Pilot ejection seat

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Pilot ejection seat

Post by Tristan63 » 12 Sep 2016, 19:21

Summary (a quick, 2-3 sentence summary): If the pilot gets in a pinch, they can pull the cord on their seat. The seat will land in a random place on the LV-624 map, and only works if you are in-flight. This could be useful if you have a handful of xenos coming up and you cant shoot back (Pilots don't carry big guns) so you can plop yourself on the ground and be a survivor. You need to have PO access to launch, and can be accessible through a small console on the cockpits wall.
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Re: Pilot ejection seat

Post by Jroinc1 » 12 Sep 2016, 19:23

I actually kinda like this one.
Inb4 pilot pulls cord while surrounded by marines, confused marines are scared.
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Re: Pilot ejection seat

Post by Warnipple » 12 Sep 2016, 21:07

It would be nice but the Rasp technically goes into space so how do you explain ejection after that?
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Re: Pilot ejection seat

Post by TeknoKot » 13 Sep 2016, 01:55

Why not just be able to pull the cord any time you wish? If in Sulaco, you get bonus 50 brute damage to the head and a broken skull.
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Re: Pilot ejection seat

Post by NoahKirchner » 13 Sep 2016, 02:23

Warnipple wrote:It would be nice but the Rasp technically goes into space so how do you explain ejection after that?
Explain it as a hazard hardsuit connected to a backpack or something that, when you activate it extends around your body and makes the atmosphere less deadly to enter through? Just a thought
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Re: Pilot ejection seat

Post by Jroinc1 » 13 Sep 2016, 08:55

Warnipple wrote:It would be nice but the Rasp technically goes into space so how do you explain ejection after that?
It has a pilot survival system. Hell, maybe the seat's an escape capsule, like on a few high-altitude military aircraft in the 60's-80's.
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Re: Pilot ejection seat

Post by Warnipple » 13 Sep 2016, 16:58

It would have to be an escape pod rather than an ejection seat.

Maybe add an anounncement to Command that the pilot has used the escape pod and make it one time use only. Maybe even destroy the shuttle console on the Rasp when its used.
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Re: Pilot ejection seat

Post by Tristan63 » 13 Sep 2016, 19:39

Warnipple wrote:It would be nice but the Rasp technically goes into space so how do you explain ejection after that?
In the movie there was two seats in the cockpit, and their was glass overhead. Ejection would blow the glass and the seat would have several mini-micro bursts, before being shot out into wherever by a solid propellent rocket.

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Re: Pilot ejection seat

Post by Wubs4Scrubs » 31 Mar 2017, 05:25


On one hand I love this idea, I think it would lead to some great RP moments where the pilot is left behind enemy lines and must make their way back. On the other hand I think it would just potentially lead to more meta gaming since realistically the aliens would probably have no idea what happened if the pilot just shot out of the rasp. Of course the second the PO left the rasp any aliens on the ground would be alerted and a manhunt would likely quickly end the pilot. Additionally, I see some baldie POs every so often and having an eject switch in combination with that frankly just scares me.

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Re: Pilot ejection seat

Post by Snypehunter007 » 02 Jul 2017, 14:54

Going to run through this with BMC, tomorrow. Please do not post until after Monday (07/03/17).
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Re: Pilot ejection seat

Post by Bmc777 » 03 Jul 2017, 17:06

This would be far too easy to grief and make an entire dropship useless for a round. Denied.
