Benefits (How this will benefit the server and game as a whole):You can get a bigger community and such, Allow people the freedom to add to the community via they're own community servers with restictions that still allow people the freedom to create a new way to play CM.
Details (Description of how you think this would work, the benefits, etc):Just allow people the freedom to if they want make a server for they're friends or who ever for them to dick around or change shit like allow they're friends or specific access people to join and do stuff like play pred or create fights, battle royal whiskey outpost, Stuff that you guys dont normaly allow to be done, And if you don't like what the servers doing just backdoor in and make em stop what you dont like. This can be a big thing to show the community you support them if they want to create a server without restrictions to they're creativity, Allow them the ability to think of something you guys dont think about, Allow them the freedom to create a server for people who dont feel like playing normal CM and feel like trying a new experience, Basicly the intent i have with this suggestion is to have a CM server with restrictions to changing the entire feel of the game but giving the freedom to use the code and create something they cant experience with normal CM servers, Lets say they want to play pred and be free to have hardcore non rp battles with others, Of course you guys dont do that so releaseing a code with restrictions would give them the freedom to do that without having to find leaked code and risk law suits or other problems, Kinda like the server that was shut down for leaked code but not as much as a problem or created by as bad of people,Remember if you choose to do this you can please the community but you will need to controll everything just a tiny bit cause you dont know what people are gonna do on those servers, Controlled community servers. Quote me on this community over personal gain.
Implementation (Optional, if you have an idea how to implement it):Just give code with a backdoor to enter and stop anything you dont like about that server so you have controll over the server if people are abusing they're power, Or trying to take over CM with they're ideals and no good intention for the community.
Consider the fact at some point people will want more freedom in the community why not start now