Marines Training/Bootcamp Events

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Marines Training/Bootcamp Events

Post by xomega000x » 02 Feb 2015, 20:23

Suggestion Title:Marines Training/Bootcamp Event.

Summary (a quick, 2-3 sentence summary):Basically an event where the marines get trained in discipline and combat.

Benefits (How this will benefit the server and game as a whole):Seeing as how many new members [and goon kids], or even older members, this will benefit the server quite nice due to the fact that Marines could get the Idea of how to act in most combat situations, and special ones.

Details (Description of how you think this would work, the benefits, etc):Basically, at first they get told the basic R.O.Es [rules of engagement], then they move onto target practice and field maneuvering, after that they reach to the final stage, basically a TDM with specialists. This part however can be altered If the "aliums" wish to get training as well, by making a team almost melee only. Giving them higher running speed, some less armor and stun-prods. Oh, and something that knocks you out from a slight distance. [neurotoxin]. However, there might be a 3rd team sent in, as the about-to be-implemented Weyland Yutani PMCs. They would probably be sent in later, or just sent in, but they would choose the "sneaky" ways for their own sake. To be honest there could be certain areas where each "team" gets their own rules,ideas,and training,so nobody Is put in the same bunch. SIDE-NOTE: The Instructors will be only trusted and smart Veterans that manage to robust their ways around Xenomorphs in older rounds or what-not.

Implementation (Optional, if you have an idea how to implement it):To be honest, It would be kinda hard, but you'll just have to remove the aliums for the round and move to Nostromor. The admins will be mainly running things.
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RE: Marines Training/Bootcamp Events

Post by Sellka » 02 Feb 2015, 20:44

Oh man. With the tons of new guys flooding in. Atleast we can get people to stop aiming for the head. That and maybe some courses that involve basic medical to surgery. Learning how to hack doors to rebuilding and setting up the singularity, and maintaining it. Defensive tactics could be made up given some time. Maybe a training seminar for potential commanders?

In other words yes. We could use this.
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RE: Marines Training/Bootcamp Events

Post by Rovernic » 03 Feb 2015, 03:32

Well, I don't know how 'exciting' an event it would be. You'd need some type of squad v squad laz tag at the very least while training, or people will just get bored and leave.

Yes, marines need some training overall, but it has to have some degree of fun too.
As SL, my biggest issue is just marines not responding to orders promptly or at all.

Aiming for the head is another issue. Marines take harder hits there, aliens get missed more often... real army units aim for center mass anyway.

If marines learned to move in combat formation keeping lanes of fire, the balance of the game would probably shift heavily in their favor.
Come to think of it, you could have marines spawn, use Nostromo as a "kill house". Nostromo is set up to appear like a combat situation so marines can train it it under combat simulated environment. Let them set up the laser tag rounds, let them run it a few times and do some training, then let the aliens run loose. The training goes from suppose to feel real to HOLY CRAP THIS IS REAL.
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RE: Marines Training/Bootcamp Events

Post by UnknownMurder » 03 Feb 2015, 08:06

No. Just no. Marines are trained before they are dispatched to their mission.

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RE: Marines Training/Bootcamp Events

Post by MrGabol100 » 03 Feb 2015, 10:43

UnknownMurder wrote: No. Just no. Marines are trained before they are dispatched to their mission.
We have TONS of new players, YES. JUST YES. This is more like an OOC event, we need this, or we'll keep getting fucking retarded marines pushing people into alien nests while they are trying to deal with the huggers.

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RE: Marines Training/Bootcamp Events

Post by coroneljones » 03 Feb 2015, 11:43

Well,used in an IC way,it could be a monthly(IC time) exercise to keep the marines ready,and to make them remember training
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RE: Marines Training/Bootcamp Events

Post by apophis775 » 03 Feb 2015, 18:29

ACtually, I've been trying to figure out a way to do this for awhile.

My current thought is:

1. Make stun versions of the weapons
2. Split players into 2 groups, A and B
3. When A is marines, B is wearing Xeno costumes and wielding Stunprods
4. Stun means knock-out
5. Reverse, when one side wins.

This way, we can run stuff OVER AND OVER with minimal adjustments by staff.
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RE: Marines Training/Bootcamp Events

Post by Sellka » 03 Feb 2015, 21:18

apophis775 wrote: ACtually, I've been trying to figure out a way to do this for awhile.

My current thought is:

1. Make stun versions of the weapons
2. Split players into 2 groups, A and B
3. When A is marines, B is wearing Xeno costumes and wielding Stunprods
4. Stun means knock-out
5. Reverse, when one side wins.

This way, we can run stuff OVER AND OVER with minimal adjustments by staff.

Well if we are to make it an ic idea. It would run towards pirates and rebels if we are sticking with the whole no idea what Xenos are. Still could work though, having a team a and b could carry say stun rifles and stun batons. Eventually if the mercs get added we could see some a,b,c teams and see what evolving tactics could be created. The bridge might have to be redone a little. Two-three security feeds, maybe a two door blast door area between the lo assignment are and the bridge. Might make it a more defendable area with two small 1x3 hallways.
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RE: Marines Training/Bootcamp Events

Post by xomega000x » 04 Feb 2015, 06:38

I mean we can combine a bit of Instructor shouting with R.O.Es and what-not, but yeah do also a laser-tag event too.

Though the Idea of Xenomorphs flooding in sounds a bit meh-ish, though the idea of pirates vs. Mahreenz sounds much more better.

But the Instructor must play an important role, for both parts, and that role should be "whitelisted".

Also, Is there a Space-Law book for the retarded self righteous MP around 'ere?
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RE: Marines Training/Bootcamp Events

Post by coroneljones » 04 Feb 2015, 06:54

There is a Marine Law book,and MP Guide book in the code,sadly it doesnt appear in the map i think and needs to be spawned
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RE: Marines Training/Bootcamp Events

Post by Arom » 04 Feb 2015, 13:49

ability to practice medical or hacking before going on mission is thing what we realy need

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RE: Marines Training/Bootcamp Events

Post by johners12345 » 04 Feb 2015, 22:52

I support it.. Especially if we can get in training on military positions such as ffr or forward front roe. Some type of military positions for when slums attack your not running ahead of each other and getting shot. Or maintaining some order of discipline. I mean as commander it can just get god damn pitiful at hoe some marines act. Just.. No
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RE: Marines Training/Bootcamp Events

Post by Nalsur » 04 Feb 2015, 23:53


Unknown, marines and pretty much ANY MILITARY in the known universe (for some robust Sci-fi/Fantasy exceptions) Do regular drill training to make sure each individual soldier and groups of them do remember their training and to make sure they can perform effectively. Eg: WH40K - Space Marines. They never do training drills they spent years doing that and fighting as Scout Marines before getting augmented.

As for the Implementation.. turning it into a Stun TDM is bullshit. It's probably gonna be fun but that's not what we need (in terms of making people learn) it could be a neat attachment to such events.. but nothing more than that. It does not have to be in any way related to Aliens. An engagement is a bloody engagement. Doesn't really matter who you fight Xenos or Humans. Discipline and such needs to be thought. But not everyone/many people would like it. On the Alien Side... they could have similar "training" in the matter of Distant Hive daily routine event. In which some Elders of various Caste's teach the Youngsters a trick or two.

A "Joke" regarding medical Training:

The Commander is standing in the briefing room with two men next to him, he has two loaded revolvers in his hands and they are crossed behind his back as he speaks.
Commander: Aight ye apes. Today ye gonna be doing Medical Training. *spits*
Some marines: *whisper* *whisper*
The commander aims his guns at the two nearest men (out of those who stood next to him) and pulls the trigger. Shot's land in their heads.
Commander: Lesson number one. Check their heads for holes, bullet or otherwise. *spits*
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RE: Marines Training/Bootcamp Events

Post by johners12345 » 05 Feb 2015, 00:00

One I thought of is including your set up, such as where to put certain weapons, how to dress and such but. Good players giving drill sessions would be fun. Could help give Curtis use. Maybe forum hierarchy for these events
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RE: Marines Training/Bootcamp Events

Post by TopHatPenguin » 05 Feb 2015, 13:39

It would be nice for engineers to know how to actually be a engineer instead of "I can only flip and build tables ........."

Hopefully if these training sessions go well Engineers will know how to set up singulo make hidden doors and set up a apc all the basics you need.
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RE: Marines Training/Bootcamp Events

Post by UnknownMurder » 05 Feb 2015, 15:48

Back to the topic. I don't see how I can start the training where MARINES can RP to it.

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RE: Marines Training/Bootcamp Events

Post by coroneljones » 05 Feb 2015, 16:31

Might try a Training bootcamp event during the weekend
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RE: Marines Training/Bootcamp Events

Post by johners12345 » 05 Feb 2015, 18:19

Awe I won't be there.. I'm still sure it can be set up
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RE: Marines Training/Bootcamp Events

Post by xomega000x » 06 Feb 2015, 01:56

Well, after all this Is a RP server, Isn't It?

Seeing how most Mahreenz can't even RP and just say "Shit!" or "FUCKING IDIOT!" over and over, never using the "Me" tab,

I kinda see where you're going at.
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RE: Marines Training/Bootcamp Events

Post by Sellka » 07 Feb 2015, 08:32

xomega000x wrote: Well, after all this Is a RP server, Isn't It?

Seeing how most Mahreenz can't even RP and just say "Shit!" or "FUCKING IDIOT!" over and over, never using the "Me" tab,

I kinda see where you're going at.
Let's be honest here, half the time you don't really have time to talk it out, when aliens are breathing down your neck. I'll be honest and say I've done it a few times. The whole me thing?... Yeah I've barely used it due to well a small minority of users use it

When it comes to a large playbase you almost have to set the tone to serious in game to really get results. Training useually forces people to see what's acceptable and what's not. That and people will probably be trained to role play aswell. Keep in mind there are language barriers that exist out there. That and this is comming from playing some gmod servers when I use to play sst on monkeys and wallys rp.
Last edited by Sellka on 07 Feb 2015, 08:37, edited 1 time in total.
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RE: Marines Training/Bootcamp Events

Post by xomega000x » 07 Feb 2015, 16:55

Oh, um last time I played CM I was Alpha SL, we got into medbay.

That was exactly our "last transmission"...

We got slaughtered due to fucktard mahreenz not covering the flanks, we literally got picked off until we were 3,

Then the queen bomb-rushed us with the scream, gg.
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RE: Marines Training/Bootcamp Events

Post by apophis775 » 14 Feb 2015, 14:58

This, will be a thing on day. Trying to work out how to do it.

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RE: Marines Training/Bootcamp Events

Post by xomega000x » 15 Feb 2015, 10:39

Well, I think you'd need 2-3 mods and at least one mod for this.

One guy Is the Inspector/Commander [Must be some veteran hardcore RPer that has knowledge at least of decent military shutff]

And two [Depending on Marines number] could be the Drill Instructors.

Gamemodes could be the ones that I put in, laser tag gear could be used, or just ye' olde weapons though have stun capabilities and not brute/harm.
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RE: Marines Training/Bootcamp Events

Post by apophis775 » 17 Feb 2015, 12:10

My thought was, to use a mix ot laser/stun weapons, and xeno costumes.
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RE: Marines Training/Bootcamp Events

Post by UnknownMurder » 17 Feb 2015, 12:14

Or... Make it like... Ender's Game combat style. You all seen it?
