Banned for no reason
- Ice snake
- Registered user
- Posts: 4
- Joined: 02 Dec 2016, 14:04
- Byond: Ice snake
Banned for no reason
Your Byond ID: Ice snake
Character Name: Arwake Stanson
Type Of Ban (Job-ban, Timed Ban, Permaban): Timed ban
Admin who banned you (if known): ForwardSlash
Total Ban Duration: 1440 minutes
Remaining Duration: 1420 minutes
What other servers do you play on? Paradise station
Are you now or have you been banned on any of them? no
Reason for ban (If you have a Permaban, it should be the EXACT MESSAGE YOU GET WHEN YOU LOGIN with the Error code that looks like this: X##XXX##. If you do not provide this EXACTLY you can't be unbanned):
Reason: Put up three plasteel barricades in briefing. Claimed ignorance. Then lied when questioned about it, blaming another MT..
Link to previous appeals for the same ban (if applicable):
Your appeal, including evidence (screenshots, etc): i was playing the santa, at RO, then i was at the briefing, playing the santa too, and i got the SM set up. I know there is strict rules on this server to have a better gameplay, i played it a lot.
here is my log :
SGT Dina 'Spooks' Cades says, "Oh cmon"
Tristen Alder hugs Arwake Stanson to make him feel better!
Joe Walaski hugs Arwake Stanson to make him feel better!
SSGT Balto''Crunk''Dreg screams!
SSGT Janel Field says, "Hello "santa"."
Joe Walaski hugs Arwake Stanson to make him feel better!
SSGT Arthur 'Ariel' Santiago asks, "SANTA?"
Tristen Alder hugs Arwake Stanson to make him feel better!
Samuel Klusmann has thrown the rail flashlight.
Joe Walaski hugs Arwake Stanson to make him feel better!
Tristen Alder hugs Arwake Stanson to make him feel better!
Joe Walaski hugs Arwake Stanson to make him feel better!
Tristen Alder hugs Arwake Stanson to make him feel better!
SSGT Balto''Crunk''Dreg says, "Its"
Joe Walaski hugs Arwake Stanson to make him feel better!
Tristen Alder hugs Arwake Stanson to make him feel better!
Tristen Alder hugs Arwake Stanson to make him feel better!
Joe Walaski hugs Arwake Stanson to make him feel better!
Tristen Alder hugs Arwake Stanson to make him feel better!
Joe Walaski hugs Arwake Stanson to make him feel better!
SGT Dina 'Spooks' Cades says, "Who the fuck takes them"
SSGT Arthur 'Ariel' Santiago says, "DINGOBEL"
Joe Walaski hugs Arwake Stanson to make him feel better!
Tristen Alder hugs Arwake Stanson to make him feel better!
Joe Walaski hugs Arwake Stanson to make him feel better!
Tristen Alder hugs Arwake Stanson to make him feel better!
Samuel Klusmann attempted to disarm Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez!
Joe Walaski hugs Arwake Stanson to make him feel better!
Tristen Alder hugs Arwake Stanson to make him feel better!
Joe Walaski hugs Arwake Stanson to make him feel better!
Tristen Alder hugs Arwake Stanson to make him feel better!
SGT Dina 'Spooks' Cades says, "Uh"
Samuel Klusmann attempted to disarm Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez!
Max Chosen has thrown the forward grip.
Joe Walaski hugs Arwake Stanson to make him feel better!
TSGT Arwake Stanson says, "Ho ho ho HAPPY CHRITSMAS"
Tristen Alder hugs Arwake Stanson to make him feel better!
SGT Dina 'Spooks' Cades says, "Hmm"
Joe Walaski hugs Arwake Stanson to make him feel better!
Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez hugs Samuel Klusmann to make him feel better!
Tristen Alder hugs Arwake Stanson to make him feel better!
Joe Walaski hugs Arwake Stanson to make him feel better!
Max Chosen has thrown the red-dot sight.
Tristen Alder hugs Arwake Stanson to make him feel better!
Joe Walaski hugs Arwake Stanson to make him feel better!
Tristen Alder hugs Arwake Stanson to make him feel better!
Joe Walaski hugs Arwake Stanson to make him feel better!
Tristen Alder hugs Arwake Stanson to make him feel better!
Joe Walaski hugs Arwake Stanson to make him feel better!
Tristen Alder hugs Arwake Stanson to make him feel better!
Joe Walaski hugs Arwake Stanson to make him feel better!
SSGT Janel Field says, "Oh hey CL."
Tristen Alder hugs Arwake Stanson to make him feel better!
Joe Walaski hugs Arwake Stanson to make him feel better!
SSGT Arthur 'Ariel' Santiago says, "SANTA AND MY GIFT"
Tristen Alder hugs Arwake Stanson to make him feel better!
Joe Walaski hugs Arwake Stanson to make him feel better!
Tristen Alder hugs Arwake Stanson to make him feel better!
Mr. Joe Walaski says, "Hi"
Tristen Alder hugs Arwake Stanson to make him feel better!
Joe Walaski hugs Arwake Stanson to make him feel better!
Tristen Alder hugs Arwake Stanson to make him feel better!
Joe Walaski hugs Arwake Stanson to make him feel better!
ENS Max Chosen says, "We are out of BC"
Tristen Alder hugs Arwake Stanson to make him feel better!
SGT Dina 'Spooks' Cades says, "Somethin for an smg on the barrel then"
SSGT Balto''Crunk''Dreg says, "Wait a minute"
Joe Walaski hugs Arwake Stanson to make him feel better!
Tristen Alder hugs Arwake Stanson to make him feel better!
Joe Walaski hugs Arwake Stanson to make him feel better!
Tristen Alder hugs Arwake Stanson to make him feel better!
Joe Walaski hugs Arwake Stanson to make him feel better!
Tristen Alder hugs Arwake Stanson to make him feel better!
Joe Walaski hugs Arwake Stanson to make him feel better!
Tristen Alder hugs Arwake Stanson to make him feel better!
Joe Walaski hugs Arwake Stanson to make him feel better!
Tristen Alder hugs Arwake Stanson to make him feel better!
Joe Walaski hugs Arwake Stanson to make him feel better!
SSGT Janel Field asks, "Want a cig?"
Tristen Alder hugs Arwake Stanson to make him feel better!
PFC Tristen Alder screams!
Joe Walaski hugs Arwake Stanson to make him feel better!
Tristen Alder hugs Arwake Stanson to make him feel better!
Joe Walaski hugs Arwake Stanson to make him feel better!
Tristen Alder hugs Joe Walaski to make him feel better!
Samuel Klusmann has pushed Arwake Stanson!
Mr. Joe Walaski says, "Nah"
Tristen Alder shakes Arwake Stanson trying to wake him up!
SSGT Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez screams!
Mr. Joe Walaski says, "I have some in my office"
Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez attempted to disarm Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez!
SSGT Balto''Crunk''Dreg [Sulaco (SL)] shouts, "Santa comfirmed a phony! He said Happy christmas!"
Balto''Crunk''Dreg talks into the marine alpha leader radio headset
ENS Max Chosen says, "I don't know what is for what"
Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez has pushed Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez!
Joe Walaski hugs Arwake Stanson to make him feel better!
SSGT Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez calls for a medic!
Joe Walaski hugs Arwake Stanson to make him feel better!
Dina 'Spooks' Cades puts the M39 submachinegun into the M276 pattern M39 holster rig.
SSGT Balto''Crunk''Dreg says, "Say"
SGT Dina 'Spooks' Cades says, "Whats left"
SSGT Arthur 'Ariel' Santiago [Sulaco (SL)] says, "We got a santa SANTA WHERE IS MY GIFT"
Arthur 'Ariel' Santiago talks into the marine charlie leader radio headset
Mr. Joe Walaski says, "TACTICAL HUGS INBOUND"
TSGT Arwake Stanson says, "You gift is bad guys to kick the ass on the planet ho ho ho"
Max Chosen has thrown the bayonet.
Joe Walaski hugs Arwake Stanson to make him feel better!
Joe Walaski hugs Arwake Stanson to make him feel better!
Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez hugs Balto''Crunk''Dreg to make him feel better!
Joe Walaski hugs Arwake Stanson to make him feel better!
Joe Walaski hugs Arwake Stanson to make him feel better!
Joe Walaski hugs Arwake Stanson to make him feel better!
SSGT Balto''Crunk''Dreg [Sulaco (SL)] says, "Its a fraud I tell yah"
Balto''Crunk''Dreg talks into the marine alpha leader radio headset
Joe Walaski hugs Arwake Stanson to make him feel better!
Joe Walaski hugs Arwake Stanson to make him feel better!
SGT Dina 'Spooks' Cades says, ".....this wont work on it"
Joe Walaski hugs Arwake Stanson to make him feel better!
Joe Walaski hugs Arwake Stanson to make him feel better!
Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez hugs Balto''Crunk''Dreg to make him feel better!
Joe Walaski hugs Arwake Stanson to make him feel better!
Max Chosen has thrown the M41A skeleton stock.
Balto''Crunk''Dreg points to Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez
SSGT Balto''Crunk''Dreg screams!
Janel Field puts the M41A AP magazine (10x24mm) into the USCM infantry satchel.
Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez points to Balto''Crunk''Dreg
SSGT Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez screams!
SSGT Balto''Crunk''Dreg claps.
Max Chosen has thrown the bipod.
Mr. Joe Walaski screams!
Balto''Crunk''Dreg points to Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez
SSGT Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez claps.
SGT Dina 'Spooks' Cades says, "Thats for a rifle- just gimme a suppressor"
Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez points to Balto''Crunk''Dreg
Max Chosen has thrown the suppressor.
Samuel Klusmann bangs against the reinforced window!
Samuel Klusmann bangs against the reinforced window!
Samuel Klusmann bangs against the reinforced window!
Samuel Klusmann bangs against the reinforced window!
Samuel Klusmann bangs against the reinforced window!
Samuel Klusmann bangs against the reinforced window!
Max Chosen points to the reinforced table
Samuel Klusmann bangs against the reinforced window!
Samuel Klusmann bangs against the reinforced window!
Samuel Klusmann bangs against the reinforced window!
Samuel Klusmann bangs against the reinforced window!
Samuel Klusmann bangs against the reinforced window!
Samuel Klusmann bangs against the reinforced window!
Samuel Klusmann bangs against the reinforced window!
Samuel Klusmann bangs against the reinforced window!
PFC Tristen Alder says, "A rail flashlight and a red dot sight."
Samuel Klusmann bangs against the reinforced window!
Samuel Klusmann bangs against the reinforced window!
ENS Max Chosen says, "Those are for free"
Samuel Klusmann bangs against the reinforced window!
Samuel Klusmann bangs against the reinforced window!
Samuel Klusmann bangs against the reinforced window!
Samuel Klusmann bangs against the reinforced window!
Mr. Joe Walaski says, "DO IT IN THE NEXT 10 SECONDS"
Samuel Klusmann bangs against the reinforced window!
Samuel Klusmann bangs against the reinforced window!
Samuel Klusmann bangs against the reinforced window!
Samuel Klusmann bangs against the reinforced window!
Samuel Klusmann bangs against the reinforced window!
Samuel Klusmann bangs against the reinforced window!
Samuel Klusmann bangs against the reinforced window!
Tristen Alder puts the M2132 machete into the H5 pattern M2132 machete scabbard.
Samuel Klusmann bangs against the reinforced window!
Samuel Klusmann bangs against the reinforced window!
Samuel Klusmann bangs against the reinforced window!
Samuel Klusmann bangs against the reinforced window!
Samuel Klusmann bangs against the reinforced window!
Samuel Klusmann bangs against the reinforced window!
Samuel Klusmann bangs against the reinforced window!
SSGT Arthur 'Ariel' Santiago asks, "What?"
Samuel Klusmann bangs against the reinforced window!
Samuel Klusmann bangs against the reinforced window!
PFC Steven Sneider says, "Pass the stock if you will"
Samuel Klusmann bangs against the reinforced window!
Samuel Klusmann bangs against the reinforced window!
SSGT Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez screams!
Samuel Klusmann bangs against the reinforced window!
Samuel Klusmann bangs against the reinforced window!
Samuel Klusmann bangs against the reinforced window!
TSGT Arwake Stanson screams!
Max Chosen has thrown the red-dot sight.
Samuel Klusmann bangs against the reinforced window!
Samuel Klusmann bangs against the reinforced window!
Samuel Klusmann bangs against the reinforced window!
SGT Vah'ru Haub [Sulaco (Spc)] says, "Yo santa, i launched 5 papers for you, with my request that is a dang custom build shotgun, why santa.. why.."
Mr. Joe Walaski says, "HAHAHA"
Max Chosen has thrown the rail flashlight.
Mr. Joe Walaski says, "I FOLELD YOU GUYS"
Janel Field points to the M41A skeleton stock
Samuel Klusmann has disarmed Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez!
Samuel Klusmann has disarmed Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez!
SSGT Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez shouts, "MEIN!"
Mr. Joe Walaski says, "FOOLED"
Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez attempted to disarm Samuel Klusmann!
SSGT Balto''Crunk''Dreg screams!
Steven Sneider puts the M41A skeleton stock into the USCM infantry backpack.
Mr. Joe Walaski says, "HAHAHAHHA"
Mr. Joe Walaski says, "MWAHAHAHA"
SSGT Balto''Crunk''Dreg frowns.
Dina 'Spooks' Cades puts the M39 submachinegun into the M276 pattern M39 holster rig.
Mr. Joe Walaski exclaims, "MWAAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!"
SSGT Arthur 'Ariel' Santiago says, "Remove alpha sl he was stopped"
PFC Duke 'Shield' Schofield says, "Nice hair liason."
Mr. Joe Walaski says, "Thanks"
SSGT Balto''Crunk''Dreg glares.
You apply the green facepaint.
Without even breaking stride, Arwake Stanson flips open and lights the Zippo lighter in one smooth movement.
You hear a quiet click, as Arwake Stanson shuts off the Zippo lighter without even looking at what they're doing.
Without even breaking stride, Arwake Stanson flips open and lights the Zippo lighter in one smooth movement.
You are unable to equip that.
Samuel Klusmann carefully applies the green facepaint on Samuel Klusmann's face.
With a flick of their wrist, Arwake Stanson lights their premium cigar with their the Zippo lighter.
You hear a quiet click, as Arwake Stanson shuts off the Zippo lighter without even looking at what they're doing.
You put the Zippo lighter into the industrial backpack.
Vah'ru Haub talks into the marine charlie radio headset
Gin Albuclark puts the Lazarus landing map into the USCM medic backpack.
Tristen Alder hugs Arwake Stanson to make him feel better!
SSGT Balto''Crunk''Dreg [Sulaco (SL)] shouts, "Liason lied! He ought to be on the naughty list!"
Mr. Joe Walaski says, "SANTAH"
Emanuel Mens examines himself.
PFC Duke 'Shield' Schofield says, "Santa."
Mr. Joe Walaski says, "IT WAS A PRANK"
PFC Duke 'Shield' Schofield says, "You is nigga?."
Mr. Joe Walaski says, "I DINT LIE"
SGT Vah'ru Haub says, "What"
TSGT Arwake Stanson says, "HO HO HO HAPPY CHRISTMAS"
Emanuel Mens examines himself.
Emanuel Mens unbuckled !
SSGT Balto''Crunk''Dreg says, "Gah"
Mr. Joe Walaski says, "SANTAH"
Emanuel Mens buckles in!
SSGT Balto''Crunk''Dreg shouts, "Its a fraud!"
Tristen Alder puts the M2132 machete into the H5 pattern M2132 machete scabbard.
SSGT Balto''Crunk''Dreg yells, "Happy christmass!"
SSGT Balto''Crunk''Dreg yells, "Nahh!"
Duke 'Shield' Schofield has grabbed Arwake Stanson passively!
SGT Vah'ru Haub says, "YU SANTA"
PFC Tristen Alder yells, "I WANT A SWORD ON MY SWORD!"
Mr. Joe Walaski says, "THATS MY WISH"
SSGT Balto''Crunk''Dreg shouts, "Meh eyes!!!"
Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez has thrown the space cleaner.
Duke 'Shield' Schofield has been hit in the chest by the space cleaner.
SSGT Balto''Crunk''Dreg screams!
Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez attempted to disarm Dina 'Spooks' Cades!
SGT Vah'ru Haub says, "Yo boris."
LOOC: Luiz 'Mises' Buarque: Meme round
Duke 'Shield' Schofield has thrown the space cleaner.
Dina 'Spooks' Cades has been hit in the chest by the space cleaner.
Samuel Klusmann has disarmed Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez!
SGT Vah'ru Haub asks, "Want some attachs for the shotgun?"
Gin Albuclark unbuckled !
SSGT Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez screams!
Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez has pushed Dina 'Spooks' Cades!
Samuel Klusmann has disarmed Samuel Klusmann!
SGT Dina 'Spooks' Cades says, "Wow"
Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez attempted to disarm Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez!
Your armor softens the blow!
Samuel Klusmann has pushed Arwake Stanson!
Vah'ru Haub unbuckled !
Tristen Alder has thrown the soap.
PFC Boris Kamerer claps, clearly unimpressed.
Tristen Alder has thrown the soap.
Tristen Alder has thrown the soap.
SSGT Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez screams!
Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez attempted to disarm Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez!
Emanuel Mens examines himself.
Emanuel Mens unbuckled !
Samuel Klusmann has thrown the soap.
Arwake Stanson has been hit in the chest by the soap.
Steven Sneider puts the Zippo lighter on the M10 pattern marine helmet.
SSGT Janel Field says, "Marines stop being autistic."
Tristen Alder has thrown the soap.
Samuel Klusmann is buckled in to the chair by Cora Mathews!
Arwake Stanson attempted to disarm Samuel Klusmann!
Dina 'Spooks' Cades unbuckled !
Samuel Klusmann examines himself.
Dina 'Spooks' Cades buckles in!
Samuel Klusmann unbuckled !
Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez is buckled in to the chair by Vah'ru Haub!
Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez hugs Vah'ru Haub to make him feel better!
Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez was unbuckled by Vah'ru Haub!
Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez hugs Vah'ru Haub to make him feel better!
Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez is buckled in to the chair by Vah'ru Haub!
Vah'ru Haub is buckled in to the chair by Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez!
Samuel Klusmann attempted to disarm Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez!
Vah'ru Haub attempted to disarm Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez!
Samuel Klusmann has pushed Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez!
Vah'ru Haub has pushed Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez!
Samuel Klusmann has pushed Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez!
Vah'ru Haub attempted to disarm Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez!
Balto''Crunk''Dreg talks into the marine alpha leader radio headset
Samuel Klusmann attempted to disarm Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez!
Vah'ru Haub hugs Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez to make her feel better!
PFC Nina 'Bunny' Reede claps, clearly unimpressed.
SSGT Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez screams!
Vah'ru Haub hugs Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez to make her feel better!
Samuel Klusmann has broken Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez's grip on Vah'ru Haub!
Vah'ru Haub hugs Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez to make her feel better!
Samuel Klusmann has pushed Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez!
Vah'ru Haub hugs Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez to make her feel better!
Samuel Klusmann has pushed Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez!
Vah'ru Haub hugs Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez to make her feel better!
SSGT Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez calls for a medic!
Samuel Klusmann attempted to disarm Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez!
Vah'ru Haub hugs Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez to make her feel better!
SSGT Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez claps.
Samuel Klusmann has disarmed Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez!
Joe Walaski attempted to disarm Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez!
Vah'ru Haub hugs Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez to make her feel better!
Balto''Crunk''Dreg buckles in!
Samuel Klusmann has pushed Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez!
Joe Walaski has disarmed Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez!
Vah'ru Haub hugs Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez to make her feel better!
Tristen Alder hugs Vah'ru Haub to make him feel better!
Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez was unbuckled by Joe Walaski!
Tristen Alder hugs Vah'ru Haub to make him feel better!
SSGT Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez claps, clearly unimpressed.
Joe Walaski has pushed Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez!
Without even breaking stride, Arwake Stanson flips open and lights the Zippo lighter in one smooth movement.
Tristen Alder hugs Vah'ru Haub to make him feel better!
You hear a quiet click, as Arwake Stanson shuts off the Zippo lighter without even looking at what they're doing.
Without even breaking stride, Arwake Stanson flips open and lights the Zippo lighter in one smooth movement.
Joe Walaski has disarmed Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez!
Samuel Klusmann attempted to disarm Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez!
Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez is buckled in to the chair by Vah'ru Haub!
You hear a quiet click, as Arwake Stanson shuts off the Zippo lighter without even looking at what they're doing.
Steven Sneider unbuckled !
Tristen Alder hugs Vah'ru Haub to make him feel better!
Without even breaking stride, Arwake Stanson flips open and lights the Zippo lighter in one smooth movement.
You hear a quiet click, as Arwake Stanson shuts off the Zippo lighter without even looking at what they're doing.
Joe Walaski attempted to disarm Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez!
Without even breaking stride, Arwake Stanson flips open and lights the Zippo lighter in one smooth movement.
Samuel Klusmann attempted to disarm Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez!
Balto''Crunk''Dreg unbuckled !
You hear a quiet click, as Arwake Stanson shuts off the Zippo lighter without even looking at what they're doing.
Vah'ru Haub hugs Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez to make her feel better!
Without even breaking stride, Arwake Stanson flips open and lights the Zippo lighter in one smooth movement.
Tristen Alder hugs Vah'ru Haub to make him feel better!
You hear a quiet click, as Arwake Stanson shuts off the Zippo lighter without even looking at what they're doing.
Samuel Klusmann attempted to disarm Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez!
Joe Walaski attempted to disarm Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez!
Without even breaking stride, Arwake Stanson flips open and lights the Zippo lighter in one smooth movement.
You hear a quiet click, as Arwake Stanson shuts off the Zippo lighter without even looking at what they're doing.
Tristen Alder hugs Vah'ru Haub to make him feel better!
Without even breaking stride, Arwake Stanson flips open and lights the Zippo lighter in one smooth movement.
You hear a quiet click, as Arwake Stanson shuts off the Zippo lighter without even looking at what they're doing.
Samuel Klusmann has pushed Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez!
Without even breaking stride, Arwake Stanson flips open and lights the Zippo lighter in one smooth movement.
Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez was unbuckled by Joe Walaski!
Joe Walaski attempted to disarm Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez!
Vah'ru Haub shakes Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez trying to wake her up!
Tristen Alder hugs Vah'ru Haub to make him feel better!
You hear a quiet click, as Arwake Stanson shuts off the Zippo lighter without even looking at what they're doing.
Samuel Klusmann has disarmed Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez!
SSGT Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez screams!
Tristen Alder hugs Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez to make her feel better!
Vah'ru Haub hugs Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez to make her feel better!
Samuel Klusmann attempted to disarm Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez!
Tristen Alder hugs Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez to make her feel better!
Janel Field unbuckled !
Joe Walaski has disarmed Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez!
You put the Zippo lighter into the industrial backpack.
Tristen Alder hugs Vah'ru Haub to make him feel better!
Joe Walaski attempted to disarm Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez!
Nina 'Bunny' Reede has thrown the Souto Classic.
SGT Vah'ru Haub screams!
Samuel Klusmann has disarmed Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez!
Tristen Alder hugs Vah'ru Haub to make him feel better!
Tristen Alder hugs Vah'ru Haub to make him feel better!
Joe Walaski has disarmed Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez!
SGT Vah'ru Haub calls for a medic!
Samuel Klusmann has pushed Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez!
Tristen Alder hugs Vah'ru Haub to make him feel better!
Joe Walaski attempted to disarm Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez!
Tristen Alder hugs Vah'ru Haub to make him feel better!
Joe Walaski attempted to disarm Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez!
Tristen Alder hugs Vah'ru Haub to make him feel better!
Joe Walaski attempted to disarm Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez!
Vah'ru Haub examines himself.
Samuel Klusmann attempted to disarm Arwake Stanson!
Tristen Alder hugs Vah'ru Haub to make him feel better!
Tristen Alder shakes Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez trying to wake her up!
SSGT Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez shouts, "Glah!"
SSGT Janel Field says, "STOW YOUR SHIT."
Vah'ru Haub unbuckled !
Samuel Klusmann has disarmed Arwake Stanson!
Tristen Alder hugs Janel Field to make him feel better!
Tristen Alder hugs Janel Field to make him feel better!
Samuel Klusmann attempted to disarm Arwake Stanson!
Tristen Alder hugs Janel Field to make him feel better!
PFC Duke 'Shield' Schofield [Sulaco (Mar)] says, "There is a crazy fight in the meeting room looks a lot like a RIOT."
Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez hugs Vah'ru Haub to make him feel better!
Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez hugs Vah'ru Haub to make him feel better!
Emanuel Mens buckles in!
Mr. Joe Walaski says, "YOU CANT STOP MEH"
SGT Dina 'Spooks' Cades screams!
Vah'ru Haub hugs Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez to make her feel better!
Tristen Alder has thrown the cigarette.
Vah'ru Haub hugs Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez to make her feel better!
Janel Field buckles in!
Vah'ru Haub hugs Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez to make her feel better!
Dina 'Spooks' Cades unbuckled !
SGT Dina 'Spooks' Cades screams!
Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez hugs Dina 'Spooks' Cades to make her feel better!
Steven Sneider buckles in!
Tristen Alder puts the M2132 machete into the H5 pattern M2132 machete scabbard.
Samuel Klusmann has grabbed Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez passively!
Dina 'Spooks' Cades has broken Samuel Klusmann's grip on Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez!
Dina 'Spooks' Cades has pushed Steven Sneider!
SGT Vah'ru Haub says, "OH NO"
Steven Sneider shakes Joe Walaski trying to wake him up!
SGT Vah'ru Haub says, "NOT THE WAT"
Mr. Joe Walaski says, "OH NO"
Vah'ru Haub buckles in!
Mr. Joe Walaski says, "SUPER LUBE"
Balto''Crunk''Dreg has thrown the space cleaner.
SGT Dina 'Spooks' Cades says, "AHHH"
SSGT Balto''Crunk''Dreg says, "What"
Samuel Klusmann attempted to disarm Balto''Crunk''Dreg!
Samuel Klusmann attempted to disarm Balto''Crunk''Dreg!
Samuel Klusmann has pushed Balto''Crunk''Dreg!
SSGT Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez says, "Heh"
SGT Vah'ru Haub claps.
Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez shakes Fedor Kamerer trying to wake him up!
Steven Sneider holds up the M41A pulse rifle MK2. Take a closer look.
Samuel Klusmann hugs Balto''Crunk''Dreg to make him feel better!
Samuel Klusmann shakes Dina 'Spooks' Cades trying to wake her up!
Mr. Joe Walaski says, "SUPER LUBE"
Mr. Joe Walaski says, "OH GOD"
SSGT Balto''Crunk''Dreg yells, "That was sink water I swear!"
SGT Vah'ru Haub claps, clearly unimpressed.
Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez hugs Balto''Crunk''Dreg to make him feel better!
TSGT Arwake Stanson [Sulaco (MT)] says, "HO HO HO DONT BE BAD OR NO PRESENT FOR YOU"
SGT Dina 'Spooks' Cades says, "FFFFFFFFFFFFFFUCK"
SGT Dina 'Spooks' Cades screams!
Emanuel Mens examines himself.
Samuel Klusmann has thrown the space cleaner.
Emanuel Mens examines himself.
ENS Max Chosen [Sulaco (BO)] says, "BRIEFING NOW"
SSGT Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez screams!
Mr. Joe Walaski says, "GAH"
Tristen Alder fires the M39 submachinegun!
The submachinegun bullet misses Boris Kamerer!
Tristen Alder fires the M39 submachinegun!
Steven Sneider is hit by the submachinegun bullet in the head!
The submachinegun bullet narrowly misses you!
Emanuel Mens unbuckled !
Mr. Joe Walaski says, "NAAAAAAAAAH"
Balto''Crunk''Dreg attempted to disarm Dina 'Spooks' Cades!
SGT Vah'ru Haub says, "THE FUCK"
Mr. Joe Walaski says, "OH MY GOD"
SSGT Balto''Crunk''Dreg says, "Eh"
SSGT Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez says, "What the"
PFC Boris Kamerer claps, clearly unimpressed.
Mr. Joe Walaski says, "WHAT THE FUCK"
SSGT Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez says, "Gah1"
PFC Nina 'Bunny' Reede says, "Jesus! What the fuck!"
PFC Steven Sneider says, "Wow"
SSGT Janel Field shouts, "HEY!"
Joe Walaski attempted to disarm Tristen Alder!
Joe Walaski has disarmed Tristen Alder!
SGT Dina 'Spooks' Cades says, "What the fuck"
PFC Whitaker Dickinson salutes.
SSGT Arthur 'Ariel' Santiago [Sulaco (SL)] says, "A marine shot a marine"
Samuel Klusmann has thrown the space cleaner.
Janel Field has been hit in the chest by the space cleaner.
SSGT Janel Field says, "FUCKING STOP THAT."
Emanuel Mens examines himself.
Dina 'Spooks' Cades attempted to disarm Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez!
Dina 'Spooks' Cades attempted to disarm Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez!
Dina 'Spooks' Cades has disarmed Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez!
SSGT Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez says, "God damnit"
Dina 'Spooks' Cades attempted to disarm Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez!
LT Max Chosen [Sulaco (BO)] says, "EVERYBODY TO BRIEFING"
Max Chosen talks into the marine command radio headset
Dina 'Spooks' Cades attempted to disarm Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez!
Balto''Crunk''Dreg shakes Joe Walaski trying to wake him up!
Dina 'Spooks' Cades has disarmed Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez!
SSGT Arthur 'Ariel' Santiago [Sulaco (SL)] says, "WHO PUTTED THAT FLOORS"
Mr. Joe Walaski says, "IDIOT"
Dina 'Spooks' Cades has pushed Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez!
LOOC: Balto''Crunk''Dreg: Oops
Dina 'Spooks' Cades attempted to disarm Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez!
Dina 'Spooks' Cades has disarmed Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez!
SSGT Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez exclaims, "Mew!"
Dina 'Spooks' Cades has disarmed Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez!
Emanuel Mens examines himself.
Dina 'Spooks' Cades has disarmed Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez!
Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez attempted to disarm Dina 'Spooks' Cades!
TSGT Arwake Stanson [Sulaco (MT)] shouts, "STOP SHOOTING THE SANTA !!!"
TSGT Arwake Stanson shouts, "STOP SHOOTING THE SANTA !!!"
Vah'ru Haub whispers something.
SSGT Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez screams!
Mr. Joe Walaski calls for a medic!
SSGT Arthur 'Ariel' Santiago [Sulaco (SL)] says, "WHO PUTTED SLIPING FLOORS ON BRIEFING"
Mr. Joe Walaski says, "MEDIC"
SGT Dina 'Spooks' Cades says, "Psst"
SGT Alyssa Cook says, "Reee"
PFC Boris Kamerer laughs!
Duke 'Shield' Schofield buckles in!
SGT Dina 'Spooks' Cades says, "Here kitteh kitteh"
Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez hugs Dina 'Spooks' Cades to make her feel better!
Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez hugs Dina 'Spooks' Cades to make her feel better!
SSGT Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez says, "Good mews"
PFC Steven Sneider says, "Keep your smg on safety damn it"
Dina 'Spooks' Cades has broken Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez's grip on Dina 'Spooks' Cades!
SSGT Balto''Crunk''Dreg [Sulaco (SL)] says, "Thing is who put Lube in the sink is the real question"
Balto''Crunk''Dreg talks into the marine alpha leader radio headset
PFC Brian 'Blackbeard' O'Gibbs [Sulaco (Mar)] says, "Putted."
Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez hugs Dina 'Spooks' Cades to make her feel better!
LT Max Chosen [Sulaco (BO)] says, "Alright listen up"
Max Chosen talks into the marine command radio headset
SSGT Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez says, "NO PLACE"
SGT Dina 'Spooks' Cades says, "Wot"
SSGT Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez says, "FOR MEWS"
Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez hugs Dina 'Spooks' Cades to make her feel better!
Arthur 'Ariel' Santiago is buckled in to the chair by Vah'ru Haub!
SSGT Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez screams!
Arthur 'Ariel' Santiago unbuckled !
Steven Sneider examines himself.
LT Max Chosen [Sulaco (BO)] says, "Some shit happened at the colony"
Max Chosen talks into the marine command radio headset
Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez hugs Dina 'Spooks' Cades to make her feel better!
Samuel Klusmann talks into the marine bravo leader radio headset
SSGT Balto''Crunk''Dreg [Sulaco (SL)] says, "Shit happening at briefing"
Balto''Crunk''Dreg talks into the marine alpha leader radio headset
PFC Tristen Alder says, "INTERESTING"
SSGT Arthur 'Ariel' Santiago [Sulaco (SL)] says, "What colony"
Arthur 'Ariel' Santiago talks into the marine charlie leader radio headset
SSGT Arthur 'Ariel' Santiago says, "What colony"
Vah'ru Haub unbuckled !
LT Max Chosen [Sulaco (BO)] says, "We have no idea what was that"
Max Chosen talks into the marine command radio headset
Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez hugs Dina 'Spooks' Cades to make her feel better!
PFC Tristen Alder exclaims, "TELL ME MORE!"
SGT Vah'ru Haub says, "Yo Santa;"
CPL Bernhard Franke [Sulaco (Eng)] says, "If Arthur ist ze Alpha SL I'm offin' myself."
SGT Vah'ru Haub asks, "Where my request?"
Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez hugs Dina 'Spooks' Cades to make her feel better!
SSGT Janel Field [Sulaco (SL)] asks, "So we have to go fix this shit?"
Janel Field talks into the marine delta leader radio headset
SGT Vah'ru Haub asks, "My custom build shotgun?"
SSGT Arthur 'Ariel' Santiago [Sulaco (SL)] says, "Im charlie"
Arthur 'Ariel' Santiago talks into the marine charlie leader radio headset
LT Max Chosen [Sulaco (BO)] says, "So we want you to find that out"
Max Chosen talks into the marine command radio headset
Duke 'Shield' Schofield talks into the marine bravo radio headset
SGT Vah'ru Haub says, "Where it"
SSGT Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez screams!
SGT Vah'ru Haub says, "WHERE IT SANTA"
Dina 'Spooks' Cades hugs Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez to make her feel better!
CPL Bernhard Franke [Sulaco (Eng)] says, "Thank God."
Dina 'Spooks' Cades hugs Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez to make her feel better!
SSGT Janel Field [Sulaco (SL)] asks, "Shoot commies, fuck bitches, standard marine shit?"
Janel Field talks into the marine delta leader radio headset
Dina 'Spooks' Cades hugs Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez to make her feel better!
Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez hugs Dina 'Spooks' Cades to make her feel better!
Dina 'Spooks' Cades hugs Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez to make her feel better!
PFC Boris Kamerer screams!
Dina 'Spooks' Cades hugs Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez to make her feel better!
LT Max Chosen [Sulaco (BO)] says, "Right, so"
Max Chosen talks into the marine command radio headset
Dina 'Spooks' Cades hugs Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez to make her feel better!
Dina 'Spooks' Cades hugs Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez to make her feel better!
LT Max Chosen [Sulaco (BO)] says, "Alpha"
Max Chosen talks into the marine command radio headset
Dina 'Spooks' Cades hugs Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez to make her feel better!
SGT Vah'ru Haub screams!
SSGT Balto''Crunk''Dreg [Sulaco (SL)] says, "Thats sucha good plan"
Dina 'Spooks' Cades hugs Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez to make her feel better!
Dina 'Spooks' Cades hugs Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez to make her feel better!
SGT Vah'ru Haub says, "WHERE IT"
Dina 'Spooks' Cades hugs Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez to make her feel better!
Emanuel Mens buckles in!
SSGT Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez says, "ERMAGURD"
PFC Pavel Gorlov [Sulaco (Mar)] says, "What type of commie"
SGT Vah'ru Haub says, "WHERE THE FUCK IT"
LT Max Chosen [Sulaco (BO)] says, "You Setup FOB at Secure storage"
Max Chosen talks into the marine command radio headset
Emanuel Mens examines himself.
Oswald Faust buckles in!
Emanuel Mens examines himself.
LT Max Chosen [Sulaco (BO)] says, "And secure LZ2"
Max Chosen talks into the marine command radio headset
PFC Pavel Gorlov [Sulaco (Mar)] says, "CCCP Commie or PRC commie"
Nina 'Bunny' Reede opens "Lazarus Landing Map".
Arthur 'Ariel' Santiago talks into the marine charlie leader radio headset
SSGT Arthur 'Ariel' Santiago asks, "We got a spec?"
Vah'ru Haub talks into the marine charlie radio headset
SGT Vah'ru Haub says, "Yep."
SSGT Balto''Crunk''Dreg [Sulaco (SL)] says, "Damn it Pavel"
SSGT Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez exclaims, "Cunt!"
Ed 'Unrobust' Trevor buckles in!
SSGT Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez screams!
SGT Vah'ru Haub says, "WHY SANTA"
SSGT Samuel Klusmann [Sulaco (SL)] says, "Tanna Tuva Commie"
SGT Vah'ru Haub says, "WHY"
LT Max Chosen [Sulaco (BO)] says, "Also, you fix the power"
Max Chosen talks into the marine command radio headset
Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez attempted to disarm Dina 'Spooks' Cades!
Vah'ru Haub buckles in!
PFC Pavel Gorlov [Sulaco (Mar)] says, "Eh"
SSGT Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez screams!
Arthur 'Ariel' Santiago talks into the marine charlie leader radio headset
SSGT Samuel Klusmann [Sulaco (SL)] says, "Or Mongolia"
Oswald Faust unbuckled !
Dina 'Spooks' Cades is buckled in to the chair by Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez!
Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez has disarmed Dina 'Spooks' Cades!
Arthur 'Ariel' Santiago talks into the marine charlie leader radio headset
Dina 'Spooks' Cades was unbuckled by Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez!
Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez has pushed Dina 'Spooks' Cades!
Dina 'Spooks' Cades is buckled in to the chair by Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez!
Tristen Alder attempted to disarm Dina 'Spooks' Cades!
Oswald Faust buckles in!
PFC Pavel Gorlov [Sulaco (Mar)] says, "Maybe we can give commie payback for anchorige"
LT Max Chosen [Sulaco (BO)] says, "Because you have 2 engineers"
Max Chosen talks into the marine command radio headset
Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez attempted to disarm Dina 'Spooks' Cades!
Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez attempted to disarm Dina 'Spooks' Cades!
SGT Dina 'Spooks' Cades says, "No"
Vah'ru Haub talks into the marine charlie radio headset
SGT Vah'ru Haub says, "Nah, i prefer that;"
SSGT Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez screams!
Tristen Alder hugs Dina 'Spooks' Cades to make her feel better!
Arthur 'Ariel' Santiago talks into the marine charlie leader radio headset
Tristen Alder hugs Dina 'Spooks' Cades to make her feel better!
SGT Dina 'Spooks' Cades screams!
Tristen Alder hugs Nina 'Bunny' Reede to make her feel better!
SSGT Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez claps.
SSGT Balto''Crunk''Dreg [Sulaco (SL)] says, "If you can't prounce the country it don't exist"
Arthur 'Ariel' Santiago buckles in!
Duke 'Shield' Schofield unbuckled !
LT Max Chosen [Sulaco (BO)] says, "Bravo, Charlie, Delta"
Max Chosen talks into the marine command radio headset
Samuel Klusmann hugs Ed 'Unrobust' Trevor to make him feel better!
Samuel Klusmann hugs Emanuel Mens to make him feel better!
SSGT Janel Field [Sulaco (SL)] asks, "Did pavel take all the AP again?"
Janel Field talks into the marine delta leader radio headset
Nina 'Bunny' Reede puts the Lazarus landing map into the USCM infantry backpack.
SSGT Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez dives in Brian's beard and hides!
SSGT Balto''Crunk''Dreg [Sulaco (SL)] says, "Pronounce rather"
SSGT Arthur 'Ariel' Santiago [Sulaco (SL)] says, "What"
Arthur 'Ariel' Santiago talks into the marine charlie leader radio headset
Emanuel Mens hugs Samuel Klusmann to make him feel better!
PFC Pavel Gorlov [Sulaco (Mar)] says, "People repblic china"
Emanuel Mens hugs Samuel Klusmann to make him feel better!
Emanuel Mens hugs Samuel Klusmann to make him feel better!
LT Max Chosen [Sulaco (BO)] says, "You will search for survivors"
Max Chosen talks into the marine command radio headset
CPL Sergei ''Wolf'' Zelinsky [Engi (Eng)] says, "Check, check."
Emanuel Mens hugs Samuel Klusmann to make him feel better!
Vah'ru Haub talks into the marine charlie radio headset
PFC Tristen Alder [Sulaco (Mar)] says, "Portuc - portu - portchu - fuck it"
SSGT Balto''Crunk''Dreg [Sulaco (SL)] asks, "Power?"
PFC Pavel Gorlov [Sulaco (Mar)] says, "Ap best amomo"
Vah'ru Haub talks into the marine charlie radio headset
SSGT Balto''Crunk''Dreg [Sulaco (SL)] says, "If it be down"
Arthur 'Ariel' Santiago talks into the marine charlie leader radio headset
SSGT Arthur 'Ariel' Santiago says, "It can hardly be saw"
Arthur 'Ariel' Santiago talks into the marine charlie leader radio headset
SSGT Arthur 'Ariel' Santiago says, "Yep"
LT Max Chosen [Sulaco (BO)] says, "Alpha on power and FOB"
Max Chosen talks into the marine command radio headset
Mr. Joe Walaski [Sulaco (CL)] says, "WHO MADE THEEsE BARRICADEs"
Arthur 'Ariel' Santiago talks into the marine charlie leader radio headset
SSGT Arthur 'Ariel' Santiago says, "That marine with headband i gived to he the headband"
Mr. Joe Walaski [Sulaco (CL)] exclaims, "CORA!!!!"
Mr. Joe Walaski [Sulaco (CL)] says, "WHY DID YOU DO THIS"
Tristen Alder examines himself.
SSGT Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez starts a family in Brian's beard.
SSGT Balto''Crunk''Dreg laughs!
Mr. Joe Walaski [Sulaco (CL)] yells, "CORA THE MT DID THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
LT Max Chosen [Sulaco (BO)] asks, "Everything clear?"
Max Chosen talks into the marine command radio headset
SSGT Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez builds a house.
Arthur 'Ariel' Santiago talks into the marine charlie leader radio headset
SSGT Arthur 'Ariel' Santiago says, "When we land on nexus i want yous make a line im my front"
SSGT Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez buys a dog.
Janel Field unbuckled !
PFC Steven Sneider [Sulaco (Mar)] says, "50 bucks that alpha wont do shit for FOB"
SSGT Balto''Crunk''Dreg says, "Heh"
SSGT Janel Field [Sulaco (SL)] says, "Yeah yeah."
Janel Field talks into the marine delta leader radio headset
Arthur 'Ariel' Santiago talks into the marine charlie leader radio headset
SSGT Arthur 'Ariel' Santiago asks, "Copy that marines?"
LT Max Chosen [Sulaco (BO)] says, "Alpha takes POD"
Max Chosen talks into the marine command radio headset
Samuel Klusmann attempted to disarm Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez!
Samuel Klusmann attempted to disarm Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez!
SSGT Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez screams!
LT Max Chosen [Sulaco (BO)] says, "Other squads on Rasp"
Max Chosen talks into the marine command radio headset
SSGT Janel Field [Sulaco (SL)] says, "Delta, lets go fuck shit up."
Janel Field talks into the marine delta leader radio headset
SSGT Balto''Crunk''Dreg screams!
Steven Sneider unbuckled !
LT Max Chosen [Sulaco (BO)] says, "Dismissed"
Max Chosen talks into the marine command radio headset
LOOC: Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez: my new fav thing to do
PFC Pavel Gorlov [Sulaco (Mar)] says, "Hey"
Vah'ru Haub talks into the marine charlie radio headset
PFC Pavel Gorlov [Sulaco (Mar)] says, "Is china even commie"
Whitaker Dickinson talks into the marine radio headset
PFC Whitaker Dickinson says, "Good copy."
Brian 'Blackbeard' O'Gibbs unbuckled !
Arthur 'Ariel' Santiago unbuckled !
SGT Dina 'Spooks' Cades calls for a medic!
Nina 'Bunny' Reede unbuckled !
Vah'ru Haub talks into the marine charlie radio headset
SGT Dina 'Spooks' Cades claps, clearly unimpressed.
Ed 'Unrobust' Trevor unbuckled !
Gin Albuclark unbuckled !
Balto''Crunk''Dreg unbuckled !
SSGT Samuel Klusmann [Sulaco (SL)] says, "Engineer fix this shit"
Vah'ru Haub talks into the marine charlie radio headset
LOOC: Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez: do things in brians beard
SGT Dina 'Spooks' Cades screams!
SSGT Arthur 'Ariel' Santiago [Sulaco (SL)] says, "WHO BUILDED THIS GODDAMET WALL"
PFC Pavel Gorlov [Sulaco (Mar)] asks, "Or just single party dictatorship?"
Mr. Joe Walaski [Sulaco (CL)] says, "THE MT DID THIS"
Mr. Joe Walaski [Sulaco (CL)] says, "CORA THE MT FUCKING DID THIS"
You finish eating the USCM MRE (pork).
Arwake Stanson finishes eating the USCM MRE (pork).
SGT Vah'ru Haub [Sulaco (Spc)] says, "TURMP I MEAN, MT"
Cora Mathews [Sulaco (MT)] asks, "Which MT?"
PFC Tristen Alder [Sulaco (Mar)] exclaims, "TRUMP BUILT A WAY!"
PFC Brian 'Blackbeard' O'Gibbs [Sulaco (Mar)] says, "OI, FUCKIN' CALM DOWN."
PFC Tristen Alder [Sulaco (Mar)] yells, "FUCK WALL!"
Cora Mathews [Sulaco (MT)] says, "I'm no Trump-er"
PFC Tristen Alder [Sulaco (Mar)] exclaims, "I ment wall!"
Arwake Stanson has thrown the soap.
Connor 'Stryker' Williams punched Arwake Stanson!
Arwake Stanson has thrown the soap.
Your right leg hurts.
Arwake Stanson tried to punch Connor 'Stryker' Williams!
Arwake Stanson punched Connor 'Stryker' Williams!
Arwake Stanson has weakened Connor 'Stryker' Williams!
PFC Pavel Gorlov [Sulaco (Mar)] says, "Hey"
Pavel Gorlov talks into the marine charlie radio headset
PFC Pavel Gorlov [Sulaco (Mar)] says, "Where is bazooka"
ENS Luiz 'Mises' Buarque [Sulaco (PO)] says, "Ok, 2 minutes to the lift off"
PFC Pavel Gorlov says, "Thank"
You put the plasteel into the industrial backpack.
You put the metal into the industrial backpack.
You put the metal into the industrial backpack.
You put the glass into the industrial backpack.
ENS Luiz 'Mises' Buarque [Sulaco (PO)] says, "1 minute"
You start climbing down the ladder..
You climb down the ladder!
Cora Mathews puts the light replacer into the leather satchel.
Your right leg hurts.
Cora Mathews climbs up the ladder!
Steven Sneider unbuckled !
SSGT Arthur 'Ariel' Santiago says, "Won from what"
LT Max Chosen [Sulaco (BO)] says, "Launching Pod"
SGT Dina 'Spooks' Cades says, "Ww"
Nina 'Bunny' Reede climbs up the ladder!
Arthur 'Ariel' Santiago talks into the marine charlie leader radio headset
SSGT Arthur 'Ariel' Santiago [Sulaco (SL)] says, "Get to goddamet rasp"
Arthur 'Ariel' Santiago talks into the marine charlie leader radio headset
ENS Luiz 'Mises' Buarque [Sulaco (PO)] says, "Launching rasp"
ENS Luiz 'Mises' Buarque [Sulaco (PO)] says, "10 seconds"
SSGT Arthur 'Ariel' Santiago [Sulaco (SL)] says, "IT GOIGN DOWN"
Emanuel Mens buckles in!
SSGT Arthur 'Ariel' Santiago [Sulaco (SL)] says, "FAST GET IN"
ENS Luiz 'Mises' Buarque [Sulaco (PO)] says, "Let's go boys"
Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez hugs Tristen Alder to make him feel better!
Tristen Alder was unbuckled by Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez!
You buckle yourself to Passenger Seat.
SGT Vah'ru Haub says, "SANTA."
SSGT Arthur 'Ariel' Santiago says, "SANTA COMING WITH US"
Arthur 'Ariel' Santiago talks into the marine charlie leader radio headset
Steven Sneider buckles in!
SSGT Arthur 'Ariel' Santiago [Sulaco (SL)] says, "RASP GOING DOWN"
Arthur 'Ariel' Santiago talks into the marine charlie leader radio headset
PFC Willy Valdez says, "Santa"
SSGT Arthur 'Ariel' Santiago [Sulaco (SL)] says, "WITH SANTA INSIDE"
Arthur 'Ariel' Santiago talks into the marine charlie leader radio headset
Sudden acceleration presses you into your chair!
SGT Vah'ru Haub says, "SANTA."
SGT Vah'ru Haub says, "SAY TO ME."
Steven Sneider unbuckled !
Ed 'Unrobust' Trevor buckles in!
Steven Sneider buckles in!
SGT Ed 'Unrobust' Trevor whispers, "Santa, you got the drugs?"
SGT Vah'ru Haub says, "If he not "comed" it's not here."
SSGT Samuel Klusmann says, "Ok Bravo stay together and follow my lead"
SGT Vah'ru Haub whispers, "***t* **n*#3*** g*t ***g** **t * *ot."
SSGT Arthur 'Ariel' Santiago says, "Okay bravo line up in my front when we land"
ENS Luiz 'Mises' Buarque says, "Come on santa"
SSGT Arthur 'Ariel' Santiago says, "Sorry"
You were unbuckled from Passenger Seat by Luiz 'Mises' Buarque.
Luiz 'Mises' Buarque tried to punch Arwake Stanson!
SSGT Arthur 'Ariel' Santiago says, "Ok charlie line up in my front when we land"
Your armor softens the blow!
Luiz 'Mises' Buarque punched Arwake Stanson!
TSGT Arwake Stanson says, "HOHOHO HAPPY FIGHT"
Steven Sneider activates the flare.
The floor lurches beneath you!
Boris Kamerer unbuckled !
Oswald Faust examines himself.
Steven Sneider unbuckled !
Whitaker Dickinson unbuckled !
Arthur 'Ariel' Santiago unbuckled !
Emanuel Mens examines himself.
Charles 'Crank' Smith unbuckled !
Willy Valdez unbuckled !
ENS Luiz 'Mises' Buarque says, "Idiot"
Vah'ru Haub unbuckled !
Oswald Faust unbuckled !
Emanuel Mens examines himself.
Arwake Stanson tried to punch Luiz 'Mises' Buarque!
Arthur 'Ariel' Santiago talks into the marine charlie leader radio headset
Emanuel Mens unbuckled !
Arwake Stanson punched Luiz 'Mises' Buarque!
Arwake Stanson has weakened Luiz 'Mises' Buarque!
SGT Vah'ru Haub says, "Great punch"
Your armor softens the blow!
Luiz 'Mises' Buarque punched Arwake Stanson!
Luiz 'Mises' Buarque punched Arwake Stanson!
TSGT Arwake Stanson says, "NO PUNCH SANTA"
Your left hand hurts.
Willy Valdez examines himself.
SSGT Arthur 'Ariel' Santiago says, "CHARLIE LINE UP IN MY FRONT"
Arwake Stanson punched Luiz 'Mises' Buarque!
Your right leg hurts.
ENS Luiz 'Mises' Buarque says, "Can't beat me santa"
Samuel Klusmann talks into the marine bravo leader radio headset
Arthur 'Ariel' Santiago talks into the marine charlie leader radio headset
Vah'ru Haub talks into the marine charlie radio headset
Your left leg hurts.
SSGT Samuel Klusmann says, "Go bravo"
SSGT Arthur 'Ariel' Santiago says, "CHARLIE"
Your left hand hurts.
SSGT Arthur 'Ariel' Santiago says, "FOLLOW ME"
OOC: ForwardslashN: If anyone knows who built the cades in brifing, ahelp.
TSGT Arwake Stanson says, "Stop punching the santa"
You buckle yourself to Passenger Seat.
Your right leg hurts.
Your left hand hurts.
You unbuckle yourself from Passenger Seat.
Your left leg hurts.
ENS Luiz 'Mises' Buarque says, "Oh"
ENS Luiz 'Mises' Buarque asks, "Can i use it?"
TSGT Arwake Stanson says, "Yes"
Arwake Stanson tried to punch Arwake Stanson!
You buckle yourself to Passenger Seat.
All hands, Commander Eleanor Swabey on deck!
Your left hand hurts.
TSGT Arwake Stanson [Sulaco (MT)] asks, "FOB IS DONE ?"
TSGT Arwake Stanson asks, "FOB IS DONE ?"
Luiz 'Mises' Buarque buckles in!
Sudden acceleration presses you into your chair!
Your left leg hurts.
TSGT Arwake Stanson asks, "Why you punched the santa ?"
Your left hand hurts.
ENS Luiz 'Mises' Buarque says, "Santa is dumb and came into the rasp"
Your left hand hurts.
Sudden acceleration presses you into your chair!
Luiz 'Mises' Buarque unbuckled !
You unbuckle yourself from Passenger Seat.
LT Max Chosen [Sulaco (BO)] says, "Launching pod back to Sulaco"
You start climbing up the ladder..
You climb up the ladder!
Your left leg hurts.
TSGT Arwake Stanson [Sulaco (MT)] says, "Make the fob for me to assist you please"
TSGT Arwake Stanson says, "Make the fob for me to assist you please"
You step on the glass shard!
Your left hand hurts.
ENS Luiz 'Mises' Buarque [Sulaco (PO)] says, "Rasp lifting off in 2 minutes, hohohoho"
Your left leg hurts.
Your left hand hurts.
Your right leg hurts.
Your left hand hurts.
-- Click the Developer's name to reply --
Developer PM from ForwardslashN: Why did you build cades in the middle of briefing?
PM to ForwardslashN: wasnt me
Your left leg hurts.
Developer PM from ForwardslashN: Yeah, it was.
Your left hand hurts.
Your left leg hurts.
Your left hand hurts.
Developer PM from ForwardslashN: One chance to come clean now.
PM to ForwardslashN: why i did this, i know i dont have to do it
Your right leg hurts.
PM to ForwardslashN: it was cora
ENS Luiz 'Mises' Buarque [Sulaco (PO)] says, "Launching rasp, hohohoho"
Your left hand hurts.
Developer PM from ForwardslashN: Cora?
Your right leg hurts.
LT Max Chosen [Sulaco (BO)] says, "Launching pod"
Your left hand hurts.
PM to ForwardslashN: yes, i was focusing on being the santa
ENS Janey 'Grandma' Jimjams [Sulaco (RO)] says, "Spare sentry crate in engineering to one lucky engineer"
Your left leg hurts.
Developer PM from ForwardslashN: Okay, you have lied to me at this point.
Your left hand hurts.
Developer PM from ForwardslashN: I am going to ban you for a day.
PM to ForwardslashN: what ? i never did this
Your right leg hurts.
Jack Walker has thrown the satchel of protein substitute.
Your left hand hurts.
Developer PM from ForwardslashN: Tell me how Cora did this with no plasteel.
After a few attempts, Jack Walker manages to light the the cheap lighter.
Jack Walker manages to light their cigarette with the cheap lighter.
Jack Walker quietly shuts off the the cheap lighter.
PM to ForwardslashN: i dont know
Developer PM from ForwardslashN: You have plasteel on you right now.
You put the plasteel into the industrial backpack.
[D] OOC: TopHatPenguin: Marines don't try and meta rush the aliens.
Developer PM from ForwardslashN: 15 sheets have been used.
PM to ForwardslashN: i have 15 on me
Developer PM from ForwardslashN: I know.
Developer PM from ForwardslashN: You used 15.
[D] OOC: TopHatPenguin: As in you should be back down by the river.
Your left hand hurts.
Your right leg hurts.
PM to ForwardslashN: i know i dont have to do it, i did a lot of playing on ss13
Your left hand hurts.
Your left leg hurts.
Your right leg hurts.
Your left hand hurts.
Current Admins (1):
ForwardslashN is a Developer
Current Moderators (1):
TheSpoonyCroy is a Moderator
Current Mentors (2):
TopHatPenguin is a Mentor
Boltersam is a Mentor
ENS Janey 'Grandma' Jimjams [Sulaco (RO)] says, "Some stuff available free at cargo, machetes, holsters, grenades"
You have been banned by forwardslashn.
Reason: Put up three plasteel barricades in briefing. Claimed ignorance. Then lied when questioned about it, blaming another MT..
This is a temporary ban, it will be removed in 1440 minutes.
To try to resolve this matter head to viewforum.php?f=76
Connection died.
Character Name: Arwake Stanson
Type Of Ban (Job-ban, Timed Ban, Permaban): Timed ban
Admin who banned you (if known): ForwardSlash
Total Ban Duration: 1440 minutes
Remaining Duration: 1420 minutes
What other servers do you play on? Paradise station
Are you now or have you been banned on any of them? no
Reason for ban (If you have a Permaban, it should be the EXACT MESSAGE YOU GET WHEN YOU LOGIN with the Error code that looks like this: X##XXX##. If you do not provide this EXACTLY you can't be unbanned):
Reason: Put up three plasteel barricades in briefing. Claimed ignorance. Then lied when questioned about it, blaming another MT..
Link to previous appeals for the same ban (if applicable):
Your appeal, including evidence (screenshots, etc): i was playing the santa, at RO, then i was at the briefing, playing the santa too, and i got the SM set up. I know there is strict rules on this server to have a better gameplay, i played it a lot.
here is my log :
SGT Dina 'Spooks' Cades says, "Oh cmon"
Tristen Alder hugs Arwake Stanson to make him feel better!
Joe Walaski hugs Arwake Stanson to make him feel better!
SSGT Balto''Crunk''Dreg screams!
SSGT Janel Field says, "Hello "santa"."
Joe Walaski hugs Arwake Stanson to make him feel better!
SSGT Arthur 'Ariel' Santiago asks, "SANTA?"
Tristen Alder hugs Arwake Stanson to make him feel better!
Samuel Klusmann has thrown the rail flashlight.
Joe Walaski hugs Arwake Stanson to make him feel better!
Tristen Alder hugs Arwake Stanson to make him feel better!
Joe Walaski hugs Arwake Stanson to make him feel better!
Tristen Alder hugs Arwake Stanson to make him feel better!
SSGT Balto''Crunk''Dreg says, "Its"
Joe Walaski hugs Arwake Stanson to make him feel better!
Tristen Alder hugs Arwake Stanson to make him feel better!
Tristen Alder hugs Arwake Stanson to make him feel better!
Joe Walaski hugs Arwake Stanson to make him feel better!
Tristen Alder hugs Arwake Stanson to make him feel better!
Joe Walaski hugs Arwake Stanson to make him feel better!
SGT Dina 'Spooks' Cades says, "Who the fuck takes them"
SSGT Arthur 'Ariel' Santiago says, "DINGOBEL"
Joe Walaski hugs Arwake Stanson to make him feel better!
Tristen Alder hugs Arwake Stanson to make him feel better!
Joe Walaski hugs Arwake Stanson to make him feel better!
Tristen Alder hugs Arwake Stanson to make him feel better!
Samuel Klusmann attempted to disarm Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez!
Joe Walaski hugs Arwake Stanson to make him feel better!
Tristen Alder hugs Arwake Stanson to make him feel better!
Joe Walaski hugs Arwake Stanson to make him feel better!
Tristen Alder hugs Arwake Stanson to make him feel better!
SGT Dina 'Spooks' Cades says, "Uh"
Samuel Klusmann attempted to disarm Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez!
Max Chosen has thrown the forward grip.
Joe Walaski hugs Arwake Stanson to make him feel better!
TSGT Arwake Stanson says, "Ho ho ho HAPPY CHRITSMAS"
Tristen Alder hugs Arwake Stanson to make him feel better!
SGT Dina 'Spooks' Cades says, "Hmm"
Joe Walaski hugs Arwake Stanson to make him feel better!
Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez hugs Samuel Klusmann to make him feel better!
Tristen Alder hugs Arwake Stanson to make him feel better!
Joe Walaski hugs Arwake Stanson to make him feel better!
Max Chosen has thrown the red-dot sight.
Tristen Alder hugs Arwake Stanson to make him feel better!
Joe Walaski hugs Arwake Stanson to make him feel better!
Tristen Alder hugs Arwake Stanson to make him feel better!
Joe Walaski hugs Arwake Stanson to make him feel better!
Tristen Alder hugs Arwake Stanson to make him feel better!
Joe Walaski hugs Arwake Stanson to make him feel better!
Tristen Alder hugs Arwake Stanson to make him feel better!
Joe Walaski hugs Arwake Stanson to make him feel better!
SSGT Janel Field says, "Oh hey CL."
Tristen Alder hugs Arwake Stanson to make him feel better!
Joe Walaski hugs Arwake Stanson to make him feel better!
SSGT Arthur 'Ariel' Santiago says, "SANTA AND MY GIFT"
Tristen Alder hugs Arwake Stanson to make him feel better!
Joe Walaski hugs Arwake Stanson to make him feel better!
Tristen Alder hugs Arwake Stanson to make him feel better!
Mr. Joe Walaski says, "Hi"
Tristen Alder hugs Arwake Stanson to make him feel better!
Joe Walaski hugs Arwake Stanson to make him feel better!
Tristen Alder hugs Arwake Stanson to make him feel better!
Joe Walaski hugs Arwake Stanson to make him feel better!
ENS Max Chosen says, "We are out of BC"
Tristen Alder hugs Arwake Stanson to make him feel better!
SGT Dina 'Spooks' Cades says, "Somethin for an smg on the barrel then"
SSGT Balto''Crunk''Dreg says, "Wait a minute"
Joe Walaski hugs Arwake Stanson to make him feel better!
Tristen Alder hugs Arwake Stanson to make him feel better!
Joe Walaski hugs Arwake Stanson to make him feel better!
Tristen Alder hugs Arwake Stanson to make him feel better!
Joe Walaski hugs Arwake Stanson to make him feel better!
Tristen Alder hugs Arwake Stanson to make him feel better!
Joe Walaski hugs Arwake Stanson to make him feel better!
Tristen Alder hugs Arwake Stanson to make him feel better!
Joe Walaski hugs Arwake Stanson to make him feel better!
Tristen Alder hugs Arwake Stanson to make him feel better!
Joe Walaski hugs Arwake Stanson to make him feel better!
SSGT Janel Field asks, "Want a cig?"
Tristen Alder hugs Arwake Stanson to make him feel better!
PFC Tristen Alder screams!
Joe Walaski hugs Arwake Stanson to make him feel better!
Tristen Alder hugs Arwake Stanson to make him feel better!
Joe Walaski hugs Arwake Stanson to make him feel better!
Tristen Alder hugs Joe Walaski to make him feel better!
Samuel Klusmann has pushed Arwake Stanson!
Mr. Joe Walaski says, "Nah"
Tristen Alder shakes Arwake Stanson trying to wake him up!
SSGT Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez screams!
Mr. Joe Walaski says, "I have some in my office"
Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez attempted to disarm Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez!
SSGT Balto''Crunk''Dreg [Sulaco (SL)] shouts, "Santa comfirmed a phony! He said Happy christmas!"
Balto''Crunk''Dreg talks into the marine alpha leader radio headset
ENS Max Chosen says, "I don't know what is for what"
Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez has pushed Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez!
Joe Walaski hugs Arwake Stanson to make him feel better!
SSGT Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez calls for a medic!
Joe Walaski hugs Arwake Stanson to make him feel better!
Dina 'Spooks' Cades puts the M39 submachinegun into the M276 pattern M39 holster rig.
SSGT Balto''Crunk''Dreg says, "Say"
SGT Dina 'Spooks' Cades says, "Whats left"
SSGT Arthur 'Ariel' Santiago [Sulaco (SL)] says, "We got a santa SANTA WHERE IS MY GIFT"
Arthur 'Ariel' Santiago talks into the marine charlie leader radio headset
Mr. Joe Walaski says, "TACTICAL HUGS INBOUND"
TSGT Arwake Stanson says, "You gift is bad guys to kick the ass on the planet ho ho ho"
Max Chosen has thrown the bayonet.
Joe Walaski hugs Arwake Stanson to make him feel better!
Joe Walaski hugs Arwake Stanson to make him feel better!
Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez hugs Balto''Crunk''Dreg to make him feel better!
Joe Walaski hugs Arwake Stanson to make him feel better!
Joe Walaski hugs Arwake Stanson to make him feel better!
Joe Walaski hugs Arwake Stanson to make him feel better!
SSGT Balto''Crunk''Dreg [Sulaco (SL)] says, "Its a fraud I tell yah"
Balto''Crunk''Dreg talks into the marine alpha leader radio headset
Joe Walaski hugs Arwake Stanson to make him feel better!
Joe Walaski hugs Arwake Stanson to make him feel better!
SGT Dina 'Spooks' Cades says, ".....this wont work on it"
Joe Walaski hugs Arwake Stanson to make him feel better!
Joe Walaski hugs Arwake Stanson to make him feel better!
Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez hugs Balto''Crunk''Dreg to make him feel better!
Joe Walaski hugs Arwake Stanson to make him feel better!
Max Chosen has thrown the M41A skeleton stock.
Balto''Crunk''Dreg points to Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez
SSGT Balto''Crunk''Dreg screams!
Janel Field puts the M41A AP magazine (10x24mm) into the USCM infantry satchel.
Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez points to Balto''Crunk''Dreg
SSGT Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez screams!
SSGT Balto''Crunk''Dreg claps.
Max Chosen has thrown the bipod.
Mr. Joe Walaski screams!
Balto''Crunk''Dreg points to Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez
SSGT Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez claps.
SGT Dina 'Spooks' Cades says, "Thats for a rifle- just gimme a suppressor"
Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez points to Balto''Crunk''Dreg
Max Chosen has thrown the suppressor.
Samuel Klusmann bangs against the reinforced window!
Samuel Klusmann bangs against the reinforced window!
Samuel Klusmann bangs against the reinforced window!
Samuel Klusmann bangs against the reinforced window!
Samuel Klusmann bangs against the reinforced window!
Samuel Klusmann bangs against the reinforced window!
Max Chosen points to the reinforced table
Samuel Klusmann bangs against the reinforced window!
Samuel Klusmann bangs against the reinforced window!
Samuel Klusmann bangs against the reinforced window!
Samuel Klusmann bangs against the reinforced window!
Samuel Klusmann bangs against the reinforced window!
Samuel Klusmann bangs against the reinforced window!
Samuel Klusmann bangs against the reinforced window!
Samuel Klusmann bangs against the reinforced window!
PFC Tristen Alder says, "A rail flashlight and a red dot sight."
Samuel Klusmann bangs against the reinforced window!
Samuel Klusmann bangs against the reinforced window!
ENS Max Chosen says, "Those are for free"
Samuel Klusmann bangs against the reinforced window!
Samuel Klusmann bangs against the reinforced window!
Samuel Klusmann bangs against the reinforced window!
Samuel Klusmann bangs against the reinforced window!
Mr. Joe Walaski says, "DO IT IN THE NEXT 10 SECONDS"
Samuel Klusmann bangs against the reinforced window!
Samuel Klusmann bangs against the reinforced window!
Samuel Klusmann bangs against the reinforced window!
Samuel Klusmann bangs against the reinforced window!
Samuel Klusmann bangs against the reinforced window!
Samuel Klusmann bangs against the reinforced window!
Samuel Klusmann bangs against the reinforced window!
Tristen Alder puts the M2132 machete into the H5 pattern M2132 machete scabbard.
Samuel Klusmann bangs against the reinforced window!
Samuel Klusmann bangs against the reinforced window!
Samuel Klusmann bangs against the reinforced window!
Samuel Klusmann bangs against the reinforced window!
Samuel Klusmann bangs against the reinforced window!
Samuel Klusmann bangs against the reinforced window!
Samuel Klusmann bangs against the reinforced window!
SSGT Arthur 'Ariel' Santiago asks, "What?"
Samuel Klusmann bangs against the reinforced window!
Samuel Klusmann bangs against the reinforced window!
PFC Steven Sneider says, "Pass the stock if you will"
Samuel Klusmann bangs against the reinforced window!
Samuel Klusmann bangs against the reinforced window!
SSGT Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez screams!
Samuel Klusmann bangs against the reinforced window!
Samuel Klusmann bangs against the reinforced window!
Samuel Klusmann bangs against the reinforced window!
TSGT Arwake Stanson screams!
Max Chosen has thrown the red-dot sight.
Samuel Klusmann bangs against the reinforced window!
Samuel Klusmann bangs against the reinforced window!
Samuel Klusmann bangs against the reinforced window!
SGT Vah'ru Haub [Sulaco (Spc)] says, "Yo santa, i launched 5 papers for you, with my request that is a dang custom build shotgun, why santa.. why.."
Mr. Joe Walaski says, "HAHAHA"
Max Chosen has thrown the rail flashlight.
Mr. Joe Walaski says, "I FOLELD YOU GUYS"
Janel Field points to the M41A skeleton stock
Samuel Klusmann has disarmed Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez!
Samuel Klusmann has disarmed Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez!
SSGT Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez shouts, "MEIN!"
Mr. Joe Walaski says, "FOOLED"
Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez attempted to disarm Samuel Klusmann!
SSGT Balto''Crunk''Dreg screams!
Steven Sneider puts the M41A skeleton stock into the USCM infantry backpack.
Mr. Joe Walaski says, "HAHAHAHHA"
Mr. Joe Walaski says, "MWAHAHAHA"
SSGT Balto''Crunk''Dreg frowns.
Dina 'Spooks' Cades puts the M39 submachinegun into the M276 pattern M39 holster rig.
Mr. Joe Walaski exclaims, "MWAAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!"
SSGT Arthur 'Ariel' Santiago says, "Remove alpha sl he was stopped"
PFC Duke 'Shield' Schofield says, "Nice hair liason."
Mr. Joe Walaski says, "Thanks"
SSGT Balto''Crunk''Dreg glares.
You apply the green facepaint.
Without even breaking stride, Arwake Stanson flips open and lights the Zippo lighter in one smooth movement.
You hear a quiet click, as Arwake Stanson shuts off the Zippo lighter without even looking at what they're doing.
Without even breaking stride, Arwake Stanson flips open and lights the Zippo lighter in one smooth movement.
You are unable to equip that.
Samuel Klusmann carefully applies the green facepaint on Samuel Klusmann's face.
With a flick of their wrist, Arwake Stanson lights their premium cigar with their the Zippo lighter.
You hear a quiet click, as Arwake Stanson shuts off the Zippo lighter without even looking at what they're doing.
You put the Zippo lighter into the industrial backpack.
Vah'ru Haub talks into the marine charlie radio headset
Gin Albuclark puts the Lazarus landing map into the USCM medic backpack.
Tristen Alder hugs Arwake Stanson to make him feel better!
SSGT Balto''Crunk''Dreg [Sulaco (SL)] shouts, "Liason lied! He ought to be on the naughty list!"
Mr. Joe Walaski says, "SANTAH"
Emanuel Mens examines himself.
PFC Duke 'Shield' Schofield says, "Santa."
Mr. Joe Walaski says, "IT WAS A PRANK"
PFC Duke 'Shield' Schofield says, "You is nigga?."
Mr. Joe Walaski says, "I DINT LIE"
SGT Vah'ru Haub says, "What"
TSGT Arwake Stanson says, "HO HO HO HAPPY CHRISTMAS"
Emanuel Mens examines himself.
Emanuel Mens unbuckled !
SSGT Balto''Crunk''Dreg says, "Gah"
Mr. Joe Walaski says, "SANTAH"
Emanuel Mens buckles in!
SSGT Balto''Crunk''Dreg shouts, "Its a fraud!"
Tristen Alder puts the M2132 machete into the H5 pattern M2132 machete scabbard.
SSGT Balto''Crunk''Dreg yells, "Happy christmass!"
SSGT Balto''Crunk''Dreg yells, "Nahh!"
Duke 'Shield' Schofield has grabbed Arwake Stanson passively!
SGT Vah'ru Haub says, "YU SANTA"
PFC Tristen Alder yells, "I WANT A SWORD ON MY SWORD!"
Mr. Joe Walaski says, "THATS MY WISH"
SSGT Balto''Crunk''Dreg shouts, "Meh eyes!!!"
Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez has thrown the space cleaner.
Duke 'Shield' Schofield has been hit in the chest by the space cleaner.
SSGT Balto''Crunk''Dreg screams!
Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez attempted to disarm Dina 'Spooks' Cades!
SGT Vah'ru Haub says, "Yo boris."
LOOC: Luiz 'Mises' Buarque: Meme round
Duke 'Shield' Schofield has thrown the space cleaner.
Dina 'Spooks' Cades has been hit in the chest by the space cleaner.
Samuel Klusmann has disarmed Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez!
SGT Vah'ru Haub asks, "Want some attachs for the shotgun?"
Gin Albuclark unbuckled !
SSGT Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez screams!
Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez has pushed Dina 'Spooks' Cades!
Samuel Klusmann has disarmed Samuel Klusmann!
SGT Dina 'Spooks' Cades says, "Wow"
Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez attempted to disarm Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez!
Your armor softens the blow!
Samuel Klusmann has pushed Arwake Stanson!
Vah'ru Haub unbuckled !
Tristen Alder has thrown the soap.
PFC Boris Kamerer claps, clearly unimpressed.
Tristen Alder has thrown the soap.
Tristen Alder has thrown the soap.
SSGT Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez screams!
Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez attempted to disarm Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez!
Emanuel Mens examines himself.
Emanuel Mens unbuckled !
Samuel Klusmann has thrown the soap.
Arwake Stanson has been hit in the chest by the soap.
Steven Sneider puts the Zippo lighter on the M10 pattern marine helmet.
SSGT Janel Field says, "Marines stop being autistic."
Tristen Alder has thrown the soap.
Samuel Klusmann is buckled in to the chair by Cora Mathews!
Arwake Stanson attempted to disarm Samuel Klusmann!
Dina 'Spooks' Cades unbuckled !
Samuel Klusmann examines himself.
Dina 'Spooks' Cades buckles in!
Samuel Klusmann unbuckled !
Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez is buckled in to the chair by Vah'ru Haub!
Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez hugs Vah'ru Haub to make him feel better!
Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez was unbuckled by Vah'ru Haub!
Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez hugs Vah'ru Haub to make him feel better!
Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez is buckled in to the chair by Vah'ru Haub!
Vah'ru Haub is buckled in to the chair by Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez!
Samuel Klusmann attempted to disarm Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez!
Vah'ru Haub attempted to disarm Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez!
Samuel Klusmann has pushed Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez!
Vah'ru Haub has pushed Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez!
Samuel Klusmann has pushed Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez!
Vah'ru Haub attempted to disarm Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez!
Balto''Crunk''Dreg talks into the marine alpha leader radio headset
Samuel Klusmann attempted to disarm Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez!
Vah'ru Haub hugs Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez to make her feel better!
PFC Nina 'Bunny' Reede claps, clearly unimpressed.
SSGT Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez screams!
Vah'ru Haub hugs Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez to make her feel better!
Samuel Klusmann has broken Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez's grip on Vah'ru Haub!
Vah'ru Haub hugs Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez to make her feel better!
Samuel Klusmann has pushed Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez!
Vah'ru Haub hugs Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez to make her feel better!
Samuel Klusmann has pushed Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez!
Vah'ru Haub hugs Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez to make her feel better!
SSGT Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez calls for a medic!
Samuel Klusmann attempted to disarm Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez!
Vah'ru Haub hugs Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez to make her feel better!
SSGT Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez claps.
Samuel Klusmann has disarmed Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez!
Joe Walaski attempted to disarm Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez!
Vah'ru Haub hugs Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez to make her feel better!
Balto''Crunk''Dreg buckles in!
Samuel Klusmann has pushed Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez!
Joe Walaski has disarmed Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez!
Vah'ru Haub hugs Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez to make her feel better!
Tristen Alder hugs Vah'ru Haub to make him feel better!
Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez was unbuckled by Joe Walaski!
Tristen Alder hugs Vah'ru Haub to make him feel better!
SSGT Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez claps, clearly unimpressed.
Joe Walaski has pushed Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez!
Without even breaking stride, Arwake Stanson flips open and lights the Zippo lighter in one smooth movement.
Tristen Alder hugs Vah'ru Haub to make him feel better!
You hear a quiet click, as Arwake Stanson shuts off the Zippo lighter without even looking at what they're doing.
Without even breaking stride, Arwake Stanson flips open and lights the Zippo lighter in one smooth movement.
Joe Walaski has disarmed Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez!
Samuel Klusmann attempted to disarm Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez!
Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez is buckled in to the chair by Vah'ru Haub!
You hear a quiet click, as Arwake Stanson shuts off the Zippo lighter without even looking at what they're doing.
Steven Sneider unbuckled !
Tristen Alder hugs Vah'ru Haub to make him feel better!
Without even breaking stride, Arwake Stanson flips open and lights the Zippo lighter in one smooth movement.
You hear a quiet click, as Arwake Stanson shuts off the Zippo lighter without even looking at what they're doing.
Joe Walaski attempted to disarm Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez!
Without even breaking stride, Arwake Stanson flips open and lights the Zippo lighter in one smooth movement.
Samuel Klusmann attempted to disarm Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez!
Balto''Crunk''Dreg unbuckled !
You hear a quiet click, as Arwake Stanson shuts off the Zippo lighter without even looking at what they're doing.
Vah'ru Haub hugs Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez to make her feel better!
Without even breaking stride, Arwake Stanson flips open and lights the Zippo lighter in one smooth movement.
Tristen Alder hugs Vah'ru Haub to make him feel better!
You hear a quiet click, as Arwake Stanson shuts off the Zippo lighter without even looking at what they're doing.
Samuel Klusmann attempted to disarm Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez!
Joe Walaski attempted to disarm Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez!
Without even breaking stride, Arwake Stanson flips open and lights the Zippo lighter in one smooth movement.
You hear a quiet click, as Arwake Stanson shuts off the Zippo lighter without even looking at what they're doing.
Tristen Alder hugs Vah'ru Haub to make him feel better!
Without even breaking stride, Arwake Stanson flips open and lights the Zippo lighter in one smooth movement.
You hear a quiet click, as Arwake Stanson shuts off the Zippo lighter without even looking at what they're doing.
Samuel Klusmann has pushed Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez!
Without even breaking stride, Arwake Stanson flips open and lights the Zippo lighter in one smooth movement.
Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez was unbuckled by Joe Walaski!
Joe Walaski attempted to disarm Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez!
Vah'ru Haub shakes Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez trying to wake her up!
Tristen Alder hugs Vah'ru Haub to make him feel better!
You hear a quiet click, as Arwake Stanson shuts off the Zippo lighter without even looking at what they're doing.
Samuel Klusmann has disarmed Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez!
SSGT Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez screams!
Tristen Alder hugs Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez to make her feel better!
Vah'ru Haub hugs Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez to make her feel better!
Samuel Klusmann attempted to disarm Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez!
Tristen Alder hugs Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez to make her feel better!
Janel Field unbuckled !
Joe Walaski has disarmed Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez!
You put the Zippo lighter into the industrial backpack.
Tristen Alder hugs Vah'ru Haub to make him feel better!
Joe Walaski attempted to disarm Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez!
Nina 'Bunny' Reede has thrown the Souto Classic.
SGT Vah'ru Haub screams!
Samuel Klusmann has disarmed Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez!
Tristen Alder hugs Vah'ru Haub to make him feel better!
Tristen Alder hugs Vah'ru Haub to make him feel better!
Joe Walaski has disarmed Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez!
SGT Vah'ru Haub calls for a medic!
Samuel Klusmann has pushed Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez!
Tristen Alder hugs Vah'ru Haub to make him feel better!
Joe Walaski attempted to disarm Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez!
Tristen Alder hugs Vah'ru Haub to make him feel better!
Joe Walaski attempted to disarm Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez!
Tristen Alder hugs Vah'ru Haub to make him feel better!
Joe Walaski attempted to disarm Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez!
Vah'ru Haub examines himself.
Samuel Klusmann attempted to disarm Arwake Stanson!
Tristen Alder hugs Vah'ru Haub to make him feel better!
Tristen Alder shakes Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez trying to wake her up!
SSGT Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez shouts, "Glah!"
SSGT Janel Field says, "STOW YOUR SHIT."
Vah'ru Haub unbuckled !
Samuel Klusmann has disarmed Arwake Stanson!
Tristen Alder hugs Janel Field to make him feel better!
Tristen Alder hugs Janel Field to make him feel better!
Samuel Klusmann attempted to disarm Arwake Stanson!
Tristen Alder hugs Janel Field to make him feel better!
PFC Duke 'Shield' Schofield [Sulaco (Mar)] says, "There is a crazy fight in the meeting room looks a lot like a RIOT."
Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez hugs Vah'ru Haub to make him feel better!
Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez hugs Vah'ru Haub to make him feel better!
Emanuel Mens buckles in!
Mr. Joe Walaski says, "YOU CANT STOP MEH"
SGT Dina 'Spooks' Cades screams!
Vah'ru Haub hugs Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez to make her feel better!
Tristen Alder has thrown the cigarette.
Vah'ru Haub hugs Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez to make her feel better!
Janel Field buckles in!
Vah'ru Haub hugs Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez to make her feel better!
Dina 'Spooks' Cades unbuckled !
SGT Dina 'Spooks' Cades screams!
Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez hugs Dina 'Spooks' Cades to make her feel better!
Steven Sneider buckles in!
Tristen Alder puts the M2132 machete into the H5 pattern M2132 machete scabbard.
Samuel Klusmann has grabbed Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez passively!
Dina 'Spooks' Cades has broken Samuel Klusmann's grip on Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez!
Dina 'Spooks' Cades has pushed Steven Sneider!
SGT Vah'ru Haub says, "OH NO"
Steven Sneider shakes Joe Walaski trying to wake him up!
SGT Vah'ru Haub says, "NOT THE WAT"
Mr. Joe Walaski says, "OH NO"
Vah'ru Haub buckles in!
Mr. Joe Walaski says, "SUPER LUBE"
Balto''Crunk''Dreg has thrown the space cleaner.
SGT Dina 'Spooks' Cades says, "AHHH"
SSGT Balto''Crunk''Dreg says, "What"
Samuel Klusmann attempted to disarm Balto''Crunk''Dreg!
Samuel Klusmann attempted to disarm Balto''Crunk''Dreg!
Samuel Klusmann has pushed Balto''Crunk''Dreg!
SSGT Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez says, "Heh"
SGT Vah'ru Haub claps.
Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez shakes Fedor Kamerer trying to wake him up!
Steven Sneider holds up the M41A pulse rifle MK2. Take a closer look.
Samuel Klusmann hugs Balto''Crunk''Dreg to make him feel better!
Samuel Klusmann shakes Dina 'Spooks' Cades trying to wake her up!
Mr. Joe Walaski says, "SUPER LUBE"
Mr. Joe Walaski says, "OH GOD"
SSGT Balto''Crunk''Dreg yells, "That was sink water I swear!"
SGT Vah'ru Haub claps, clearly unimpressed.
Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez hugs Balto''Crunk''Dreg to make him feel better!
TSGT Arwake Stanson [Sulaco (MT)] says, "HO HO HO DONT BE BAD OR NO PRESENT FOR YOU"
SGT Dina 'Spooks' Cades says, "FFFFFFFFFFFFFFUCK"
SGT Dina 'Spooks' Cades screams!
Emanuel Mens examines himself.
Samuel Klusmann has thrown the space cleaner.
Emanuel Mens examines himself.
ENS Max Chosen [Sulaco (BO)] says, "BRIEFING NOW"
SSGT Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez screams!
Mr. Joe Walaski says, "GAH"
Tristen Alder fires the M39 submachinegun!
The submachinegun bullet misses Boris Kamerer!
Tristen Alder fires the M39 submachinegun!
Steven Sneider is hit by the submachinegun bullet in the head!
The submachinegun bullet narrowly misses you!
Emanuel Mens unbuckled !
Mr. Joe Walaski says, "NAAAAAAAAAH"
Balto''Crunk''Dreg attempted to disarm Dina 'Spooks' Cades!
SGT Vah'ru Haub says, "THE FUCK"
Mr. Joe Walaski says, "OH MY GOD"
SSGT Balto''Crunk''Dreg says, "Eh"
SSGT Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez says, "What the"
PFC Boris Kamerer claps, clearly unimpressed.
Mr. Joe Walaski says, "WHAT THE FUCK"
SSGT Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez says, "Gah1"
PFC Nina 'Bunny' Reede says, "Jesus! What the fuck!"
PFC Steven Sneider says, "Wow"
SSGT Janel Field shouts, "HEY!"
Joe Walaski attempted to disarm Tristen Alder!
Joe Walaski has disarmed Tristen Alder!
SGT Dina 'Spooks' Cades says, "What the fuck"
PFC Whitaker Dickinson salutes.
SSGT Arthur 'Ariel' Santiago [Sulaco (SL)] says, "A marine shot a marine"
Samuel Klusmann has thrown the space cleaner.
Janel Field has been hit in the chest by the space cleaner.
SSGT Janel Field says, "FUCKING STOP THAT."
Emanuel Mens examines himself.
Dina 'Spooks' Cades attempted to disarm Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez!
Dina 'Spooks' Cades attempted to disarm Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez!
Dina 'Spooks' Cades has disarmed Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez!
SSGT Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez says, "God damnit"
Dina 'Spooks' Cades attempted to disarm Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez!
LT Max Chosen [Sulaco (BO)] says, "EVERYBODY TO BRIEFING"
Max Chosen talks into the marine command radio headset
Dina 'Spooks' Cades attempted to disarm Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez!
Balto''Crunk''Dreg shakes Joe Walaski trying to wake him up!
Dina 'Spooks' Cades has disarmed Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez!
SSGT Arthur 'Ariel' Santiago [Sulaco (SL)] says, "WHO PUTTED THAT FLOORS"
Mr. Joe Walaski says, "IDIOT"
Dina 'Spooks' Cades has pushed Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez!
LOOC: Balto''Crunk''Dreg: Oops
Dina 'Spooks' Cades attempted to disarm Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez!
Dina 'Spooks' Cades has disarmed Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez!
SSGT Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez exclaims, "Mew!"
Dina 'Spooks' Cades has disarmed Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez!
Emanuel Mens examines himself.
Dina 'Spooks' Cades has disarmed Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez!
Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez attempted to disarm Dina 'Spooks' Cades!
TSGT Arwake Stanson [Sulaco (MT)] shouts, "STOP SHOOTING THE SANTA !!!"
TSGT Arwake Stanson shouts, "STOP SHOOTING THE SANTA !!!"
Vah'ru Haub whispers something.
SSGT Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez screams!
Mr. Joe Walaski calls for a medic!
SSGT Arthur 'Ariel' Santiago [Sulaco (SL)] says, "WHO PUTTED SLIPING FLOORS ON BRIEFING"
Mr. Joe Walaski says, "MEDIC"
SGT Dina 'Spooks' Cades says, "Psst"
SGT Alyssa Cook says, "Reee"
PFC Boris Kamerer laughs!
Duke 'Shield' Schofield buckles in!
SGT Dina 'Spooks' Cades says, "Here kitteh kitteh"
Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez hugs Dina 'Spooks' Cades to make her feel better!
Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez hugs Dina 'Spooks' Cades to make her feel better!
SSGT Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez says, "Good mews"
PFC Steven Sneider says, "Keep your smg on safety damn it"
Dina 'Spooks' Cades has broken Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez's grip on Dina 'Spooks' Cades!
SSGT Balto''Crunk''Dreg [Sulaco (SL)] says, "Thing is who put Lube in the sink is the real question"
Balto''Crunk''Dreg talks into the marine alpha leader radio headset
PFC Brian 'Blackbeard' O'Gibbs [Sulaco (Mar)] says, "Putted."
Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez hugs Dina 'Spooks' Cades to make her feel better!
LT Max Chosen [Sulaco (BO)] says, "Alright listen up"
Max Chosen talks into the marine command radio headset
SSGT Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez says, "NO PLACE"
SGT Dina 'Spooks' Cades says, "Wot"
SSGT Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez says, "FOR MEWS"
Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez hugs Dina 'Spooks' Cades to make her feel better!
Arthur 'Ariel' Santiago is buckled in to the chair by Vah'ru Haub!
SSGT Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez screams!
Arthur 'Ariel' Santiago unbuckled !
Steven Sneider examines himself.
LT Max Chosen [Sulaco (BO)] says, "Some shit happened at the colony"
Max Chosen talks into the marine command radio headset
Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez hugs Dina 'Spooks' Cades to make her feel better!
Samuel Klusmann talks into the marine bravo leader radio headset
SSGT Balto''Crunk''Dreg [Sulaco (SL)] says, "Shit happening at briefing"
Balto''Crunk''Dreg talks into the marine alpha leader radio headset
PFC Tristen Alder says, "INTERESTING"
SSGT Arthur 'Ariel' Santiago [Sulaco (SL)] says, "What colony"
Arthur 'Ariel' Santiago talks into the marine charlie leader radio headset
SSGT Arthur 'Ariel' Santiago says, "What colony"
Vah'ru Haub unbuckled !
LT Max Chosen [Sulaco (BO)] says, "We have no idea what was that"
Max Chosen talks into the marine command radio headset
Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez hugs Dina 'Spooks' Cades to make her feel better!
PFC Tristen Alder exclaims, "TELL ME MORE!"
SGT Vah'ru Haub says, "Yo Santa;"
CPL Bernhard Franke [Sulaco (Eng)] says, "If Arthur ist ze Alpha SL I'm offin' myself."
SGT Vah'ru Haub asks, "Where my request?"
Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez hugs Dina 'Spooks' Cades to make her feel better!
SSGT Janel Field [Sulaco (SL)] asks, "So we have to go fix this shit?"
Janel Field talks into the marine delta leader radio headset
SGT Vah'ru Haub asks, "My custom build shotgun?"
SSGT Arthur 'Ariel' Santiago [Sulaco (SL)] says, "Im charlie"
Arthur 'Ariel' Santiago talks into the marine charlie leader radio headset
LT Max Chosen [Sulaco (BO)] says, "So we want you to find that out"
Max Chosen talks into the marine command radio headset
Duke 'Shield' Schofield talks into the marine bravo radio headset
SGT Vah'ru Haub says, "Where it"
SSGT Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez screams!
SGT Vah'ru Haub says, "WHERE IT SANTA"
Dina 'Spooks' Cades hugs Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez to make her feel better!
CPL Bernhard Franke [Sulaco (Eng)] says, "Thank God."
Dina 'Spooks' Cades hugs Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez to make her feel better!
SSGT Janel Field [Sulaco (SL)] asks, "Shoot commies, fuck bitches, standard marine shit?"
Janel Field talks into the marine delta leader radio headset
Dina 'Spooks' Cades hugs Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez to make her feel better!
Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez hugs Dina 'Spooks' Cades to make her feel better!
Dina 'Spooks' Cades hugs Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez to make her feel better!
PFC Boris Kamerer screams!
Dina 'Spooks' Cades hugs Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez to make her feel better!
LT Max Chosen [Sulaco (BO)] says, "Right, so"
Max Chosen talks into the marine command radio headset
Dina 'Spooks' Cades hugs Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez to make her feel better!
Dina 'Spooks' Cades hugs Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez to make her feel better!
LT Max Chosen [Sulaco (BO)] says, "Alpha"
Max Chosen talks into the marine command radio headset
Dina 'Spooks' Cades hugs Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez to make her feel better!
SGT Vah'ru Haub screams!
SSGT Balto''Crunk''Dreg [Sulaco (SL)] says, "Thats sucha good plan"
Dina 'Spooks' Cades hugs Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez to make her feel better!
Dina 'Spooks' Cades hugs Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez to make her feel better!
SGT Vah'ru Haub says, "WHERE IT"
Dina 'Spooks' Cades hugs Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez to make her feel better!
Emanuel Mens buckles in!
SSGT Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez says, "ERMAGURD"
PFC Pavel Gorlov [Sulaco (Mar)] says, "What type of commie"
SGT Vah'ru Haub says, "WHERE THE FUCK IT"
LT Max Chosen [Sulaco (BO)] says, "You Setup FOB at Secure storage"
Max Chosen talks into the marine command radio headset
Emanuel Mens examines himself.
Oswald Faust buckles in!
Emanuel Mens examines himself.
LT Max Chosen [Sulaco (BO)] says, "And secure LZ2"
Max Chosen talks into the marine command radio headset
PFC Pavel Gorlov [Sulaco (Mar)] says, "CCCP Commie or PRC commie"
Nina 'Bunny' Reede opens "Lazarus Landing Map".
Arthur 'Ariel' Santiago talks into the marine charlie leader radio headset
SSGT Arthur 'Ariel' Santiago asks, "We got a spec?"
Vah'ru Haub talks into the marine charlie radio headset
SGT Vah'ru Haub says, "Yep."
SSGT Balto''Crunk''Dreg [Sulaco (SL)] says, "Damn it Pavel"
SSGT Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez exclaims, "Cunt!"
Ed 'Unrobust' Trevor buckles in!
SSGT Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez screams!
SGT Vah'ru Haub says, "WHY SANTA"
SSGT Samuel Klusmann [Sulaco (SL)] says, "Tanna Tuva Commie"
SGT Vah'ru Haub says, "WHY"
LT Max Chosen [Sulaco (BO)] says, "Also, you fix the power"
Max Chosen talks into the marine command radio headset
Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez attempted to disarm Dina 'Spooks' Cades!
Vah'ru Haub buckles in!
PFC Pavel Gorlov [Sulaco (Mar)] says, "Eh"
SSGT Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez screams!
Arthur 'Ariel' Santiago talks into the marine charlie leader radio headset
SSGT Samuel Klusmann [Sulaco (SL)] says, "Or Mongolia"
Oswald Faust unbuckled !
Dina 'Spooks' Cades is buckled in to the chair by Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez!
Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez has disarmed Dina 'Spooks' Cades!
Arthur 'Ariel' Santiago talks into the marine charlie leader radio headset
Dina 'Spooks' Cades was unbuckled by Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez!
Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez has pushed Dina 'Spooks' Cades!
Dina 'Spooks' Cades is buckled in to the chair by Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez!
Tristen Alder attempted to disarm Dina 'Spooks' Cades!
Oswald Faust buckles in!
PFC Pavel Gorlov [Sulaco (Mar)] says, "Maybe we can give commie payback for anchorige"
LT Max Chosen [Sulaco (BO)] says, "Because you have 2 engineers"
Max Chosen talks into the marine command radio headset
Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez attempted to disarm Dina 'Spooks' Cades!
Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez attempted to disarm Dina 'Spooks' Cades!
SGT Dina 'Spooks' Cades says, "No"
Vah'ru Haub talks into the marine charlie radio headset
SGT Vah'ru Haub says, "Nah, i prefer that;"
SSGT Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez screams!
Tristen Alder hugs Dina 'Spooks' Cades to make her feel better!
Arthur 'Ariel' Santiago talks into the marine charlie leader radio headset
Tristen Alder hugs Dina 'Spooks' Cades to make her feel better!
SGT Dina 'Spooks' Cades screams!
Tristen Alder hugs Nina 'Bunny' Reede to make her feel better!
SSGT Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez claps.
SSGT Balto''Crunk''Dreg [Sulaco (SL)] says, "If you can't prounce the country it don't exist"
Arthur 'Ariel' Santiago buckles in!
Duke 'Shield' Schofield unbuckled !
LT Max Chosen [Sulaco (BO)] says, "Bravo, Charlie, Delta"
Max Chosen talks into the marine command radio headset
Samuel Klusmann hugs Ed 'Unrobust' Trevor to make him feel better!
Samuel Klusmann hugs Emanuel Mens to make him feel better!
SSGT Janel Field [Sulaco (SL)] asks, "Did pavel take all the AP again?"
Janel Field talks into the marine delta leader radio headset
Nina 'Bunny' Reede puts the Lazarus landing map into the USCM infantry backpack.
SSGT Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez dives in Brian's beard and hides!
SSGT Balto''Crunk''Dreg [Sulaco (SL)] says, "Pronounce rather"
SSGT Arthur 'Ariel' Santiago [Sulaco (SL)] says, "What"
Arthur 'Ariel' Santiago talks into the marine charlie leader radio headset
Emanuel Mens hugs Samuel Klusmann to make him feel better!
PFC Pavel Gorlov [Sulaco (Mar)] says, "People repblic china"
Emanuel Mens hugs Samuel Klusmann to make him feel better!
Emanuel Mens hugs Samuel Klusmann to make him feel better!
LT Max Chosen [Sulaco (BO)] says, "You will search for survivors"
Max Chosen talks into the marine command radio headset
CPL Sergei ''Wolf'' Zelinsky [Engi (Eng)] says, "Check, check."
Emanuel Mens hugs Samuel Klusmann to make him feel better!
Vah'ru Haub talks into the marine charlie radio headset
PFC Tristen Alder [Sulaco (Mar)] says, "Portuc - portu - portchu - fuck it"
SSGT Balto''Crunk''Dreg [Sulaco (SL)] asks, "Power?"
PFC Pavel Gorlov [Sulaco (Mar)] says, "Ap best amomo"
Vah'ru Haub talks into the marine charlie radio headset
SSGT Balto''Crunk''Dreg [Sulaco (SL)] says, "If it be down"
Arthur 'Ariel' Santiago talks into the marine charlie leader radio headset
SSGT Arthur 'Ariel' Santiago says, "It can hardly be saw"
Arthur 'Ariel' Santiago talks into the marine charlie leader radio headset
SSGT Arthur 'Ariel' Santiago says, "Yep"
LT Max Chosen [Sulaco (BO)] says, "Alpha on power and FOB"
Max Chosen talks into the marine command radio headset
Mr. Joe Walaski [Sulaco (CL)] says, "WHO MADE THEEsE BARRICADEs"
Arthur 'Ariel' Santiago talks into the marine charlie leader radio headset
SSGT Arthur 'Ariel' Santiago says, "That marine with headband i gived to he the headband"
Mr. Joe Walaski [Sulaco (CL)] exclaims, "CORA!!!!"
Mr. Joe Walaski [Sulaco (CL)] says, "WHY DID YOU DO THIS"
Tristen Alder examines himself.
SSGT Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez starts a family in Brian's beard.
SSGT Balto''Crunk''Dreg laughs!
Mr. Joe Walaski [Sulaco (CL)] yells, "CORA THE MT DID THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
LT Max Chosen [Sulaco (BO)] asks, "Everything clear?"
Max Chosen talks into the marine command radio headset
SSGT Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez builds a house.
Arthur 'Ariel' Santiago talks into the marine charlie leader radio headset
SSGT Arthur 'Ariel' Santiago says, "When we land on nexus i want yous make a line im my front"
SSGT Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez buys a dog.
Janel Field unbuckled !
PFC Steven Sneider [Sulaco (Mar)] says, "50 bucks that alpha wont do shit for FOB"
SSGT Balto''Crunk''Dreg says, "Heh"
SSGT Janel Field [Sulaco (SL)] says, "Yeah yeah."
Janel Field talks into the marine delta leader radio headset
Arthur 'Ariel' Santiago talks into the marine charlie leader radio headset
SSGT Arthur 'Ariel' Santiago asks, "Copy that marines?"
LT Max Chosen [Sulaco (BO)] says, "Alpha takes POD"
Max Chosen talks into the marine command radio headset
Samuel Klusmann attempted to disarm Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez!
Samuel Klusmann attempted to disarm Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez!
SSGT Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez screams!
LT Max Chosen [Sulaco (BO)] says, "Other squads on Rasp"
Max Chosen talks into the marine command radio headset
SSGT Janel Field [Sulaco (SL)] says, "Delta, lets go fuck shit up."
Janel Field talks into the marine delta leader radio headset
SSGT Balto''Crunk''Dreg screams!
Steven Sneider unbuckled !
LT Max Chosen [Sulaco (BO)] says, "Dismissed"
Max Chosen talks into the marine command radio headset
LOOC: Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez: my new fav thing to do
PFC Pavel Gorlov [Sulaco (Mar)] says, "Hey"
Vah'ru Haub talks into the marine charlie radio headset
PFC Pavel Gorlov [Sulaco (Mar)] says, "Is china even commie"
Whitaker Dickinson talks into the marine radio headset
PFC Whitaker Dickinson says, "Good copy."
Brian 'Blackbeard' O'Gibbs unbuckled !
Arthur 'Ariel' Santiago unbuckled !
SGT Dina 'Spooks' Cades calls for a medic!
Nina 'Bunny' Reede unbuckled !
Vah'ru Haub talks into the marine charlie radio headset
SGT Dina 'Spooks' Cades claps, clearly unimpressed.
Ed 'Unrobust' Trevor unbuckled !
Gin Albuclark unbuckled !
Balto''Crunk''Dreg unbuckled !
SSGT Samuel Klusmann [Sulaco (SL)] says, "Engineer fix this shit"
Vah'ru Haub talks into the marine charlie radio headset
LOOC: Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez: do things in brians beard
SGT Dina 'Spooks' Cades screams!
SSGT Arthur 'Ariel' Santiago [Sulaco (SL)] says, "WHO BUILDED THIS GODDAMET WALL"
PFC Pavel Gorlov [Sulaco (Mar)] asks, "Or just single party dictatorship?"
Mr. Joe Walaski [Sulaco (CL)] says, "THE MT DID THIS"
Mr. Joe Walaski [Sulaco (CL)] says, "CORA THE MT FUCKING DID THIS"
You finish eating the USCM MRE (pork).
Arwake Stanson finishes eating the USCM MRE (pork).
SGT Vah'ru Haub [Sulaco (Spc)] says, "TURMP I MEAN, MT"
Cora Mathews [Sulaco (MT)] asks, "Which MT?"
PFC Tristen Alder [Sulaco (Mar)] exclaims, "TRUMP BUILT A WAY!"
PFC Brian 'Blackbeard' O'Gibbs [Sulaco (Mar)] says, "OI, FUCKIN' CALM DOWN."
PFC Tristen Alder [Sulaco (Mar)] yells, "FUCK WALL!"
Cora Mathews [Sulaco (MT)] says, "I'm no Trump-er"
PFC Tristen Alder [Sulaco (Mar)] exclaims, "I ment wall!"
Arwake Stanson has thrown the soap.
Connor 'Stryker' Williams punched Arwake Stanson!
Arwake Stanson has thrown the soap.
Your right leg hurts.
Arwake Stanson tried to punch Connor 'Stryker' Williams!
Arwake Stanson punched Connor 'Stryker' Williams!
Arwake Stanson has weakened Connor 'Stryker' Williams!
PFC Pavel Gorlov [Sulaco (Mar)] says, "Hey"
Pavel Gorlov talks into the marine charlie radio headset
PFC Pavel Gorlov [Sulaco (Mar)] says, "Where is bazooka"
ENS Luiz 'Mises' Buarque [Sulaco (PO)] says, "Ok, 2 minutes to the lift off"
PFC Pavel Gorlov says, "Thank"
You put the plasteel into the industrial backpack.
You put the metal into the industrial backpack.
You put the metal into the industrial backpack.
You put the glass into the industrial backpack.
ENS Luiz 'Mises' Buarque [Sulaco (PO)] says, "1 minute"
You start climbing down the ladder..
You climb down the ladder!
Cora Mathews puts the light replacer into the leather satchel.
Your right leg hurts.
Cora Mathews climbs up the ladder!
Steven Sneider unbuckled !
SSGT Arthur 'Ariel' Santiago says, "Won from what"
LT Max Chosen [Sulaco (BO)] says, "Launching Pod"
SGT Dina 'Spooks' Cades says, "Ww"
Nina 'Bunny' Reede climbs up the ladder!
Arthur 'Ariel' Santiago talks into the marine charlie leader radio headset
SSGT Arthur 'Ariel' Santiago [Sulaco (SL)] says, "Get to goddamet rasp"
Arthur 'Ariel' Santiago talks into the marine charlie leader radio headset
ENS Luiz 'Mises' Buarque [Sulaco (PO)] says, "Launching rasp"
ENS Luiz 'Mises' Buarque [Sulaco (PO)] says, "10 seconds"
SSGT Arthur 'Ariel' Santiago [Sulaco (SL)] says, "IT GOIGN DOWN"
Emanuel Mens buckles in!
SSGT Arthur 'Ariel' Santiago [Sulaco (SL)] says, "FAST GET IN"
ENS Luiz 'Mises' Buarque [Sulaco (PO)] says, "Let's go boys"
Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez hugs Tristen Alder to make him feel better!
Tristen Alder was unbuckled by Tanya 'Aegis' Hernandez!
You buckle yourself to Passenger Seat.
SGT Vah'ru Haub says, "SANTA."
SSGT Arthur 'Ariel' Santiago says, "SANTA COMING WITH US"
Arthur 'Ariel' Santiago talks into the marine charlie leader radio headset
Steven Sneider buckles in!
SSGT Arthur 'Ariel' Santiago [Sulaco (SL)] says, "RASP GOING DOWN"
Arthur 'Ariel' Santiago talks into the marine charlie leader radio headset
PFC Willy Valdez says, "Santa"
SSGT Arthur 'Ariel' Santiago [Sulaco (SL)] says, "WITH SANTA INSIDE"
Arthur 'Ariel' Santiago talks into the marine charlie leader radio headset
Sudden acceleration presses you into your chair!
SGT Vah'ru Haub says, "SANTA."
SGT Vah'ru Haub says, "SAY TO ME."
Steven Sneider unbuckled !
Ed 'Unrobust' Trevor buckles in!
Steven Sneider buckles in!
SGT Ed 'Unrobust' Trevor whispers, "Santa, you got the drugs?"
SGT Vah'ru Haub says, "If he not "comed" it's not here."
SSGT Samuel Klusmann says, "Ok Bravo stay together and follow my lead"
SGT Vah'ru Haub whispers, "***t* **n*#3*** g*t ***g** **t * *ot."
SSGT Arthur 'Ariel' Santiago says, "Okay bravo line up in my front when we land"
ENS Luiz 'Mises' Buarque says, "Come on santa"
SSGT Arthur 'Ariel' Santiago says, "Sorry"
You were unbuckled from Passenger Seat by Luiz 'Mises' Buarque.
Luiz 'Mises' Buarque tried to punch Arwake Stanson!
SSGT Arthur 'Ariel' Santiago says, "Ok charlie line up in my front when we land"
Your armor softens the blow!
Luiz 'Mises' Buarque punched Arwake Stanson!
TSGT Arwake Stanson says, "HOHOHO HAPPY FIGHT"
Steven Sneider activates the flare.
The floor lurches beneath you!
Boris Kamerer unbuckled !
Oswald Faust examines himself.
Steven Sneider unbuckled !
Whitaker Dickinson unbuckled !
Arthur 'Ariel' Santiago unbuckled !
Emanuel Mens examines himself.
Charles 'Crank' Smith unbuckled !
Willy Valdez unbuckled !
ENS Luiz 'Mises' Buarque says, "Idiot"
Vah'ru Haub unbuckled !
Oswald Faust unbuckled !
Emanuel Mens examines himself.
Arwake Stanson tried to punch Luiz 'Mises' Buarque!
Arthur 'Ariel' Santiago talks into the marine charlie leader radio headset
Emanuel Mens unbuckled !
Arwake Stanson punched Luiz 'Mises' Buarque!
Arwake Stanson has weakened Luiz 'Mises' Buarque!
SGT Vah'ru Haub says, "Great punch"
Your armor softens the blow!
Luiz 'Mises' Buarque punched Arwake Stanson!
Luiz 'Mises' Buarque punched Arwake Stanson!
TSGT Arwake Stanson says, "NO PUNCH SANTA"
Your left hand hurts.
Willy Valdez examines himself.
SSGT Arthur 'Ariel' Santiago says, "CHARLIE LINE UP IN MY FRONT"
Arwake Stanson punched Luiz 'Mises' Buarque!
Your right leg hurts.
ENS Luiz 'Mises' Buarque says, "Can't beat me santa"
Samuel Klusmann talks into the marine bravo leader radio headset
Arthur 'Ariel' Santiago talks into the marine charlie leader radio headset
Vah'ru Haub talks into the marine charlie radio headset
Your left leg hurts.
SSGT Samuel Klusmann says, "Go bravo"
SSGT Arthur 'Ariel' Santiago says, "CHARLIE"
Your left hand hurts.
SSGT Arthur 'Ariel' Santiago says, "FOLLOW ME"
OOC: ForwardslashN: If anyone knows who built the cades in brifing, ahelp.
TSGT Arwake Stanson says, "Stop punching the santa"
You buckle yourself to Passenger Seat.
Your right leg hurts.
Your left hand hurts.
You unbuckle yourself from Passenger Seat.
Your left leg hurts.
ENS Luiz 'Mises' Buarque says, "Oh"
ENS Luiz 'Mises' Buarque asks, "Can i use it?"
TSGT Arwake Stanson says, "Yes"
Arwake Stanson tried to punch Arwake Stanson!
You buckle yourself to Passenger Seat.
All hands, Commander Eleanor Swabey on deck!
Your left hand hurts.
TSGT Arwake Stanson [Sulaco (MT)] asks, "FOB IS DONE ?"
TSGT Arwake Stanson asks, "FOB IS DONE ?"
Luiz 'Mises' Buarque buckles in!
Sudden acceleration presses you into your chair!
Your left leg hurts.
TSGT Arwake Stanson asks, "Why you punched the santa ?"
Your left hand hurts.
ENS Luiz 'Mises' Buarque says, "Santa is dumb and came into the rasp"
Your left hand hurts.
Sudden acceleration presses you into your chair!
Luiz 'Mises' Buarque unbuckled !
You unbuckle yourself from Passenger Seat.
LT Max Chosen [Sulaco (BO)] says, "Launching pod back to Sulaco"
You start climbing up the ladder..
You climb up the ladder!
Your left leg hurts.
TSGT Arwake Stanson [Sulaco (MT)] says, "Make the fob for me to assist you please"
TSGT Arwake Stanson says, "Make the fob for me to assist you please"
You step on the glass shard!
Your left hand hurts.
ENS Luiz 'Mises' Buarque [Sulaco (PO)] says, "Rasp lifting off in 2 minutes, hohohoho"
Your left leg hurts.
Your left hand hurts.
Your right leg hurts.
Your left hand hurts.
-- Click the Developer's name to reply --
Developer PM from ForwardslashN: Why did you build cades in the middle of briefing?
PM to ForwardslashN: wasnt me
Your left leg hurts.
Developer PM from ForwardslashN: Yeah, it was.
Your left hand hurts.
Your left leg hurts.
Your left hand hurts.
Developer PM from ForwardslashN: One chance to come clean now.
PM to ForwardslashN: why i did this, i know i dont have to do it
Your right leg hurts.
PM to ForwardslashN: it was cora
ENS Luiz 'Mises' Buarque [Sulaco (PO)] says, "Launching rasp, hohohoho"
Your left hand hurts.
Developer PM from ForwardslashN: Cora?
Your right leg hurts.
LT Max Chosen [Sulaco (BO)] says, "Launching pod"
Your left hand hurts.
PM to ForwardslashN: yes, i was focusing on being the santa
ENS Janey 'Grandma' Jimjams [Sulaco (RO)] says, "Spare sentry crate in engineering to one lucky engineer"
Your left leg hurts.
Developer PM from ForwardslashN: Okay, you have lied to me at this point.
Your left hand hurts.
Developer PM from ForwardslashN: I am going to ban you for a day.
PM to ForwardslashN: what ? i never did this
Your right leg hurts.
Jack Walker has thrown the satchel of protein substitute.
Your left hand hurts.
Developer PM from ForwardslashN: Tell me how Cora did this with no plasteel.
After a few attempts, Jack Walker manages to light the the cheap lighter.
Jack Walker manages to light their cigarette with the cheap lighter.
Jack Walker quietly shuts off the the cheap lighter.
PM to ForwardslashN: i dont know
Developer PM from ForwardslashN: You have plasteel on you right now.
You put the plasteel into the industrial backpack.
[D] OOC: TopHatPenguin: Marines don't try and meta rush the aliens.
Developer PM from ForwardslashN: 15 sheets have been used.
PM to ForwardslashN: i have 15 on me
Developer PM from ForwardslashN: I know.
Developer PM from ForwardslashN: You used 15.
[D] OOC: TopHatPenguin: As in you should be back down by the river.
Your left hand hurts.
Your right leg hurts.
PM to ForwardslashN: i know i dont have to do it, i did a lot of playing on ss13
Your left hand hurts.
Your left leg hurts.
Your right leg hurts.
Your left hand hurts.
Current Admins (1):
ForwardslashN is a Developer
Current Moderators (1):
TheSpoonyCroy is a Moderator
Current Mentors (2):
TopHatPenguin is a Mentor
Boltersam is a Mentor
ENS Janey 'Grandma' Jimjams [Sulaco (RO)] says, "Some stuff available free at cargo, machetes, holsters, grenades"
You have been banned by forwardslashn.
Reason: Put up three plasteel barricades in briefing. Claimed ignorance. Then lied when questioned about it, blaming another MT..
This is a temporary ban, it will be removed in 1440 minutes.
To try to resolve this matter head to viewforum.php?f=76
Connection died.
- Registered user
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- Byond: Skelton_UK
Re: Banned for no reason
That log is horrifying, I tried to fish out the relevant information and put it in chronological order as per the logs.
it would seem that Corporate Liason Joe Walaski saw Cora build the wall.
SSGT Arthur 'Ariel' Santiago [Sulaco (SL)] says, "WHO BUILDED THIS GODDAMET WALL"
PFC Pavel Gorlov [Sulaco (Mar)] asks, "Or just single party dictatorship?"
Mr. Joe Walaski [Sulaco (CL)] says, "THE MT DID THIS"
Mr. Joe Walaski [Sulaco (CL)] says, "CORA THE MT FUCKING DID THIS"
To which Cora could be seen to deny, implying she didn't build the wall.
Cora Mathews [Sulaco (MT)] asks, "Which MT?"
Cora Mathews [Sulaco (MT)] says, "I'm no Trump-er"
And after that Arwake Stanson picks up building materials and puts them into his backpack
ENS Luiz 'Mises' Buarque [Sulaco (PO)] says, "Ok, 2 minutes to the lift off"
PFC Pavel Gorlov says, "Thank"
You put the plasteel into the industrial backpack.
You put the metal into the industrial backpack.
You put the metal into the industrial backpack.
You put the glass into the industrial backpack.
There is no log to show that Arwake previously had the building materials on his person or that he built the barricades so that would depend on admin inspection of the logs. Joe Walaski may have irrationally blamed the first MT he saw when he stumbled upon the wall. Either way if it was as recent as is supposed in those logs then there is nothing showing Arwake built the barricades as you would find. Notwithstanding evidence tampering which would be revealed by Admins I believe.
it would seem that Corporate Liason Joe Walaski saw Cora build the wall.
SSGT Arthur 'Ariel' Santiago [Sulaco (SL)] says, "WHO BUILDED THIS GODDAMET WALL"
PFC Pavel Gorlov [Sulaco (Mar)] asks, "Or just single party dictatorship?"
Mr. Joe Walaski [Sulaco (CL)] says, "THE MT DID THIS"
Mr. Joe Walaski [Sulaco (CL)] says, "CORA THE MT FUCKING DID THIS"
To which Cora could be seen to deny, implying she didn't build the wall.
Cora Mathews [Sulaco (MT)] asks, "Which MT?"
Cora Mathews [Sulaco (MT)] says, "I'm no Trump-er"
And after that Arwake Stanson picks up building materials and puts them into his backpack
ENS Luiz 'Mises' Buarque [Sulaco (PO)] says, "Ok, 2 minutes to the lift off"
PFC Pavel Gorlov says, "Thank"
You put the plasteel into the industrial backpack.
You put the metal into the industrial backpack.
You put the metal into the industrial backpack.
You put the glass into the industrial backpack.
There is no log to show that Arwake previously had the building materials on his person or that he built the barricades so that would depend on admin inspection of the logs. Joe Walaski may have irrationally blamed the first MT he saw when he stumbled upon the wall. Either way if it was as recent as is supposed in those logs then there is nothing showing Arwake built the barricades as you would find. Notwithstanding evidence tampering which would be revealed by Admins I believe.
- Boltersam
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Re: Banned for no reason
There were 15 units of Plasteel found by Noize on Arwake's person. Cora had none.Skelton wrote: There is no log to show that Arwake previously had the building materials on his person or that he built the barricades so that would depend on admin inspection of the logs. Joe Walaski may have irrationally blamed the first MT he saw when he stumbled upon the wall. Either way if it was as recent as is supposed in those logs then there is nothing showing Arwake built the barricades as you would find. Notwithstanding evidence tampering which would be revealed by Admins I believe.
- Registered user
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- Byond: Skelton_UK
Re: Banned for no reason
From the posted logs and the snippets I made there is no evidence that Arwake had the plasteel prior to the barricades being built. We see him put plasteel, 2 stacks of metal and 1 glass into his backpack after the barricades were made. After he does this he then gets messaged by /n who tells him he found the plasteel in question on his body.Boltersam wrote:There were 15 units of Plasteel found by Noize on Arwake's person. Cora had none.
I can't see from what has been posted so far how much Plasteel was put into the backpack, if he had it before or if he used it to build barricades. I can only see a seperate individual finger Cora as the culprit and then the potential plasteel found on his person being added after they had been built already. The issue is unless someone from the admin team saw him place the barricades or has checked the logs and saw he did such then he was banned for having plasteel in his backpack and we can see him put it into his backpack after the fact. It really depends on what the banning admin saw, the information they had and if it correlates to admin logs.
Last edited by Skelton on 02 Dec 2016, 15:23, edited 1 time in total.
- Ice snake
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- forwardslashN
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Re: Banned for no reason
Right, so here are the findings:
There are only two possible characters that can build three plasteel barricades: engineers and maintenance technicians. I checked every squad prep, and all of the plasteel was there save for one stack of 30. I later observed and spoken to the engineer that took the plasteel, and they had enough for six barricades. Or 30 sheets. Then I went around checking every other source of plasteel I could, and the engineering section of the ship was an obvious place to check. The plasteel there was missing, and the MT who had the plasteel was Arwake Stanson (also checked the variables on the door, and he was the first one in there to grab it), sitting in briefing. He had 15 sheets of plasteel (of the 30 in engineering), and 15 sheets is the exact amount needed to construct three plasteel barricades.
After this topic went up, I spoke with everyone I could find that was there at round start, and they all said it was an MT that constructed the barricades, though they didn't catch his name. Cora was already SSDed when I got on the server, and had no plasteel on her at all. Arwake Stanson, on the other hand, had the plasteel, and the exact amount of it as well. When questioned, he said it was Cora that did it.
The only conclusion to draw from all of this is that Ice snake used the plasteel and then lied about it.
Alright, looking at the screenshots posted, it's clear I may have been mistaken. If the plasteel was picked up after the wall was put up, I think the likely scenario is that Cora was in fact the one who put it up. I will investigate further.
There are only two possible characters that can build three plasteel barricades: engineers and maintenance technicians. I checked every squad prep, and all of the plasteel was there save for one stack of 30. I later observed and spoken to the engineer that took the plasteel, and they had enough for six barricades. Or 30 sheets. Then I went around checking every other source of plasteel I could, and the engineering section of the ship was an obvious place to check. The plasteel there was missing, and the MT who had the plasteel was Arwake Stanson (also checked the variables on the door, and he was the first one in there to grab it), sitting in briefing. He had 15 sheets of plasteel (of the 30 in engineering), and 15 sheets is the exact amount needed to construct three plasteel barricades.
After this topic went up, I spoke with everyone I could find that was there at round start, and they all said it was an MT that constructed the barricades, though they didn't catch his name. Cora was already SSDed when I got on the server, and had no plasteel on her at all. Arwake Stanson, on the other hand, had the plasteel, and the exact amount of it as well. When questioned, he said it was Cora that did it.
The only conclusion to draw from all of this is that Ice snake used the plasteel and then lied about it.
Alright, looking at the screenshots posted, it's clear I may have been mistaken. If the plasteel was picked up after the wall was put up, I think the likely scenario is that Cora was in fact the one who put it up. I will investigate further.

The ambivalent giant white baldie in a jungle near you.
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- Byond: Skelton_UK
Re: Banned for no reason
I wonder. Do the variables on the door correlate to anything else or is it merely that you can tell that Stanson was first into the door? From my perspective as an outsider even if Stanson entered first that is not to say he was first to grab the materials. It may be that Cora grabbed the plasteel, built the barricade, threw the materials away and then went SSD. This would be griefing and is not uncommon.
Also there appears to be a witness that Cora built those barricades in Joe Walaski shouting over the radio "Cora what have you done" "Cora did this" when someone asks about the walls (unless he blamed the first MT he saw).
And lastly, surely there is a log of who built what or perhaps something you can check which would show precisely who built what and where.
Also there appears to be a witness that Cora built those barricades in Joe Walaski shouting over the radio "Cora what have you done" "Cora did this" when someone asks about the walls (unless he blamed the first MT he saw).
And lastly, surely there is a log of who built what or perhaps something you can check which would show precisely who built what and where.
- forwardslashN
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Re: Banned for no reason
If it only it was that easy. The plasteel itself is the only piece of evidence that can correlate all of this, and it was deleted along with the body of the MT in this report as he was placed in cryo. Either way, Ice snake is NOT GUILTY, and I apologize to him about this mistake. His ban will be lifted and the proper person will be punished.Skelton wrote:I wonder. Do the variables on the door correlate to anything else or is it merely that you can tell that Stanson was first into the door? From my perspective as an outsider even if Stanson entered first that is not to say he was first to grab the materials. It may be that Cora grabbed the plasteel, built the barricade, threw the materials away and then went SSD. This would be griefing and is not uncommon.
Also there appears to be a witness that Cora built those barricades in Joe Walaski shouting over the radio "Cora what have you done" "Cora did this" when someone asks about the walls (unless he blamed the first MT he saw).
And lastly, surely there is a log of who built what or perhaps something you can check which would show precisely who built what and where.

The ambivalent giant white baldie in a jungle near you.
- Ice snake
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Re: Banned for no reason
ok, thank you for apologizing
- forwardslashN
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Re: Banned for no reason
Thank you for sticking with this. I apologize again for the mistake, and the proper person has been punished.Ice snake wrote:ok, thank you for apologizing

The ambivalent giant white baldie in a jungle near you.