Add more variety of ammo/weapons to the req console.

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Add more variety of ammo/weapons to the req console.

Post by username123 » 04 Oct 2016, 08:55

Summary (a quick, 2-3 sentence summary):


Benefits (How this will benefit the server and game as a whole):

Req will be able to order more usefull things with the console besides ammo for specs/attachments/explosives. These weapons will also balance a little bit the game for marines at late game, when aliens have a few mature/elite T3 aliens that are almost impossible to kill with regular equipment if the aliens are competent.

Details (Description of how you think this would work, the benefits, etc):

To balance the things, the "exotic" ammo and weapons will be unlocked on the console past an hour in the round to prevent marines/cargo technicians to order a bunch of those powerful weapons and ammo before briefing.

For weapons, the Heavy Pulse Rifle and Marksman Rifle should definetly have a unique crate that can be ordered on the console and not from a W-Y crate that requires luck to get some of those weapons, make the HPR crates worth 50-60 points and have 3 HPR in each crate, without magazines, for the Markman Rifle crate, 30-40 points because the marksman rifle is basically an m41 rifle with a scope and a stock which gain all it's power from the type of bullet it can shoot, which is marksman bullets.

For ammo, of course, HPR ammo and Marksman ammo, the HPR ammo should cost around 40-50 points and have as minimun 6 magazines, as maximun, 9, this way the RO will have to buy the HPR crate with the ammo and use around 100 points from the console, with 6 magazines, the RO will be able to give 3 marines a HPR with 2 magazines each, with 9 magazines in the crate, each marine will get 3 magazines, which is a decent amount of ammo taking in consideration how much ammo is used on assaults, same for the Marksman ammo.

Other kind of ammo that should be added is Incendiary and hollowpoint ammo for the M41/SMG, the only way to get that kind of ammo currently is to order a surplus ammo crate which only has 5 magazines chosen at random and cost 50 points, in short terms, is a waste of points to order that crate, same for the W-Y and BM crates.

Implementation (Optional, if you have an idea how to implement it):

Not hard to add, just add the crates into the REQ console code.

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Byond: forwardslashN

Re: Add more variety of ammo/weapons to the req console.

Post by forwardslashN » 04 Oct 2016, 12:37

You can order a boatload of stuff as req, including all sorts of ammo, black market stuff, and other doodads. You are not meant to have direct access to a lot of guns, outside of ordering in bulk. Denied.
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