Briefing flash no more

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Briefing flash no more

Post by Renomaki » 31 Oct 2016, 10:52

Summary (a quick, 2-3 sentence summary): After so many experiences where briefing flashings did nothing but cause more chaos as a whole, I think it is about time we removed the worthless things.

On paper, it is a nice idea: Marines getting too rowdy during briefing? Flash em to get their attention and get em to sit down and shut up. In practice, however, it just causes the marines to get even louder and more unfocused, cries of "Commander is bald!" filling the air, people messing with their flashlights intensifying and generally being assholes out of spite.

A real commander shouldn't have to flash his marines repetitively just to get them to focus. Simply requesting they do should be enough, and if the commander himself is so bothered by a handful of marines being noisy while everyone else is paying attention, flashing EVERYONE isn't the way to go about it.

Benefits (How this will benefit the server and game as a whole): Removal of it should hopefully reduce the amount of low RP riots from happening during briefing, commanders will have to find more mature ways to get their men to pay attention, and marines who ARE paying attention won't have to suffer the annoyance of being stunned repetitively for no raisin

Details (Description of how you think this would work, the benefits, etc): There isn't a whole lot to it other than just removing it. It won't be there anymore, nada, zip. Commanders will need to use commanding maturity to get their men to sit instead of spamming the flash button.

Implementation (Optional, if you have an idea how to implement it): Again, same as Details. Nothing to it other than simply making the flashers in briefing go poof.
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Byond: NoahKirchner

Re: Briefing flash no more

Post by NoahKirchner » 31 Oct 2016, 11:32

+1, half the time the CO doesn't even use it, he opens the door and the chief engineer some baldie presses it and flashes half the room, giggling all the way to the brig. He has MP's to control the rowdy marines if he needs to, and flashbangs if the ENTIRE room does actually need to be flashed.
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Re: Briefing flash no more

Post by Snypehunter007 » 09 May 2017, 17:16


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