Benefits (How this will benefit the server and game as a whole): Stopping one form of aliens' meta, that admins seems to don't care about. Reducing general level of meta on server.
Details (Description of how you think this would work, the benefits, etc): I've seen many times when aliens were putting dead marines on LZs, or pulled them to deepest part of caves from colony. Aliens DON'T HAVE ANY REASON TO DO THAT except for meta.
- Make a rule, that forbiddens aliens to pull dead marines deep into caves. Not enforcing admins to look for it, ghosts ahelp by themselves, if they spot aliens being dicks.
- Make change in codes to prevent this. Two ideas: aliens unable to unnest dead marines. Exactly, you will need new nests! OR, make system, that you can pull only recently unnested dead marine and only for 5 tiles / 3 seconds.