Acid damages armor

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Acid damages armor

Post by Casany » 03 Sep 2016, 22:36

Summary (a quick, 2-3 sentence summary):welp, lets say your choppin xenos up or point blanking them, in the movies your armor would be FUCKED because of how much acid came on it. in the game, your armor is fine and you only have a small bit of burn damage. this will change THAT

Benefits (How this will benefit the server and game as a whole): makes it so all that extra armor is worth something other then being useless

Details (Description of how you think this would work, the benefits, etc): see summary

Implementation (Optional, if you have an idea how to implement it): coding, where when you get sprayed with acid it changes your armor sprite and you take moderate amounts of burn damage until its taken off
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Re: Acid damages armor

Post by Toroic » 03 Sep 2016, 22:38


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Re: Acid damages armor

Post by crono23 » 03 Sep 2016, 22:39

Ehhh, mixed feelings on this. Helmets are bad enough already, and I don't think marines should have to start worrying about chest armor as well....on the other hand, getting splashed with acid happens rarely enough as it does, and there is research's anti-acid spray...

Ehhhh, +0.5
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Re: Acid damages armor

Post by Renomaki » 03 Sep 2016, 22:40

Fun fact, that was already a thing in the past.

However, it was really buggy, resulting in it being removed. While it would be nice for armor in venders to have a use again, for the most part, eh.... It isn't a big deal.
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Re: Acid damages armor

Post by Jdobbin49 » 03 Sep 2016, 23:10

Toroic wrote:-1

Exactly what I was gonna say.

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Re: Acid damages armor

Post by Boltersam » 04 Sep 2016, 06:59

Jdobbin49 wrote: Exactly what I was gonna say.
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Re: Acid damages armor

Post by Sargeantmuffinman » 04 Sep 2016, 07:41

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Re: Acid damages armor

Post by Snypehunter007 » 03 Jun 2017, 02:53

Old, lack of continued interest.

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