Xeno Roleplay Issues - Part 1: Names

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Xeno Roleplay Issues - Part 1: Names

Post by Polkjm » 02 Nov 2016, 12:49

Hi, I'm some random guy you don't know who rarely posts on the forums but really loves this server. I came to the forums because an issue has been truly bothering me with the game and I think it's something nobody really talks about and could be improved on easily. I am not talking about anything related to balance or gameplay. I'm talking about the heart of the game we love: roleplay.

Summary (a quick, 2-3 sentence summary):

I think it's very hard for Xenomorphs to have entertaining and fun roleplay because they are very restricted in how they can act, so improvements that do NOT impact the game direrctly should be made. The first thing that has always bothered me is the lack of personnality, which prevents xeno players from being:
-Recognized by the community
-Recognized by other xenos in game
-Talked about in game
-Have any kind of relationship with others (beyond the eternal Boiler/Crusher love).

Thus, I think Xenomorphs should either be able to have a name. Or at the very least choose their number at game start.

Benefits (How this will benefit the server and game as a whole):

It would make for more fun roleplay on the side of xenos, and between xenos and humans. It would reduce the amount of memeing and joking around in Xeno chat. It might allow for any actual really good roleplay to occur.

And I think one thing would be very important:
Instead of making jokes and memes about OOC things, xenos could make jokes about IC xenos, just like how marines like to joke around ICly.

Details (Description of how you think this would work, the benefits, etc):

Let me begin elaborating on WHY xenomorphs rarely experience fun roleplay. The issue is truly at the core of what makes Xeno what they are. Xenomorphs are nobody. They're supposed to be mostly mindless beings that don't have a will of their own, and only act for the good of the hive. This literally means that a good xeno player that rps very well, would hardly even speak unless they have something important to say. They just follow the simple orders given to them, and never interact with other xenomorphs.

However, to have proper roleplay in any context, you're supposed to have some kind of interaction. This is where the "medium roleplay" aspect of the server comes in. You can talk to others, express emotions, maybe joke about how the little bags of flesh take off their carapace when they mate. That's fine and dandy, but it's still actually out of character if you take this from a more strict perspective.

And that's the problem: It's just impossible to roleplay perfectly a xenomorph without getting bored to death.

And the truth: almost Nobody plays xenos like they "should" be played: Mindless servants that just obey. It's come to a point where it's a common consensus that xenomorphs are kind of goofy primitive forms of intelligence that have a taste for blood and love their mum with all their heart. It's a common consensus that xenos aren't actually what the rules say they are. Maybe it's for the best that a more fun and flexible version of the whole Xenomorph concept be adopted officially, because it's simply how people currently play them.

Anyways, that certainly is up to debate. What I'm saying is, when I play xeno, I feel like I'm being restricted from roleplaying. I can't just start a conversation about nothing, I can't just ask how was your day? I can hardly compliment someone without it being half a joke, and I can't insult someone without that insult being directly translated to the player. I just have to focus on orders.

The suggestion:

I think the first step towards better roleplay for Xenos would be a way to identify them. The most barebones method would be allowing them to select a number. A better way that would be much more fun would be for Xenomorphs to actually have names. I'm thinking the naming system of the queen would be using single nouns like "Rat" or "Water" or "Star" would be a IC-friendly way to have names. Simply an easier way to identify the members of the hive for the queen. The queen herself would have a more noble name, like "Astraza" or "Serphirune", chosen by the queen-mother herself.

In the future, it might be nice to have ways to slightly customise your Xeno's appearance. Perhaps "Parrot" has brighter red on their tail, or "Rhino" has a greyer exoskeleton. However, I'm aware this isn't going to happen any time soon.

Implementation (Optional, if you have an idea how to implement it):

I think you could select your xenomorph name or number from the "Antag Options" screen, or simply from the character screen. It could be of the same style as the existing buttons for your human character. There would be both a space for a Queen xeno, and a space for a non-queen xeno. Upon clicking the space, it opens a prompt that asks for your name and specifies the rules for this type of name.

In-game, having a name would show up as this:
"Rat" Young Hunter hisses, "The bird is spitting metal!"
"Pebble" - Mature Drone hisses, "Stop dragging him!!!"
or, literally replacing the number:
Young Praetorian (Stream) hisses, "This is a nice hive."

Let me know what you think of this, and if you agree, what would be the best way for it to show up.

TL;DR: Xenos rarely have fun rp because they're literally mindless puppets, so let's at least give them names, it would be a start.

EDIT: It's important to note that marines shouldn't be able to tell the name of the Xenos
Last edited by Polkjm on 02 Nov 2016, 13:09, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Xeno Roleplay Issues - Part 1: Names

Post by TopHatPenguin » 02 Nov 2016, 12:51

We've had this many a time and I've supported it every time it pops up and I'll support it again, however this will most likely be denied as some of the community rules it as immersion breaking, albeit imo it's a necessary evil so that xeno mains can actually get recognition beyond the "-1 don't know who you are"

EDIT: I think alternately instead of nicknames have it so you can set your xeno number to a static one?
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Re: Xeno Roleplay Issues - Part 1: Names

Post by Sarah_U. » 02 Nov 2016, 13:00

Here's food for thought:

I think your suggestion reference that idea, but I'd like to push it in, incase yours is a duplicate.
Also, one of the problems is the meta from marines see'ing xeno's names... They're all looking the same, a big mob. If they see "George Washington" as a xeno, they'll most likely lay down weapon, offer it a monkey and sign a constitution for memes.
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Re: Xeno Roleplay Issues - Part 1: Names

Post by Polkjm » 02 Nov 2016, 13:06

Sarah_U. wrote:Here's food for thought:

I think your suggestion reference that idea, but I'd like to push it in, incase yours is a duplicate.
Also, one of the problems is the meta from marines see'ing xeno's names... They're all looking the same, a big mob. If they see "George Washington" as a xeno, they'll most likely lay down weapon, offer it a monkey and sign a constitution for memes.
My suggestion isn't the Queen actually branding the Xenos, it's the players choosing their name. However, ICly it's the queen that chose the names to better differentiate every one of her children.

Also, I think marines shouldn't be able to know the Xenos' names, and you can't have a name like "George Washington". It has to be a single noun chosen by the queen to represent her children.

Examples: "Tree", "Barracuda", "Eucalyptus", "Nimbus", "Dirt", etc..

EDIT: Also, I think part of the reason why that suggestion wasn't very good, is because it would be extra work for the queen, and would have people asking for names all the time. Basically, implementation would have been a hassle.
Last edited by Polkjm on 02 Nov 2016, 13:12, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Xeno Roleplay Issues - Part 1: Names

Post by TopHatPenguin » 02 Nov 2016, 13:08

Sarah_U. wrote: Also, one of the problems is the meta from marines see'ing xeno's names... They're all looking the same, a big mob. If they see "George Washington" as a xeno, they'll most likely lay down weapon, offer it a monkey and sign a constitution for memes.
Keep replying to your posts today as you're rather active which is great, anywho on with the actual post.

Meta about names is already a thing on the marines side and there isn't much you can do about it unless you make an Alt character (Which is where you notice how you don't get targeted at all as everyone thinks you're a baldy), having it for xenos as well really doens't make much of a difference as it already happens alot on the marine side anyway.

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Re: Xeno Roleplay Issues - Part 1: Names

Post by Sarah_U. » 02 Nov 2016, 13:10

Was an example.
You could add a bank of simple nouns for players to pick, but otherwise people would try to abuse that system.

e.g. "Leeroy" , "SNAAAAKE" , "George_Washington" <- Can be prevented , "Fluffy"

Idk, just saying that people will like to abuse, thus why my suggestion is centralized to make sure only 1 person is to blame. Having admins check the names of both marines and xenos is an hassle, especially since sleeping a xeno is much less forgiving for the hive than it is for the endless tide of marines.

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Re: Xeno Roleplay Issues - Part 1: Names

Post by Polkjm » 02 Nov 2016, 13:13

Sarah_U. wrote:Was an example.
You could add a bank of simple nouns for players to pick, but otherwise people would try to abuse that system.

e.g. "Leeroy" , "SNAAAAKE" , "George_Washington" <- Can be prevented , "Fluffy"

Idk, just saying that people will like to abuse, thus why my suggestion is centralized to make sure only 1 person is to blame. Having admins check the names of both marines and xenos is an hassle, especially since sleeping a xeno is much less forgiving for the hive than it is for the endless tide of marines.

Not sure why it would be a problem. I don't see any marines called xXspoonloser69Xx.

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Re: Xeno Roleplay Issues - Part 1: Names

Post by Sarah_U. » 02 Nov 2016, 13:16

Polkjm wrote:Not sure why it would be a problem. I don't see any marines called xXspoonloser69Xx.
Often exagerating to pass my view or opinion and cause some reaction, that's the case here. There most likely won't be any major issues, but I still prefer a centralized system to limit them.
Otherwise, I'm still in for branding xenos, if guidelined and moderated I'd give it a possible +1, leaning slightly neutral.
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Re: Xeno Roleplay Issues - Part 1: Names

Post by Jroinc1 » 02 Nov 2016, 19:15

Single noun/verb, minimize repeats, and subject to same acid test as 'rine names.
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Re: Xeno Roleplay Issues - Part 1: Names

Post by Azmodan412 » 02 Nov 2016, 19:15

+1 Time for the rebirth of Crimson the deadly Ravager played by the ghost of the berserker Tyler.

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Re: Xeno Roleplay Issues - Part 1: Names

Post by Casany » 02 Nov 2016, 21:56

Now! I havent read the suggestion yet, but just gonna say this has been suggested MANY MANY times and each have been denied because xeno players love to MEME. I mean, you give them this tool whos to say they wont name themselves "Gay lord" or "Pepe the Runner" or some other shit like that. Anyway, Ill edit with my opinion once I read it

EDIT - OK, after reading it I want to give it a +1 but I am still afraid xenos will use this opportunity to, instead of actually roleplay, meme and name themselves something funny or idiotic. anyway, neutral
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Re: Xeno Roleplay Issues - Part 1: Names

Post by Jroinc1 » 02 Nov 2016, 22:20

Casany wrote:Now! I havent read the suggestion yet, but just gonna say this has been suggested MANY MANY times and each have been denied because xeno players love to MEME. I mean, you give them this tool whos to say they wont name themselves "Gay lord" or "Pepe the Runner" or some other shit like that. Anyway, Ill edit with my opinion once I read it

EDIT - OK, after reading it I want to give it a +1 but I am still afraid xenos will use this opportunity to, instead of actually roleplay, meme and name themselves something funny or idiotic. anyway, neutral
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Re: Xeno Roleplay Issues - Part 1: Names

Post by Mook476 » 02 Nov 2016, 22:26

+1 I agree with this I think it would make Xeno rp much better nice post mate
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Re: Xeno Roleplay Issues - Part 1: Names

Post by Renomaki » 02 Nov 2016, 23:18

I think it would be better if xenos had random names rather than the ability to choose their own, due to meta targeting and all that jazz.
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Re: Xeno Roleplay Issues - Part 1: Names

Post by Warnipple » 03 Nov 2016, 05:43

I tried a round where I named Ancient Xenos. Would PM them if they wanted a single worded name.

The problem with this is that there is a character limit to names. I've found that someone that was a Ancient Spitter, could only have about a 6-7 character name before it runs out of space. Ancient Spitter is pretty long though but I believe the character limit definitely comes into play which makes it hard to code something related to naming xenos.

That being said, if you've read this far, if you see me online and you are of Ancient level, I wouldn't mind naming you something. I tried to do this for 1 round but 0 people responded.
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Re: Xeno Roleplay Issues - Part 1: Names

Post by Polkjm » 03 Nov 2016, 13:33

Warnipple wrote:I tried a round where I named Ancient Xenos. Would PM them if they wanted a single worded name.

The problem with this is that there is a character limit to names. I've found that someone that was a Ancient Spitter, could only have about a 6-7 character name before it runs out of space. Ancient Spitter is pretty long though but I believe the character limit definitely comes into play which makes it hard to code something related to naming xenos.

That being said, if you've read this far, if you see me online and you are of Ancient level, I wouldn't mind naming you something. I tried to do this for 1 round but 0 people responded.
In that case if you remove the number, which takes 5 letters, you get a name that could be up to 11-12 characters (Maybe 9-10 since there's quotation marks). This limitation could be easily implemented at the time of name choosing if this issue comes up.

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Re: Xeno Roleplay Issues - Part 1: Names

Post by Polkjm » 03 Nov 2016, 13:36

Renomaki wrote:I think it would be better if xenos had random names rather than the ability to choose their own, due to meta targeting and all that jazz.
I'm not sure how meta targeting would work. Marines don't often have the chance to choose their target, it's usually the other way around. If they recklessly try to meta and rush a specific alien, they'll probably end up dead, so that's probably not gonna be a big problem in my eyes.

Plus, marines already have chosen names and I think that's a much easier thing to "meta target", since you can continuously stalk them until they're alone if you're determined.

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Re: Xeno Roleplay Issues - Part 1: Names

Post by Sarah_U. » 03 Nov 2016, 16:48

Polkjm wrote:In that case if you remove the number, which takes 5 letters, you get a name that could be up to 11-12 characters (Maybe 9-10 since there's quotation marks). This limitation could be easily implemented at the time of name choosing if this issue comes up.
I think he gave the limit without the numbers, not with... Thus making it quite limited.
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Re: Xeno Roleplay Issues - Part 1: Names

Post by Renomaki » 03 Nov 2016, 20:33

Polkjm wrote:I'm not sure how meta targeting would work. Marines don't often have the chance to choose their target, it's usually the other way around. If they recklessly try to meta and rush a specific alien, they'll probably end up dead, so that's probably not gonna be a big problem in my eyes.

Plus, marines already have chosen names and I think that's a much easier thing to "meta target", since you can continuously stalk them until they're alone if you're determined.
Another thing I just realized when I threw this up was that it could also lead to xenos being spoiled by the hive a tad, mainly in evolution rights.

Say, We had this guy who was a really good crusher, and his name was Irondust. Because this xeno has a reputation for being an amazing crusher, all of a sudden, the queen won't let anyone else become crusher until this guy gets crusher first, leading to evolutionary bias, which would make xeno less fun for others who aren't as popular.

Random names would prevent xeno bias, while fixed named would, at some point or another, become the cause of it.
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Re: Xeno Roleplay Issues - Part 1: Names

Post by Polkjm » 03 Nov 2016, 21:01

Renomaki wrote:Another thing I just realized when I threw this up was that it could also lead to xenos being spoiled by the hive a tad, mainly in evolution rights.

Say, We had this guy who was a really good crusher, and his name was Irondust. Because this xeno has a reputation for being an amazing crusher, all of a sudden, the queen won't let anyone else become crusher until this guy gets crusher first, leading to evolutionary bias, which would make xeno less fun for others who aren't as popular.

Random names would prevent xeno bias, while fixed named would, at some point or another, become the cause of it.
That might be an issue indeed, I'll admit. However, with the queen UI that was suggested, this issue couldn't exist because evolution rights would be based on who fills the role first.

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Re: Xeno Roleplay Issues - Part 1: Names

Post by TopHatPenguin » 03 Nov 2016, 23:13

Renomaki wrote:Another thing I just realized when I threw this up was that it could also lead to xenos being spoiled by the hive a tad, mainly in evolution rights.

Say, We had this guy who was a really good crusher, and his name was Irondust. Because this xeno has a reputation for being an amazing crusher, all of a sudden, the queen won't let anyone else become crusher until this guy gets crusher first, leading to evolutionary bias, which would make xeno less fun for others who aren't as popular.

Random names would prevent xeno bias, while fixed named would, at some point or another, become the cause of it.
This is a slight rant not specifically at you Reno just in general for this thread because i'm tired of these threads coming up and then being denied on honestly stupid grounds.

If we're going to have a "Random names is better for aliens because it stops bias and meta targetting" we might as well make everyone including marines have random names, because honestly this is getting ridiculous.

Fixed names are already there for marines and, yes there is a bias on some occasions to X player and yes fixed names do lead to being meta targetted but honestly it doesn't matter about any of that when over 3/4 of the actual alien main players are unknown within the community and as such are shunned from applying to be a mod, mentor, Pred, most likely this new admiral rank etc, etc. At least the marines getting meta targetted and receive bias can be recognised within the community so that they can apply for positions if they so wish.

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Re: Xeno Roleplay Issues - Part 1: Names

Post by Renomaki » 03 Nov 2016, 23:24

TopHatPenguin wrote:This is a slight rant not specifically at you Reno just in general for this thread because i'm tired of these threads coming up and then being denied on honestly stupid grounds.

If we're going to have a "Random names is better for aliens because it stops bias and meta targetting" we might as well make everyone including marines have random names, because honestly this is getting ridiculous.

Fixed names are already there for marines and, yes there is a bias on some occasions to X player and yes fixed names do lead to being meta targetted but honestly it doesn't matter about any of that when over 3/4 of the actual alien main players are unknown within the community and as such are shunned from applying to be a mod, mentor, Pred, most likely this new admiral rank etc, etc. At least the marines getting meta targetted and receive bias can be recognised within the community so that they can apply for positions if they so wish.
Touche, Mate.

You have a really good point there, and I'm not going to argue against it. It's just that marines get roles given to them at random from dice rolls, while aliens grow into roles. What I'm worried about is making it so that only the really well known xenos will get first dibs on evolution while the lesser known are forced to sit down and wait till some of the better xenos are given the best jobs. I still haven't got a chance to play roles like the ravager, I'd like to still be able to become one one of these days, you know?

I can tolerate not getting spec due to random dice roles, but when I can't get to be the xeno I want due to the queen catering to the xeno elite, mesa get salty..

But other than that, I suppose maybe I'm just not seeing the bigger picture here, until now.
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Re: Xeno Roleplay Issues - Part 1: Names

Post by Polkjm » 03 Nov 2016, 23:37

TopHatPenguin wrote:This is a slight rant not specifically at you Reno just in general for this thread because i'm tired of these threads coming up and then being denied on honestly stupid grounds.

If we're going to have a "Random names is better for aliens because it stops bias and meta targetting" we might as well make everyone including marines have random names, because honestly this is getting ridiculous.

Fixed names are already there for marines and, yes there is a bias on some occasions to X player and yes fixed names do lead to being meta targetted but honestly it doesn't matter about any of that when over 3/4 of the actual alien main players are unknown within the community and as such are shunned from applying to be a mod, mentor, Pred, most likely this new admiral rank etc, etc. At least the marines getting meta targetted and receive bias can be recognised within the community so that they can apply for positions if they so wish.
I totally agree and this is one of the main reasons to be quite honest. Xeno mains are completely unknown, basically anonymous randoms, while the marine players can enjoy a really fun community.

Being anonymous in a game with such a tightly knit community is kind of painful. I don't feel like any great accomplishments are recognised, and I don't really care too much about making big mistakes because nobody will care in the end. When you're behind anonymity, it's inevitable that you'll feel more detached.

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Re: Xeno Roleplay Issues - Part 1: Names

Post by Butterrobber202 » 08 Nov 2016, 17:08

Hi, I fucked up and made a new topic, but you could force Xenos to add one number their name and add a character limit
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Re: Xeno Roleplay Issues - Part 1: Names

Post by Lucius Jones » 09 Nov 2016, 04:40

+1 ONLY IF the queen names the xenos and they don't get to choose. No idea what it would be called, and I mostly play xeno, but people befriending one 'number' and only helping them and only attacking with them ect is just shitty. Allowing people to choose numbers will just cause even MORE meta-gaming people down, or rushing to find your buddy/pro-player and stick near them.
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