Add a third faction, Predators to the game. A group (2-4) of Predators will occasionally be added to the round. They're hostile to both the aliens and the marines. Predators have been a huge part of the Aliens universe ever since the first crossover, and I honestly believe it would be wrong if they didn't get included one way or another.
Benefits (How this will benefit the server and game as a whole):
Predators would bring a lot of variety to the game. They would easily draw in a lot of people, and their inclusion would make rounds with them a lot more interesting for everyone involved. They're a huge part of the series and I think they would make a great addition to the server.
Details (Description of how you think this would work, the benefits, etc):
Predators would probably operate a lot like space ninjas from the base game. They should have invisibility, a mask and claws by default, and should be given a set amount of telecrystals to spend on optional gear. Predators should be unable to use guns (their hands do not fit the triggers), but their gear should also not be useable by humans. Predators should also have a bag for storing decapitated heads and trophies.
Default items:
Claws: Can't be disarmed. Can decapitate marines if aimed for the head. Moderately powerful and very reliable, but somewhat outclassed in damage and utility by some other weapons.
Mask: Lets the Predator see through walls, blocks facehuggers, provides protection and imitate human voices for distractions.
Cloaking Device: Allows the Predator go invisible. Allows them to sneak up on unsuspecting targets and kill them in melee. Probably not an item, but an ability.
Additional items:
Combi-stick: Telescopic baton in spear format, can be stored when retracted easily. Doubles as both a good melee weapon and a powerful javelin.
Plasma Caster: Strong energy cannon, takes a long time to recharge. Strongest weapon a Predator can get, but costs significantly more than most other items.
Laser Mines: Hard to see and very powerful. Downside is that, unlike most weapons, the mines are not reusable.
Remote bomb: Predator can detonate a powerful explosive to kill himself and his enemies around him. Used as a last resort and prevents his weapons from falling into the hands of the Marine scientists. Basically an amped microbomb implant?
Net-Launcher: Traps enemies under a net and stuns them. Used for preventing enemies from escaping and makes them vulnerable to melee attacks.
Smart-disc: Thrown weapon, maybe some way to make it target the closest enemy?
Glaive: Two-handed polearm, does a lot of damage in melee.
Other potential weapons could include the scimitar, the spear-gun, a plasma pistol or a whip
Lastly, it should be said that a Predator cannot kill an unarmed or defenseless human. Predators cannot communicate with humans, but could possibly form an alliance with them under certain circumstances. If the aliens manage to infect a Predator with a facehugger, the larva that bursts could evolve into a Predalien.
Predators should never allow themselves or their equipment fall into enemy hands. Other Predators should try their best to recover or destroy the remains of their fallen allies.
Practically all the icons were done for Predators in late October. However, I'm working on revising some of them. The plan is to have several different styles of armor so that not all Predators look alike. Here's an example of what Predators could look like in game.