MagnusDragonbane22's Job Unban Appeal

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MagnusDragonbane22's Job Unban Appeal

Post by MagnusDragonbane22 » 17 Dec 2016, 22:59

Your Byond ID:
Character Name:
Jeremiah "Jerry" Stone
Type Of Ban (Job-ban, Timed Ban, Permaban):
Job-Ban From All Positions Except Standard
Admin who banned you (if known):
Total Ban Duration:
Permanent, I think?
Remaining Duration:
See above.
What other servers do you play on?
Paradise, Bay, use to play on like Apollo and stuff.
Are you now or have you been banned on any of them?
Reason for ban (If you have a Permaban, it should be the EXACT MESSAGE YOU GET WHEN YOU LOGIN with the Error code that looks like this: X##XXX##. If you do not provide this EXACTLY you can't be unbanned):
The reasoning was, I think something along the lines of "ordered a meta-rush before the fifteen minute mark," something along those lines.
Link to previous appeals for the same ban (if applicable):
Your appeal, including evidence (screenshots, etc):

So, I've been playing CO/XO pretty regularly for a few weeks now, and the only issue I've had so far was a warning about not going on the Rasp without letting my BOs/XO know.

I originally ordered Alpha and Charlie to setup the FOB in Nexus, and Bravo and Delta to setup power in Engineering. They did both of these things in about ten minutes, from what they told me.

I watched a survivor get his chest burst via the SL's cam, and also saw some xenos drag marines north of the Nexus. One of my SLs said there was "heavy gunfire" coming from the north of Nexus, so I ordered everyone forward because they'd apparently completed their tasks. I thought that was relatively reasonable, but the admin who jobbanned me said they had to sleep a dozen or so marines who continued farther north, past Hydro and into the river.

Now, the mentor I spoke to said that these marines were warned multiple times not to go across the river or they'd be sleeped. I did not order an assault across the river, I did however order marines up to secure Hydro and Medical because we had multiple wounded inside that needed to get evacuated.

I thought this was solid roleplay, but obviously the TrialAdmin disagreed. That's fine. I was very cordial in explaining my side of things, and despite crashing during the talk stuck with the discussion. I'm not just some troll or griefer or whatever, you know? So I guess I'd like a job unban ASAP, because imo a simple warning would have sufficed.

I'm here to learn, and do whatever works within the rules, so yeah. I personally think the CO position should be whitelisted anyway, because bad COs can ruin rounds.

I still don't think I ruined that round... I'm sorry the marines kept running across the river despite multiple warnings from staff. I didn't order an assault across the river.

So that's about it, I guess.
Last edited by MagnusDragonbane22 on 20 Dec 2016, 22:47, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: MagnusDragonbane22's Job Unban Appeal

Post by Casany » 17 Dec 2016, 23:02

Well, your command announcement went "all squads, move north to hydro/medical and engage contacts, repeat, all squads move to hydro/medical and engage all hostile fauna". It was announced exactly at the 32 minute mark too. Just stating facts, the admins decide
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Re: MagnusDragonbane22's Job Unban Appeal

Post by MagnusDragonbane22 » 18 Dec 2016, 00:06

My intent wasn't to have the marines go charging across the river. That was each of their individual choices, after multiple warnings from staff.

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Re: MagnusDragonbane22's Job Unban Appeal

Post by jaggaaff » 18 Dec 2016, 00:51

I played during this round, yeah marines crossing river was of their own accord and got slept for it (I did too). I think he was trying to rally marines to the northern domes for a push across river when it was the right time, not blatantly ordering a meta-rush. Some marines interepted it as "cross the river". Also, just saying, i did touch the river and shit, but only to cover the marines getting back and dragged some slept bodies, i got slept when i was fighting a queen and prae sitting at the halfway point on the bridge so they would back off.

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Byond: MagnusDragonbane22

Re: MagnusDragonbane22's Job Unban Appeal

Post by MagnusDragonbane22 » 18 Dec 2016, 17:07

Huh, it keeps notifying me that people are posting, but I don't see any new ones.


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Re: MagnusDragonbane22's Job Unban Appeal

Post by Rain7x » 20 Dec 2016, 15:48

People are deleting their posts, it doesn't show up for regular users

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Re: MagnusDragonbane22's Job Unban Appeal

Post by Feweh » 22 Dec 2016, 18:08

