Ban Appeal
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- Byond: Erwinorosco831
Ban Appeal
Your Byond ID: EstangaJr
Character Name: Brayden Reno
Type Of Ban (Job-ban, Timed Ban, Permaban): Job Ban, Time Ban
Admin who banned you (if known): Feweh
Total Ban Duration: 10800
Remaining Duration: 10800
What other servers do you play on? None
Are you now or have you been banned on any of them? N/A
Reason for ban (If you have a Permaban, it should be the EXACT MESSAGE YOU GET WHEN YOU LOGIN with the Error code that looks like this: X##XXX##. If you do not provide this EXACTLY you can't be unbanned): 15 Notes in 30 days of playing, terrible player and terrible attitude. Next ban is a perma-ban, no further warnings..
Link to previous appeals for the same ban (if applicable): N/A
Your appeal, including evidence (screenshots, etc):
It all began when Feweh logged into the server, and immediately without questioning me, or investigation of any sort, Feweh lit a phoron tank of my construction on fire, and in doing so he destroyed parts of atmospherics, my tank, and ultimately killed my mob and possibly others. I would clarify as to others harmed, but I was banned within five minutes of Feweh joining the server without any major investigation. I built the phoron tank to enable me to operate the SM at higher levels, and still keep it within acceptable levels of heat tolerance. I didn't release phoron into the ship, or cause any major damage at all. I merely upgraded the sulaco, and instead of allowing me to explain myself or speaking with others in the engineering department or the Sulaco, he flat out banned me and well, wasn't going to ask questions later. I may have a stained past, and past notes of warnings but this wasn't anything that was going to cause the ship, or Sulaco harm. In fact, it was going to make our lives much better, able to produce more power and operate more effectively. I really see no reason that I was banned for this long, or at all. If I had set all of sulaco engineering on fire with phoron, perhaps, but this is on the same level of engineers constructing disposals on the lower deck, or upgrading auto lathes and, creating public auto lathes for marine use. I ask that you consider the perspective of my view, and the fact that just before this incident I had been permitted to do this by another moderator. I had no reason to believe that this violated any of Feweh's unspoken rules, and I ask that I be unbanned.,,,,,,
Character Name: Brayden Reno
Type Of Ban (Job-ban, Timed Ban, Permaban): Job Ban, Time Ban
Admin who banned you (if known): Feweh
Total Ban Duration: 10800
Remaining Duration: 10800
What other servers do you play on? None
Are you now or have you been banned on any of them? N/A
Reason for ban (If you have a Permaban, it should be the EXACT MESSAGE YOU GET WHEN YOU LOGIN with the Error code that looks like this: X##XXX##. If you do not provide this EXACTLY you can't be unbanned): 15 Notes in 30 days of playing, terrible player and terrible attitude. Next ban is a perma-ban, no further warnings..
Link to previous appeals for the same ban (if applicable): N/A
Your appeal, including evidence (screenshots, etc):
It all began when Feweh logged into the server, and immediately without questioning me, or investigation of any sort, Feweh lit a phoron tank of my construction on fire, and in doing so he destroyed parts of atmospherics, my tank, and ultimately killed my mob and possibly others. I would clarify as to others harmed, but I was banned within five minutes of Feweh joining the server without any major investigation. I built the phoron tank to enable me to operate the SM at higher levels, and still keep it within acceptable levels of heat tolerance. I didn't release phoron into the ship, or cause any major damage at all. I merely upgraded the sulaco, and instead of allowing me to explain myself or speaking with others in the engineering department or the Sulaco, he flat out banned me and well, wasn't going to ask questions later. I may have a stained past, and past notes of warnings but this wasn't anything that was going to cause the ship, or Sulaco harm. In fact, it was going to make our lives much better, able to produce more power and operate more effectively. I really see no reason that I was banned for this long, or at all. If I had set all of sulaco engineering on fire with phoron, perhaps, but this is on the same level of engineers constructing disposals on the lower deck, or upgrading auto lathes and, creating public auto lathes for marine use. I ask that you consider the perspective of my view, and the fact that just before this incident I had been permitted to do this by another moderator. I had no reason to believe that this violated any of Feweh's unspoken rules, and I ask that I be unbanned.,,,,,,
Last edited by EstangaJr0830 on 03 Dec 2016, 18:02, edited 1 time in total.
- Feweh
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Re: Ban Appeal

Green square is what you had the Phoron initially released into.
Red square is what it then went into after you decided to open the airlock and release it further.
Also, if you look closely you can see exactly what I KNEW WOULD HAPPEN.... the xenos melting into atmospherics late-game.
There was 0 reason for you to release the phoron out of it's containment, just straight up stupidity.
Warned about using lethals to hold someone up in an attempt to detain when MP was unavailble. Resulted in a firefight that was handled mostly ICly. by ) on Wed, November 2nd of 2016 Remove
Went down to the planet as the CMO, told to return to the Sulaco, slightly arguementative. by on Fri, November 4th of 2016 Remove
Banned by slc97|Duration: 180 minutes|Reason: Murdered a guy because he wouldn't give him hyperzine and because "we're dead anyway" since xenos were on board. Because of past lethal force note 4 days ago. by on Sun, November 6th of 2016 Remove
Banned by gentlemanlyheadcrab|Duration: 540 minutes|Reason: Repeat offender of improper esculation. Shot the CO to death because "He did not give me my supply earlier in the round". by on Tue, November 8th of 2016 Remove
Stole an ID to launch the rasp without authorisation, when told to give it back still launched it by on Wed, November 9th of 2016 Remove
Banned by gentlemanlyheadcrab|Duration: 720 minutes|Reason: Improper Esculation, attacked a MP in an argument with knife, sent into hard-crit. byon Fri, November 11th of 2016 Remove
"Accidentally" beat a prisoner with harm intent as a MP by on Sat, November 12th of 2016 Remove
Went to the frontlines across the River and at the Caves as PO. Got hugged and ran back to the Shuttle when I told him to. by on Sat, November 19th of 2016 Remove
Horrible attitiude in ahelps, seems to ahelp when /anything/ that interrupts his powergamey-style happens. by on Sat, November 19th of 2016 Remove
injected two researchers with sopoforic and chloral because they stole his beaker. threatened to kill them if his beaker wasn't returned. by on Sun, November 20th of 2016 Remove
Fired on a CT and RO and purposely missed after the CT threatened them. Warned and un-slept to deal with the IC immplications. by on Wed, November 23rd of 2016 Remove
Was shot by a marine who immediately DC'd. Then proceeded to open fire in return as an MP. Warned, next improper lethal use I recommend a heavy ban of sorts. by on Wed, November 23rd of 2016 Remove
Seriously, 14 notes in the span of 30 days. no questions asked, anymore warnings are bans. by Feweh (Manager) on Sat, November 26th of 2016 Remove
Released phoron to try and generate power in engineering, on Sat, December 3rd of 2016 Remove
Banned from Commander, Executive Officer, Bridge Officer, Pilot Officer, Military Police, Corporate Liaison, Requisitions Officer, Chief Engineer, Chief Medical Officer - Extremely incompetent, mass released phoron in atmos for no logical reason. by on Sat, December 3rd of 2016 Remove
Banned by feweh|Duration: 10080 minutes|Reason: 15 Notes in 30 days of playing, terrible player and terrible attitude. Next ban is a perma-ban, no further warnings. by Feweh (Manager) on Sat, December 3rd of 2016 Remove
This is DENIED.
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- Joined: 20 Nov 2016, 12:55
- Byond: Erwinorosco831
Re: Ban Appeal
If you could please clarify exactly what rule I violated by releasing it into a new containment area. I'm not responsible for the actions of the xenos.
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- Byond: Erwinorosco831
Re: Ban Appeal
Furthermore, the reason it's released into the red area is because I wanted to know whether or not it was all gone, and if so I was going to deconstruct everything I had constructed, but I walk in, am killed by your little intervention, and then you ban me.
- Feweh
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- Byond: Feweh
Re: Ban Appeal
Let me explain to you clearly why I banned you.
While i was speaking to you you knew I was burning up the phoron the first contained area, you acknowledge that and then you decided to then "investigate" and opened the phoron spreading it even further.
I then banned you right after that for doing so.
Initially you were getting a heavy warning, but coupled with what was stated above.... you were then punished.
While i was speaking to you you knew I was burning up the phoron the first contained area, you acknowledge that and then you decided to then "investigate" and opened the phoron spreading it even further.
I then banned you right after that for doing so.
Initially you were getting a heavy warning, but coupled with what was stated above.... you were then punished.
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- Byond: Erwinorosco831
Re: Ban Appeal
I saw the fire that was damaging the wall was gone, and I assumed you had burned it all off, I don't have ghost vision like you. I must say, there was no way I could've known it wasn't all destroyed by that point.
- Feweh
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- Byond: Feweh
Re: Ban Appeal
This is denied, improve your behavior in-game and please stop causing so many issues.
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- Byond: Erwinorosco831
Re: Ban Appeal
So I'm denied for again not understanding EXACTLY what you're thinking at all times? It really seems extremely one-sided that whenever I argue with you, you're the only one who is allowed to give input or speak on the topic.
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- Byond: Erwinorosco831
Re: Ban Appeal
Furthermore, can you explain why the fact that a previous moderator permitted it has no impact on your decision? Either you don't comprehend that I was under the impression it was allowed, or you didn't even take the time to fully read my appeal.
- Feweh
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- Byond: Feweh
Re: Ban Appeal
Yes, this is denied because you mass released phoron endangering the entire round and your fellow players.
- apophis775
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Re: Ban Appeal
What moderator previously allowed this?

flamecow wrote: "unga dunga me want the attachment" - average marine
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- Byond: Erwinorosco831
Re: Ban Appeal
YungCuz, at first he questioned the decision and after explaining the situation, he permitted it.
- YungCuz
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Re: Ban Appeal
Looking back at it seeing i know not much about Atmos and usually unless its someone whos really good with atmos and can prove it i probably shouldn't have permitted it. Ayyliums
^When you join and the janitor role is taken.^

I am here in the shadows..... ... &mode=view
^Closely watching.^
^When the RO causes problems.^
^When you join and the janitor role is taken.^

I am here in the shadows..... ... &mode=view
^Closely watching.^
^When the RO causes problems.^
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- Byond: Erwinorosco831
Re: Ban Appeal
I see the reasoning behind it all now, however, that's not what I'm arguing against, I'm arguing against the fact that I thought it was allowed, and then was punished for it.
- SecretStamos (Joshuu)
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Re: Ban Appeal
I can understand your point, but unfortunately lack of knowledge about the rules is not a valid reason to break them.EstangaJr0830 wrote:I see the reasoning behind it all now, however, that's not what I'm arguing against, I'm arguing against the fact that I thought it was allowed, and then was punished for it.
If you notice, we commonly use the phrase "Ignorance is not an excuse". It is displayed when you connect in game, and is our official stance on the issue.
By playing on the server (like every other server), you're effectively stating that you have read our rules and are willing to play by them.
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- Byond: Erwinorosco831
Re: Ban Appeal
I am quite aware, and when you need clarification you consult a staff memeber, as I did.
- Feweh
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Re: Ban Appeal
EstangaJr0830 wrote:I am quite aware, and when you need clarification you consult a staff memeber, as I did.
Theres a huge difference between making modifications with the engine mechanics (changing piping, etc) and mass releasing atmospherics by destroying the established secured windows with the possibility of ruining the entire server for everyone.
Especially when your only security is a single unsecured airlock and youre doing it completely wrong to begin with.
(Ex; pumping phoron into the SM which doesnt do anything but burn and cause explosions with the SM)
So you would of blown up Engineering no matter what you were doing really
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- Byond: Erwinorosco831
Re: Ban Appeal
I'm not disputing that fact, after Apophis explained it in your staff complaint I understood that, but what I am disputing is the legitimacy of this ban, given that a staff member permitted it at the time and is what lead me to believe that it was not inly possible, but allowed.
- Biolock
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Re: Ban Appeal
I'm exausted and using my phone, so maybe I'm missing an obvious point, but here's my input.
He should not have been allowed to modify the engine area to such an extent as to where he risked breaching phoron containment, HOWEVER, he did ask and was given permission. This appears to be a miscommunication on our level; I'll review what I've written when I'm back on my computer, but it seems as though this ban appeal could be legitimate.
He should not have been allowed to modify the engine area to such an extent as to where he risked breaching phoron containment, HOWEVER, he did ask and was given permission. This appears to be a miscommunication on our level; I'll review what I've written when I'm back on my computer, but it seems as though this ban appeal could be legitimate.
I'm stressing way too hard about what to put here, so I'm just gonna leave it blank.... or....
- Feweh
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- Byond: Feweh
Re: Ban Appeal
EstangaJr0830 wrote:I'm not disputing that fact, after Apophis explained it in your staff complaint I understood that, but what I am disputing is the legitimacy of this ban, given that a staff member permitted it at the time and is what lead me to believe that it was not inly possible, but allowed.
This is denied, as stated previously.
This is the final reason and statement you'll get from it.
It is acceptable to modify the Engine to a small degree, changing pipes, wires etc. However, it stops being a modification when you modify atmospherics (which you didnt have approval to modify, you have engine approval) to unsafely release mass Phoron into atmospherics.
Even with that, I WASN'T GOING TO BAN YOU! I put a "Heavy warning" on your notes and was telling you not to do it again.
However, during this time you then OPENED the unsecure airlock you placed and it spread ALL throughout atmospherics. You did this despite talking to me and acknowledging that you were WELL AWARE that there was a fire/phoron on the other-side. You ALSO were modifying the engine completely wrong and dangerously DUMPING PHORON into the engine which does not cool or help it.
The final nail in the coffin was your history and notes. Had this been a first time offense or perhaps your first incident and mistake it would of been forgiven. You have 15 notes in the span of 30 days, most players are perma-banned for this kind of behavior.
Because your actions (which might of been mistakes) you were punished, because even at times large mistakes deserve punishment.
This ban, is 100% justified due to your actions and previous history on our server.
As well, Yungcruz is aware now that modification to the Engine is not permitted. Even with that said, as stated previously.. there is a HUGE difference between modifying something and dangerously endangering the server and doing it completely wrong.