Mentorhelps and Adminhelps

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Mentorhelps and Adminhelps

Post by NoahKirchner » 13 Nov 2016, 00:21

Summary (a quick, 2-3 sentence summary): Add a new verb under the admin section called "mentorhelp" that only sends the message to online mentors as opposed to everyone.

Benefits (How this will benefit the server and game as a whole): Helps seperate when people need help with a game mechanic not working as intended from whenever people don't know how a game mechanic works. Helps new players find help easier possibly (If I were a new player and I saw adminehelp, I'd leave it the fuck alone, mentorhelp on the other hand I would ask in) and QOL I suppose.

Details (Description of how you think this would work, the benefits, etc): You would add a mentorhelp verb to the "admin" tab, where if someone sends that to the mentors it makes a noise (different from the one you hear when ahelps arrive) so that all of the mentors are notified. It'd be up to you if mentors could still see ahelps, but allow mods/admins to see mentorhelps to make sure everything's being done correctly.

Implementation (Optional, if you have an idea how to implement it): Some coding, not sure how much but I know other servers have this and it works somewhat similarly to above.
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Re: Mentorhelps and Adminhelps

Post by Snypehunter007 » 13 Nov 2016, 00:23

Hmmm, most interesting. This would be a very helpful for the staff team.

But I am going to say neutral leaning towards +1 for now.
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Re: Mentorhelps and Adminhelps

Post by NoahKirchner » 13 Nov 2016, 00:25

Snypehunter007 wrote:Hmmm, most interesting. This would be a very helpful for the staff team.

But I am going to say neutral leaning towards +1 for now.
Well I suggested it because I don't believe it'd be terribly difficult to code, and thus would help a lot more than it'd take to code.
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Re: Mentorhelps and Adminhelps

Post by CeSiumShark » 13 Nov 2016, 01:01

+1 Sure. Can't see the downsides of this.

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Re: Mentorhelps and Adminhelps

Post by Renomaki » 13 Nov 2016, 11:45

I think Paradise has a separate Mentor adhelp system, so I don't see why not?
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Re: Mentorhelps and Adminhelps

Post by Stingray » 13 Nov 2016, 11:49

I've seen this used on other servers and it's a much better system, hope this gets implemented. +1

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Re: Mentorhelps and Adminhelps

Post by Biolock » 13 Nov 2016, 16:19

Yeah this was implemented on the server I staffed on prior to this one; it worked quite well. +1
I'm stressing way too hard about what to put here, so I'm just gonna leave it blank.... or....

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Re: Mentorhelps and Adminhelps

Post by Doc » 28 Nov 2016, 01:52

This would be equally beneficial for administration and players alike, and it appears it would be easily added.

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Re: Mentorhelps and Adminhelps

Post by Scrat505 » 29 Nov 2016, 14:14

Yes please. However I think both mods/mins and mentors should get mentorhelps, but mentors only get mentorhelps. That way if someone asks a question when no mentors are online (Because they didn't check beforehand) then another staff can grab it and help them out, yet mentors won't receive helps for things they are not able to act on.

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Re: Mentorhelps and Adminhelps

Post by Snypehunter007 » 11 May 2017, 09:57

Asking for Dev review.
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Re: Mentorhelps and Adminhelps

Post by Simo94 » 11 May 2017, 10:19

I dont know, limiting the ahelps to mentors only could be bad if all of them were AFK, admins do answer mentor related stuff all the time

neutral for now D:

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Re: Mentorhelps and Adminhelps

Post by Bmc777 » 27 May 2017, 04:35

This is something I've been thinking about doing but haven't gotten around to actually doing. Approved.
