For those who may dispute this, I present to you, THE NOTES:
As a baldie MP simply grabbed a crowbar and started smashing things,the floor,windows,ending in attacking themselves,didnt answer the admins Wed, September 2nd of 2015
Lucas325: (the primary ban)
Code: Select all
As a Marine, killed 3 Brain Dead. Spammed AAAAA I KILL YOU. Week Ban. Confrimed Griefer and was Permanently Banned and Ban Evader on NE-CM Branch. by on Tue, April 28th of 2015 Remove
Made reference to ERP over OOC at round's end. by on Tue, May 5th of 2015 Remove
Attacking Marines in prep for no reason,Inproper grammer,Possible metabuddies with "dallas" Tutuqueiroz",Insulting staffReply PM from-Lucas325/(Lucas Calado): vai AO INFERNO ADMIN VIADO,IC IN OOC by on Tue, May 5th of 2015 Remove
Racist comments over OOC. by on Tue, July 7th of 2015 Remove
Banned from Commander, Logistics Officer - Giving out all-access IDs ... by Adminbot (Friendly Robot) on Fri, July 17th of 2015 Remove
If he has the name sherlock holmes again or anything violating the naming rules, PERMABAN. by on Tue, July 28th of 2015 Remove
Dissrespected staff and all that. by on Wed, September 2nd of 2015 Remove
Shot and killed a XO and a BO because he was demoted from CO. by on Fri, September 4th of 2015 Remove
Lucas 326:
Code: Select all
Banned by|Duration: 2880 minutes|Reason: Griefer,improper escalation by on Wed, November 16th of 2016 Remove
As a doc decided to shoot someone for punching them ( a shotgun as a doc),when told he was gonna be banned acted extremely inmature and shoot up the BO for no reason by on Wed, November 16th of 2016 Remove
Banned from Commander, Executive Officer, Bridge Officer, Pilot Officer, Military Police, Corporate Liaison, Requisitions Officer, Chief Engineer, Chief Medical Officer - Incompetent, shot people as a doctor and did nothing by Adminbot (Friendly Robot) on Tue, November 22nd of 2016 Remove
Banned by|Duration: 1440 minutes|Reason: Incompetent - tried to push a marine on the shuttle as a doctor then shot him by on Tue, November 22nd of 2016 Remove
Banned by |Duration: 1440 minutes|Reason: Shot Terrel Lord because he punched him and told him to go fight. Banned due to previous note history. by on Fri, November 25th of 2016 Remove
Banned by|Duration: 180 minutes|Reason: EORG by Snypehunter007 (Moderator) on Sat, November 26th of 2016 Remove
Spoken to about playing a marine with mental issues. by (Moderator) on Mon, November 28th of 2016 Remove
Walked into the Brig and Shot an MP, logged out before I could interrogate him. -Banned 12 Hours by on Fri, December 18th of 2015 Remove
He's a known ban evader and shit-tier person from before CM was split from NE:CM.