Loonite: Permanent Ban Appeal 2

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Loonite: Permanent Ban Appeal 2

Post by Loonite » 01 Feb 2017, 18:08

Your Byond ID: Loonicus

Character Name: Francis Turitiro

Type Of Ban (Job-ban, Timed Ban, Permaban): ERP Permaban

Admin who banned you (if known): Ordukai

Total Ban Duration: Permanent

Remaining Duration: N/A

What other servers do you play on? /vg/ Station recently, /tg/ station in the past

Are you now or have you been banned on any of them? I am not currently under any form of ban on any server save this one. Any other bans were too minor and too old to note.

Reason for ban (If you have a Permaban, it should be the EXACT MESSAGE YOU GET WHEN YOU LOGIN with the Error code that looks like this: X##XXX##. If you do not provide this EXACTLY you can't be unbanned): L25APR16 ERP PERMABAN -Writing porn counts

Link to previous appeals for the same ban (if applicable): http://cm-ss13.com/viewtopic.php?t=6559

Your appeal, including evidence (screenshots, etc):

In my previous appeal, Aphophis declared he was denying my appeal "for now" which implies it may be reconsidered at a later date. Considering the ban was made on or around April 25th of last year, I would consider now to quantify as a later date.

Simply put, I am remaking my case to be unbanned. I understand the reason for my ban and why I rightly deserved it. Out of boredom from being locked in the brig for an extended period of time, I wrote a "Woody's Got Wood"-tier story. At the time, my understanding was that so long as it was not spammed over radio comms, it did not violate server rules. After many months of being banned, it is safe to say I stand fully corrected. One of the key reason I did what I did was that on the servers I frequented at the time also has an ERP ban (ie. /vg/Station), yet do not consider the writing or sharing of such stories to be ERP. As it has been made painfully obvious to me, this server does consider such actions to be ERP. I now fully appreciate the seriousness that this server takes in regards to even hinting at sexual activity, and I can promise that I will steer clear of any possible situation like the one that led to my permaban.

Therefore I am appealing this permaban on the following principles:
  • I understand the rule I broke, I accept full responsibility for breaking it, and I promise to never break it again.
  • Before this incident, I had a clear ban record on this server and no history of permabans (or even significant bans) on any other server. I believe my history speaks for itself; I am not a troublemaker. The chances of me betraying your mercy and breaking more rules are statistically slim.
  • It has been about 10 months give or take since my ban was issued. It is my opinion that I have been banned for an adequate amount of time to consider an appeal.
  • I understand removing a permaban is not something to be taken lightly. Therefore I am willing to accept any kind of probation-type conditions that might be asked of me should my ban be lifted.
In summery, I made a mistake and I have come to promise I will not repeat it if my ban is lifted. All I ask for, after about ten months or so of being banned, is that I might be given a second chance. If you have any other questions or concerns regarding my ban, I will answer them to the best of my ability. Thank you for your consideration.

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Byond: Feweh

Re: Loonite: Permanent Ban Appeal 2

Post by Feweh » 01 Feb 2017, 18:59

ERP is non appealable as per legal reasons.
This will be as stated, a permanent ban forever.

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Re: Loonite: Permanent Ban Appeal 2

Post by Loonite » 01 Feb 2017, 19:04

Feweh wrote:ERP is non appealable as per legal reasons.
This will be as stated, a permanent ban forever.
I understand the legal priority of keeping any kind of sexual content off the server.

Have I given you any reason to doubt the sincerity of my appeal? Does anything in my history point to the possibility that I might reintroduce any questionable content into the server? From a legal standpoint, you have fulfilled you obligation to keep the server free of any sexual content by issuing my original ban. Unless you have reason to believe I will reintroduce said content, I question the legal relevance of the ban. If I have done something to lead you to believe I will introduce illegal content to the server, by all means let me know.

A second chance violates no law.

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Byond: Feweh

Re: Loonite: Permanent Ban Appeal 2

Post by Feweh » 01 Feb 2017, 19:06

Loonite wrote:Unless you have reason to believe I will reintroduce said content, I question the legal relevance of the ban. If I have done something to lead you to believe I will introduce illegal content to the server, by all means let me know.

A second chance violates no law.
Its simply one of those rules that by breaking it you'll never be allowed back as its a PERMANENT BAN.

