Benefits (How this will benefit the server and game as a whole): Allows ravager to be more viable compared to elite/ancient hunters, and allows more strategic play/thinking when using a ravager.
Details (Description of how you think this would work, the benefits, etc):Here's a rough idea of how it would work:
Young ravager - starts with 1 charge, can gain an additional 1
Mature ravager - starts with 1 charge, can gain an additional 2
Elite ravager - starts with 2 charges, can gain an additional 2
Ancient ravager - starts with 3! charges, can gain an additional 3
Charges (past whatever number you start with) regen and store up to 50 % slower per charge, cumulative. (charge 1 regen 30? secs? charge 2 60, etc) Several circumstances can change this, for example:
Decapitating someone gives you an instant free charge
Being hit by fire gives you an instant free charge, but only 1 per flame application
frenzy hormones decrease charge cooldown
If you hit 50% or below health, you gain 1 charge
Being stunned by an explosion loses 1 charge (You cannot lose any charges you start with)
Hitting a wall makes you lose a charge (You cannot lose any charges you start with)
Charge cost from 30>20, very small forced delay between activating stored charges to prevent abuse.
Implementation (Optional, if you have an idea how to implement it):Sorry, i'm not a coder at all, and obviously don't have access to the code.