Harsher punishments for early game marine metarush

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Harsher punishments for early game marine metarush

Post by Crackers » 24 Nov 2016, 01:47

Summary (a quick, 2-3 sentence summary):
It happens almost every single round. Within 5-10 minutes of marines landing on the planet, marine command, a haughty squad leader, or some straggling marines decide it's a good idea to push up the river before they even know key information, such as where the aliens are located, or if they've established an FoB. Staff response usually ranges from missile strikes to snakes or nothing since they're not online. Seeing as how often marines do it, it's obviously not enough of a punishment to discourage marines.

Benefits (How this will benefit the server and game as a whole):
Promote fair play, stop marine meta.

Details (Description of how you think this would work, the benefits, etc):
Harsher punishments (jobbans, actual bans, court-marshals) to offending SLs, command staff, "I was ordered to" marines would get rid of bad command as well as discouraging others from making the same mistake.

Implementation (Optional, if you have an idea how to implement it):
Staff hit those buttons.

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Re: Harsher punishments for early game marine metarush

Post by LocalizedDownpour » 24 Nov 2016, 01:51

Well the thing is from when I itness meta...or having been a marine when 3000 sneks were released.

One: We had a marine taken above the river, literally DRAGGED, not eaten, but dragged there. Said marine reported it the entire way. AND suit sensors.

Two: Survivors very often report about the hive. so...take that as you will.

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Re: Harsher punishments for early game marine metarush

Post by Crackers » 24 Nov 2016, 02:42


That doesn't justify marines calling a full-out assault without having set up an FoB, supply chain, or having extensive contact with the aliens.

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Re: Harsher punishments for early game marine metarush

Post by Eenkogneeto » 24 Nov 2016, 05:44

Its important to note that losing 1-2 marines to the adminbus but killing some t3s in the process is a valued trade, that's why marines do it, admins do explosions to miss. IMO they should be direct hit gibs once in a while. That would really slow them the fuck down. Also the mobs don't really do much at all most of the time except make marines waste ammo.

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Re: Harsher punishments for early game marine metarush

Post by Derpislav » 24 Nov 2016, 09:08

The issue is not the metarush not being punished enough, but gameplay design being in such a spot that there's that much of an incentive for metarushing.
Discourage marines from metarushing by fixing these very obvious issues, not by punishing them for taking them in their own hands. Most of the metarushes I've seen were provoked by xenos showing exactly where they are and that they can't be ignored anymore.
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Re: Harsher punishments for early game marine metarush

Post by Butterrobber202 » 24 Nov 2016, 10:27

Eenkogneeto wrote:Its important to note that losing 1-2 marines to the adminbus but killing some t3s in the process is a valued trade, that's why marines do it, admins do explosions to miss. IMO they should be direct hit gibs once in a while. That would really slow them the fuck down. Also the mobs don't really do much at all most of the time except make marines waste ammo.
This. If they can kill a carrier and a Ravager and lose 2 marines?

That is a win for them.
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Re: Harsher punishments for early game marine metarush

Post by Casany » 24 Nov 2016, 13:21

Most metarush is caused by aliens fucking with the one to two squads scouting out and the calling "HALP METARUSH" when the marines fight back. There are some marine caused metarushes, yes, but I think before any punishment takes place we should investigate and see if it was a marine or alien caused metarush
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Re: Harsher punishments for early game marine metarush

Post by Bigchilly » 24 Nov 2016, 13:27

I'd like qoute what i say on every other situation on meta rush but simply its aliens

>alien harasses marines/taunts then (whatever same thing)

>alien clearly goes across the river

>marines follow, trying to kill the thing

>alien screams 'meta rush' and hides behind admins protecting the shitty rule.

this isnt really new, i'd enjoy if people stop making threads about this:

Yea its a known problem, the devs are gonna have a fix for it at one point, just wait.
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Re: Harsher punishments for early game marine metarush

Post by Joe4444 » 24 Nov 2016, 13:31

-1.Marines tend to get attacked when they scout out medical/hydro.This causes them to stay there to see if the hostile will come back.once the squad has sat there for a bit the T3s tend to come along,get pushed back and the marines chase the 3-4 T3s across the river where xenos call meta rush,call the rest of the hive to bumrush the squad,they call support in and then the so called "meta rush" is in full effect.If xenos don't want marines to attack don't attack them while they're scouting.Some of the meta rushes are marine caused yes but very few are.For some reason xenos seem to abuse the fact marines can't cross the river before a certain time and get fucked for doing so.

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Re: Harsher punishments for early game marine metarush

Post by Heckenshutze » 24 Nov 2016, 13:47

Well..if we're talking about being 'Fair' .. both parties shouldn't be able to cross the river until certain time, with the exceptions of aliens gathering monkeys and furry hosts. But, as soon the marines land, Queen should order them not to cross until they grow stronger.
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Re: Harsher punishments for early game marine metarush

Post by YungCuz » 24 Nov 2016, 21:02

Meta rushing only happens since Xenos want to poke the fuck out of marines once they land so if they wanna call metarush the moment Marines cross to early cause they followed you back don't expect me to just prevent them from doing it.
You brought it on yourself and the rest of the xenos if you wanna be smart DONT attack marines that fucking early into the round and maybe Metarushes won't happen as often.
YEs i am fucking aware Marines do it too but its not as often. -1
Yes this is me trying to vent on how much Marines and Xenos annoy me when they do shit like this and expect staff to defend them.
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Re: Harsher punishments for early game marine metarush

Post by Bobbleton » 26 Nov 2016, 20:25

Try harsher punishments for ayys putting huggers right outside where the doors of rasp and vindicator are going to be before they ever see them first.
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Re: Harsher punishments for early game marine metarush

Post by Snypehunter007 » 03 Jun 2017, 03:24

Old, lack of continued interest.

Also think the issue was solved with the fogwall.

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