Adding Smart Gun Variants

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Adding Smart Gun Variants

Post by HighwaterOffical » 02 Feb 2015, 15:51

Because i'm tired of having people say "Oh yea lets add smart guns" or "We should totally add smartguns" and then not bothering to do it. SO. Here goes:

M56 Smart Gun
One of these will spawn in each squads armory, ontop of the riot shield. It wont just be the gun on the table, It will be a box, with a vest, the targeting optic, and a IRONMAN type backpack, and a pair of gloves, all of which are linked together to be the set up of the weapon itself, If all the equipment is put on, and the weapon is picked up (Requires 2 hands) ONLY THEN can you fire the weapon.

The Vest

Houses the pump for the hydraulics of the arm, the battery, and coolant system for the gun

The Targeting Optic

Highlights non human mobs (Monkeys, Xenos, Mice, ect. ect.) with a bright red flashing outline once they are in sight (Dosent see through walls)

The backpack
Houses 1000 rounds of ammo, which can be refilled simalarly to the machine gun, by simply clicking on the backpack with a box of ammo (4 ammo refills will spawn on the same tile as the gun)

The pair of Gloves
Generally apart of the arm kit that goes along with the vest, Consists of electronics to connect the gun to the rig that the user wears, and hydraulics to support the 500 pound gun. Aswell as recoil dampeners.

Specs will generally consist of a STUPID fire rate, but the same damage of the SMG, Or perhaps lower.


There will be a Admin/HiT/Centcomm Assault Team version

The M57D "Dirty" Smartgun

Basicly, acording to xenopedia, it fires rounds that splinter inside the target into millions of radioactive particles, causing INANE toxin damage, (Could be translated to fire)

Everything matches the specs above, but it will have green bullets, to represent radiation (obviously) And when it hits, it will some what match the damage of the 44 magnum, and continue to do burn damage for a period of time. For balance issues, it should also have a slower fire rate, but sound a hell of alot heavier.

The User will also have radioactive/fire shielding for safety procautions
Pssssssssssssstt... I would love to make some sprites for this to, -nudges apop-
Last edited by HighwaterOffical on 02 Feb 2015, 15:52, edited 1 time in total.

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RE: Adding Smart Gun Variants

Post by MrGabol100 » 02 Feb 2015, 16:07

I just literally made a weapons rework suggestion too! Now, four things:

1. Format this or we'll be punched in the face by admins!

2. I'll link this from my thread also.

3. The dirty would fire low toxin damage bullets, like 0.3 toxin damage per hit, that slowly grow, and toxin damage to the owner, like 1 damage per minute if not wearing proper radiation suit.

4. The eye piece should have a Right-Click Option to change between humans and non-humans targeting, or ignore people with marine armors, like the trackers.

What do you think?

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Byond: xomega000x

RE: Adding Smart Gun Variants

Post by xomega000x » 02 Feb 2015, 23:12

Good idea. I think I asked If we could add the Smart Gunner in one of my Suggestion threads as well. Seeing how aliens run around like chickens without a head, this'll help avoid friendly fire slightly.
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RE: Adding Smart Gun Variants

Post by johners12345 » 04 Feb 2015, 23:01

This would be awesome. Only reason to hate it is because I know as alium it will wreck menace suggestion... Agreed with Gabol the bear
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RE: Adding Smart Gun Variants

Post by UnknownMurder » 05 Feb 2015, 06:48

Doesn't count as a suggestion. Follow the format next time.
