

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Re: Specific staff a-helps

Post by Snypehunter007 » 03 Jun 2017, 02:22

Sorta accepted already.

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