Reinforced resin walls

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Reinforced resin walls

Post by darklizard45 » 04 Sep 2016, 19:34

Summary (a quick, 2-3 sentence summary): Give the xenos the ability to reinforce resin walls

Benefits (How this will benefit the server and game as a whole): It will give the xenos more building possibilities and the hives would require less wall spamming

Details (Description of how you think this would work, the benefits, etc): There are two ways this could be implemented.
  • *One will be that the resin walls harden after a period of time gaining more resistance to damage.
    *And the other way is to give the hivelord, queen and drones, the ability to spend some plasma and time to reinforce a wall.
Implementation (Optional, if you have an idea how to implement it): [DATA EXPUNGED]

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Re: Reinforced resin walls

Post by Karmac » 04 Sep 2016, 19:36

If this was capable of doing at the start of the round aliens could get a safe hive built up a lot faster and the time on meta-rushes could be dropped a bit, leading to less incidents of marines going "My friend just got fucking dragged across that river and I can't go get him?". +1

I've also recently seen a lot of new people playing that don't seem to have read the "Don't frakkin meta-rush" rule, or just ignore it anyway because they think it's dumb, so being able to lower the time for it being considered a meta-rush would probably lighten the load for staff, and make Hive Assaults tougher, as they should be, it's the god damned hive.
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Re: Reinforced resin walls

Post by Jroinc1 » 04 Sep 2016, 19:56

+1, BUT a hardened wall requires a hivelord to use it's full plasma supply to convert a regular wall, to minimize spamming. I'd imagine a hardened resin wall would have similar health to a standard metal wall+girder combo.
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Re: Reinforced resin walls

Post by darklizard45 » 04 Sep 2016, 20:29

I think that "Hardened" sounds better than "Reinforcered" for this type of wall

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Re: Reinforced resin walls

Post by Karmac » 04 Sep 2016, 20:35

I prefer the term moist walls to resin walls
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Re: Reinforced resin walls

Post by darklizard45 » 04 Sep 2016, 20:46

Carmac wrote:I prefer the term moist walls to resin walls
Paper mache walls?

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Re: Reinforced resin walls

Post by MauroVega » 05 Sep 2016, 18:10

just to hivelords,making them more important,you know "supreme hive builder"

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Re: Reinforced resin walls

Post by Knoxon » 05 Sep 2016, 18:52

+1 to hivelords being able to harden resin walls but I don't think it should be for ALL their plasma, just having it cost more than it takes to make a regular wall would be fine, maybe about double the plasma amount
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Re: Reinforced resin walls

Post by GarlicBread » 07 Sep 2016, 04:03

+1 for tactical Hivelord Walls

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Re: Reinforced resin walls

Post by YungCuz » 07 Sep 2016, 09:10

Oh goody another thing to make playing marine a living hell. Ayyliums
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Re: Reinforced resin walls

Post by username123 » 07 Sep 2016, 13:09

Just no, a single hivelord is more than enought to build a very well protected hive at the beginning of the round, when i play as hive im able to build a 3 wall thick wall outside of the hive, with doors, nest and everything that is needed to stop marines to get in the hive for at least 15 minutes, if this is added, i'll powergame the hell out of it to to make impossible for marines to get in the hive, -1.

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Re: Reinforced resin walls

Post by Snypehunter007 » 03 Jun 2017, 03:00

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