So Feweh just brought to my attention that wearing the fire suit is actually against the rules cause you aren't in formal uniform with the rest of the marines. This made me sad cause fire suit engineer with a flamethrower is REALLY fun. So I was thinking maybe to meet half way (not saying I'm gonna keep doing it, just wanted to suggest this as an idea) we could make a good ol' firebat armor set.
Benefits (How this will benefit the server and game as a whole):
Add another dynamic way to play the game, particularly for specialists and engineers. Make flamethrowers more prominent as a combat choice rather than a utility item, especially to counter crushers and for area denial. A lot of people like the flamethrower gameplay and the flamethrower is an important weapon in the marine arsenal for dealing with crushers and enclosed spaces. Plus it is a really fun and exciting way to play that would enhance and compliment the flamethrower by giving it a dedicated armor. People already do this, just with a fire suit, so why not formalize and embrace it? Then everybody wins

Details (Description of how you think this would work, the benefits, etc):
Basically a fire suit that is armor. Maybe add some orange colors or stripes to signify its unique nature. Then add them to either the specialist or the engineer (the build I was doing was suggested as an engineer build, plus it makes sense to me that engineers would handle the flamethrower/phoron tanks/utility and doesn't seem powerful enough to be a specialist only armor). This is a really fun way to play engineer that I think others enjoy as much as I do, or people who just enjoy using the flamethrower in general.
Implementation (Optional, if you have an idea how to implement it):
Add fire resistance to a unique set of marine armor. Or re-skin the fire suit, and add a suit slot and armor values equivalent to marine armor. Not saying there should be enough of these armors for the entire marine army, but just a few specific roles. 1-2 per squad at most. Add to specialist or engineer's vendors.
Also wanted to apologize about my first suggestion (The Russian game mode one) being a game mode, got excited after "the best game ever" (see USCM forum) and wanted to share. Got excited and forgot the no game mode rule. Sorry x.x