Uruk-Hai Game mode

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Uruk-Hai Game mode

Post by DeadLantern » 15 Nov 2016, 19:48

Summary (a quick, 2-3 sentence summary):
A new game mode but instead of aliens, it's the Uruk-Hai.
Benefits (How this will benefit the server and game as a whole):
More diversity, plus the Uruk Hai are cool as fuck.
Details (Description of how you think this would work, the benefits, etc):
The Uruk-Hai do not evolve. Instead, they are spawned in. If they're 100 people in game, the amount of starting Uruk-Hai will be 35, so it is 35 Percent.

Ten Uruk-Hai Swordsmen.
Ten Uruk-Hai Crossbowmen.
5 Orc Builders.
5 Beserkers.
5 Sappers.
5 Shield Bearers.
Two Pikemen
1 Warlord.

What are these classes?
The swordsmen can be compared to Melee Marines. They spawn in with Uruk Armor (Explained Later) and an Uruk sword, which deals more damage than the Marine Machete, but can miss more often. They move around the same speed as a Geared up Marine. Also spawns in with Uruk boots and an Uruk helm. They carry an Uruk belt for holding special tools, and free back space for any spears or something else they find.

The crossbow Uruk's are spawned in with Light Uruk Armor (Could be compared to the MP Armor) and a light Uruk helm. They are also spawned in with a Crossbow, just think of the crossbow as a One Barreled Shotgun that does less damage but is much more accurate and will stick in a wound. The Crossbowmen can also toggle long range sight, as they have trained their eyes to do so.

Orc Builders build. They spawn in with no armor, and carry a Orc satchel. This satchel can hold up to THREE rows of Uruk Metal, Wood, and strong metal. They build using these resources. More about the Builders in the Gear section.

Uruk Beserkers can be compared to a TANK. It spawns in with heavy Uruk Gear and with two Double edged Beserker swords. They deal much damage but can move like a Crusher with no charge. However, if the Beserker eats Human Meat or drinks enough human blood, they will go into BESERK mode, making them move as fast as a Ravager and deal much more damage. Human meat are just corpses and limbs. You can eat limbs by picking them up and eating them like any other food, and eating a corpse is like devouring for Xenos. Drinking blood is done by removing their helm and dragging their Sprite to a bloodied tile. This also works with gibs. However, this may sacrifice another Uruk (more on that later.)

Uruk Sappers spawn in with the same Gear as the Crossbowmen, but with a Sapper's bag and belt. Inside the bag are BOMBS, and inside the belts are GRENADES. Bombs do A LOT of damage to walls and other things, and will insta kill a Wall. Grenades are like normal Underbarrel grenades. You can get different types of bombs and more bombs from the Builder, more on that in the Gear section.

Shield bearers spawn in with Heavy Uruk Armor, along with a Uruk Sheild and Uruk Sword. The Uruk Sheild is a better version of the riot Sheild, and the move as quick as a Beserker. They are useful for rushing into cramped spaces, and they spawn with no bag or belt.

Pikemen are the guarders of the Torture machines (More on that later). They spawn in with Heavy Uruk Armor and an Uruk pike, which must be held with two hands. The pike can reach up to THREE tiles away from them, making them excellent gaurders.

Warlords are the great captains of the Uruk Army. They carry an Uruk horn, Uruk heavy armor, Uruk heavy helmet, Warlord's Battle Axe, and a bag. The Uruk Horn gives off a Morale boost to all URUKS in the area, giving them a speed and damage boost. The Warlord's battle axe does the same damage as the Fire Axe, only it could be held in the Suit Storage slot.

How do you get more URUKS?
In lore, Uruks torture elves over a period of a month to become an Uruk. When the Uruk's spawn in, they always spawn in bunched together, in a random location in the caves. Near the spawn point there will be three torture machines. This is how you make Marines into URUKS. You can not make the wildlife into URUKS. To do, simply grab a marine and click on the Torture machine, and in ten minutes they will become an Uruk. Blood and limbs will break off of them in the process, so make sure they stay alive or they won't become an Uruk!

What class do they become?

PFCs become Swordsmen.
Engineers become Builders OR sappers, they can choose which by doing a verb.
Medics become Crossbowmen.
Specs become Shield-Bearers.
Squad Leaders become ANYTHING, or a Pike Man.
Any Crew Members will be classified by their marine role. (Doctors are like Combat Medics, Engineers Combat engineers, MPs Specs, ect.)
Command Staff (Including PO) will become War lords or Pikemen.

What about HEALING?

Eating man-flesh will slowly heal ALL WOUNDS. Slowly. Eating more Man-Flesh accelrates the process. Blood does also heal, but less than flesh. For eating, go to Beserker Class.
By slowly, one blood will heal as fast as Marines heal Brute Damage with nothing. Three corpses will heal as fast as QC with Internal Bleeding. So on and so forth.


When new Uruks spawn in from the torture room, there will always be a designated armor point. It will spawn with the first Uruks. You simply enter, and you have an Uruk ID (Can be resprited and Renamed to be like a Tattoo.) that will open your class, and you can take that armor. But how do you get more armor? Builders. Orc builders spawn with Uruk Steel, Uruk Metal, and Uruk Wood. Wood will make Scout and Sapper armor, metal will make Swordsmen's armor, and Steel will make Beserker and Warlord and Shield Bearer armor. Same with designated swords. And grenades and bombs.

And the more Uruks you have, the more damage/resistabilty the NEW Armor becomes. The existing ones stay at the same buff. To make a torture machine, use Uruk steel.


Building takes Orcs a short amount of time, only around 3 (BYOND) seconds of standing still will create something. Builders can create Uruk Walls, Uruk Sand Pits, Uruk Doors, and Torture machines, and Shooter walls, along with everything else. These take either wood, steel, or Iron, which choose the durability. Uruk Walls are walls. Wooden walls are easy to destroy like Resin walls, Iron walls takes a few rounds of Buckshot, and Steel walls may take half a clip of Pulse Ammo. Uruks can climb on walls like a table in three seconds flat, and they can slash from above. Same with the Men, but they take 20-30 seconds. Uruk Doors follow the same durability as the walls, but everyone can use Uruk doors, even the men. Uruk sand pits are Sticky Resin. Torture machines you already know, and shooter walls have the same durabilty as a wall but Crossbowmen can shoot through. Beware though, as any Man can see your defenses through these Shooter holes. Only Crossbows can shoot through the holes. Uruks CAN NOT BUILD IN THE JUNGLE BEFORE THE MEN HAVE LANDED. And since it is jungle, it takes TWO WHOLE MINUTES to build ANYTHING on the jungle.

Implementation (Optional, if you have an idea how to implement it):
Tons of coding and Spriting. Just use Alien coding for most, and change it for Uruks.

Notes: This is very complex, like Aliens. I am suggesting A NEW GAME MODE. Please tell me if you want to add something or you see something that is stupid; ect. Please read through ALL of it before judging.

Thank you!

Please note: If you say this is not meant for CM, ect, this is CM. It's SPACE MARINES vs THINGS. It'll open up diversty as Colonial Marines don't just kill Aliens. They kill humans, wildlife, save people, and maybe even some Uruks along the way.
Here kitty, kitty, kitty. Meow. Here, Jonesy.

- Famous last words of Brett


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Byond: forwardslashN

Re: Uruk-Hai Game mode

Post by forwardslashN » 15 Nov 2016, 19:53

Uh... I know you definitely mean well with this suggestion, and you put a lot of thought into it, but suggestions for new game modes are autodenied (as per the suggestion rules topic linked at the top of the forum). Aside from that, Uruk-Hai are from LoTR and do not fit into the Aliens universe, even if we take into account the comics, books, and so forth. Since we are trying to stay closer to the lore, that's not really going to work. Finally, just doing something like this would require a ton of effort that could be spent elsewhere, like making new maps to play on, optimizing the game, and whatever else. So I'm going to deny this.
The ambivalent giant white baldie in a jungle near you.
