Possibility to respawn if body was fully devoured\destroyed

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Possibility to respawn if body was fully devoured\destroyed

Post by qDan » 09 Oct 2016, 21:45

Summary: Add ability to every marine-side player to respawn after some period of time as a same\new marine if his body was completely destroyed without possibility to retrieve body&head for a cloning purpose.

Benefits: this feature will remove unfair situation when player w\o body who would like to continue current round as human forced to either join xeno team or quit game (or wait for ert but we all know how much time usually it takes and how 'competent' most command stuff usually are)

Details: respawn feature may be implemented in many ways, for now I suggest simple check on code level to definitely know that body could not be retrieved for cloning + 10-20m timer which will deter any kind of abusive tactics such as zerg or jihad rush. Marine may respawn as himself (name+specialization), as new one with his own\random name and standard marine ID or be able to choose from roster of available 'classes' like on start screen.

Implementation of this idea wont be very difficult in terms of coding because xenos already got similar spawn structure and wont hurt balance at all because 1) its just extending current cloning possibility so all players will be able to return in game fairly and 2) the more marines are in-game the more hosts will xenos get so this feature profitable for all.
Theres might be small tweaks like increasing timer to 30-40 minutes and or restricting some classes but Im sure that in a core this idea balanced enough to not waste lots of time on polishing.

Implementation: same as for aluems - join message with prompt-line and timer to prevent early returning. If more precise format uncodable, something like classic BayStation with possibility to return from death after big quantity of time.

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Re: Possibility to respawn if body was fully devoured\destroyed

Post by TopHatPenguin » 09 Oct 2016, 21:53

With cloning being removed soontm I think this will probably end up being denied but on the off chance this isn't I'm going to go with a -1 as marines have a boatload of late joins most rounds unless it's high>med>low pop swing which if with a respawn as well would make fighting against the marines a hellish task as the pure numbers would in-theory overwhelm the aliens.

On a side note Rt's are kind of the designated marine 'respawn' currently for dead players, with some chance that it may place you as the enemy.

EDIT: If I recall there was an idea floating around a while back for a reinforcement shuttle full of marines with random names who could be taken over by the dead/ghosted, although I have no idea if any of the dev chaps picked that up or if they're even looking into it, but at the very least it could work well with this suggestion.
Last edited by TopHatPenguin on 09 Oct 2016, 21:55, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Possibility to respawn if body was fully devoured\destroyed

Post by lucashunter608 » 09 Oct 2016, 21:54

Maybe add a full hour limit? the marine should get back to the screen and choose another character to pick, making things a little bit interesting, since you'll keep seeing other faces in the battlefield instead of the usual you see, good suggestion through. +1

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Re: Possibility to respawn if body was fully devoured\destroyed

Post by qDan » 09 Oct 2016, 22:09

TopHatPenguin wrote: marines have a boatload of late joins most rounds unless it's high>med>low pop swing which if with a respawn as well would make fighting against the marines a hellish task as the pure numbers would in-theory overwhelm the aliens.
Sorry, but its not a valid argument because you are talking about whole dead players party, while Im suggesting to give RL players who was squished by FF or gibbed w\o reason by Queen just for fun of the Hive possibility to continue game as an new 'pretending to be cloned' one. How many marines usually git gib'd? Two, four, maybe dozen if its three-four hours round and Queen goes madness-style, but not more. So how average two-three 'returned' marines could make it harder for aluems, which technically become stronger each passed second?

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Re: Possibility to respawn if body was fully devoured\destroyed

Post by TopHatPenguin » 09 Oct 2016, 22:31

qDan wrote:So how average two-three 'returned' marines could make it harder for aluems, which technically become stronger each passed second?
Depending on who gets 'respawned' (i.e. a vet player or a new chap) it can have an effect for good or for bad. I can agree with you that it's unlikely that it could turn the tide but it's still a possibility nonetheless and as such shouldn't be ruled out.

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Re: Possibility to respawn if body was fully devoured\destroyed

Post by Renomaki » 09 Oct 2016, 22:34

You COULD just join the xenos if there are larva to spare, since we all know that the community is known to have a lot of marine-biased players that refuse to join the xeno ranks when they die.

The reasons xenos got buffed the way they did was because of marines not wanting the xenos to win by any means, even if it meant staying dead.
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Re: Possibility to respawn if body was fully devoured\destroyed

Post by coroneljones » 10 Oct 2016, 04:13

Why bother recovering bodies as a marine if they can just respawn after a while, in a way, this encourages turtling, marines can just sit in the Fob, not bother recovering dead bodies or saving marines, and wait for them to respawn after a while
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Re: Possibility to respawn if body was fully devoured\destroyed

Post by Casany » 10 Oct 2016, 08:42

If your saying you can only respawn if your body was destroyed I.E. queen gibs you in the hive. If that's it then +1. If not, -1
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Re: Possibility to respawn if body was fully devoured\destroyed

Post by TopHatPenguin » 10 Oct 2016, 09:13

Casany wrote:If your saying you can only respawn if your body was destroyed I.E. queen gibs you in the hive.
The problem with that is if this gets accepted gibbing might as well be removed as no queen would want to give a Marine player a respawn.I mean icly there isn't a reason to gib from what I can see other then to destroy light sources.
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Re: Possibility to respawn if body was fully devoured\destroyed

Post by qDan » 10 Oct 2016, 09:47

coroneljones wrote:-1
Why bother recovering bodies as a marine if they can just respawn after a while, in a way, this encourages turtling, marines can just sit in the Fob, not bother recovering dead bodies or saving marines, and wait for them to respawn after a while
Thats a cool story of cause, but are you sure you wrote it in a proper thread? Because this topic solely about DEAD MARINES WITHOUT BODIES, who, as far as I know, cant be cloned. I have no idea why to bother to recover bodies as marine, but Im 100% sure that learning to read before comment far more necessary thing to do.
Casany wrote:If your saying you can only respawn if your body was destroyed I.E. queen gibs you in the hive. If that's it then +1. If not, -1
Thread name: Possibility to respawn if body was fully devoured\destroyed
Summary: Add ability...to respawn if body was completely destroyed without possibility to retrieve body&head for a cloning purpose.
Details: ...for now I suggest simple check on code level to definitely know that body could not be retrieved for cloning

Well...this is really hard question, lemme contact WY muhrin support just in case...

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Re: Possibility to respawn if body was fully devoured\destroyed

Post by outordinary » 10 Oct 2016, 10:59

Renomaki wrote:You COULD just join the xenos if there are larva to spare, since we all know that the community is known to have a lot of marine-biased players that refuse to join the xeno ranks when they die.

The reasons xenos got buffed the way they did was because of marines not wanting the xenos to win by any means, even if it mean't staying dead.
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Re: Possibility to respawn if body was fully devoured\destroyed

Post by Boltersam » 10 Oct 2016, 11:20

outordinary wrote: My response to this in a nutshell.
Pretty much.

And Apop has stated multiple times that if you die you're supposed to become a Xeno. But who listens to the person who is spearheading the entire server's existence? Hah!

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Re: Possibility to respawn if body was fully devoured\destroyed

Post by Jroinc1 » 10 Oct 2016, 17:42

TENTATIVE +1 if the timer starts once there are no braindead aliens left (no unclaimed larva), and PAUSES if there's an open larva slot.
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Re: Possibility to respawn if body was fully devoured\destroyed

Post by forwardslashN » 10 Oct 2016, 21:23

This isn't happening. If you are dead, you are dead. Otherwise we would likely have respawn turned on. There may be more opportunity to do cool stuff if you are dead, but you always have the option of coming back as a xeno, and marines already have endless waves of late joins that need to be accounted for.
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