Discord Ban appeal

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Re: Discord Ban appeal

Post by apophis775 » 06 Feb 2017, 10:27

Harakoni warhawk wrote:But you tolerate your own staff breaking your Meta comm rule, but God forbid anyone else break the rule, seems pretty hypocritical to me.

So according to you Meta comms is allowed in CM proper which is the exact opposite of what yoinur own rules say.

The only fucking reason I said I would get his body was that the Antagonist was abusing his Rule 1 protection to grief Durper and I couldn't Ahelp it as the Admins would just tell me to shut up or ignore it.

When a Antagonist goes out of their way to kill a random person, hide their body and ensure they can't be found, it's exploiting their Rule 1 protection and you can't do a thing about it.
Admins ignore people Ahelping about Antagonists doing that, though I doubt you've been on the receiving end of it.
It's one of the worst things to happen to a player, especially a new one.
THAT is why I went to find his body, before that it's was mostly just giving him advice about TG and giving him tips on how to do his job.

You mean, how we fired 2 staff and banned several people when it happened last time?

I'll type a more in depth response, when I get back from teaching my morning class
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Re: Discord Ban appeal

Post by Harakoni warhawk » 06 Feb 2017, 11:22

slc97 wrote:At this point, I would actually fully support a repeal of the ban on Durper. He has shown an understanding of what he did wrong, legitimate remorse, as well as instilled in me a belief that he will not repeat his mistakes.

Warhawk, on the other hand, continues to fail to understand his own actions and the ban that resulted, and has fallen back to referring to staff as hypocrits and liers. Warhawk, you were not banned for metacomming on our server. You were banned for using our discord to metacomm on another server which is against THEIR rules. Using OUR discord to break ANOTHER SERVER'S RULES is not tolerated.
I know why I was banned but I keep getting opposing Information.
Fucking hell, you yourself are advocating Meta Comms, just not on CM Discord.
If Meta Comming on CM proper is ignored then why is Meta Comming using the Discord a bannable offense?

For THREE months I was given the impression, on the CM Discord that Meta Comms was a regular thing, from Staff and others alike.
But here I'm getting told that No, it's not allowed if you do it on another server while using the CM Discord.
THAT is what I'm calling Hypocritical.

I want to hear the truth but I was told lies for three months which led me to this, and I'm certain as soon as this dies down the same shit will be happening on the Discord and it will be ignored like usual.

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Re: Discord Ban appeal

Post by slc97 » 06 Feb 2017, 14:38

I don't know a better way to explain this. We allow minor metacomms along the lines of what Feweh described in your staff report on our discord while you are playing on our server. OUR DISCORD OUR SERVER.

The issue is you using our discord to metacomm on another server which is against that server's rules. Apop will handle the rest of this

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Re: Discord Ban appeal

Post by Retro » 06 Feb 2017, 15:02

Alright, as the person who reported this to Feweh, and snype I am going to step in.What you did was unacceptable. despite that fact you were Meta comming on another server, what you did worse a lot worse then that, I would say about two hours worth of it, I heard it going on? Although most of it was not XYZ Here I am, this guy, and was about 10 minutes away from the current events, I stepped in when I heard you talking about releasing the singularity and the Telsa, What you did there was COMPLETELY harmful, without a doubt, running the run for everyone causing it to end as well. Your ban from the Discord is completely justified, It is owned by apop and Rahazal. If they wish to ban you from it, they can, you broke the rules, and were punished. CM and the server you played on are different, we allow shit as, AHAHAHa I fucking got memed just now, when it happens, Not, Alright dud, if you come here and uh, kill this drone, you can save me. There is a big difference. W

Warhawk, not only are you complaining now, you tried to "Runaway" from it, leaving the channel as soon as you saw 8 staff members were listening, Durper, on the other hand, stayed, and accepted this, from listening to you, you were self antaging, grieving people, while Duper was an antag and shit, what you did was a shit ton worse, not only that, the "Big Kahunas" and are god feweh decided to ban you two for your actions, taking it to a appeal is the best thing, there was a report against me and Nyxia, in which Feweh described the difference between talking about a round of CM, and harmful meta comming, what you did was harmful, and broke a shit ton of rules on the server you were playing on.

I am sorry for stepping in staff, I thought it would be appropriate for me to explain my view of the story.
Praise Feweh the true lord and savior! Grant us your godly Midi's.

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Re: Discord Ban appeal

Post by Harakoni warhawk » 06 Feb 2017, 15:39

Retro wrote:Alright, as the person who reported this to Feweh, and snype I am going to step in.What you did was unacceptable. despite that fact you were Meta comming on another server, what you did worse a lot worse then that, I would say about two hours worth of it, I heard it going on? Although most of it was not XYZ Here I am, this guy, and was about 10 minutes away from the current events, I stepped in when I heard you talking about releasing the singularity and the Telsa, What you did there was COMPLETELY harmful, without a doubt, running the run for everyone causing it to end as well. Your ban from the Discord is completely justified, It is owned by apop and Rahazal. If they wish to ban you from it, they can, you broke the rules, and were punished. CM and the server you played on are different, we allow shit as, AHAHAHa I fucking got memed just now, when it happens, Not, Alright dud, if you come here and uh, kill this drone, you can save me. There is a big difference. W

Warhawk, not only are you complaining now, you tried to "Runaway" from it, leaving the channel as soon as you saw 8 staff members were listening, Durper, on the other hand, stayed, and accepted this, from listening to you, you were self antaging, grieving people, while Duper was an antag and shit, what you did was a shit ton worse, not only that, the "Big Kahunas" and are god feweh decided to ban you two for your actions, taking it to a appeal is the best thing, there was a report against me and Nyxia, in which Feweh described the difference between talking about a round of CM, and harmful meta comming, what you did was harmful, and broke a shit ton of rules on the server you were playing on.

I am sorry for stepping in staff, I thought it would be appropriate for me to explain my view of the story.
OK, most of what you gave as evidence is literally Bullshit, I can't say that enough.
I never, never said I released the Tesla and Singularity. AT ALL!
I said that for three rounds in a row, the engineers managed to release Both the Tesla and the Singulo.
If your saying you reported me for that, then you lied as I was never a Engineer and I was only a Traitor once.

I'm actually disgusted that you not only lied to the Admins to get me reported, you managed to literally fuck up every detail in your report. I never abused Antag protection to grief a round, I never self griefed? And Durper was never a Antag.

The only reason I left the Discord chat was to hop down to a empty one because Kevinz wanted to chat and I figured it would be easier to have it in a empty channel.

So now it comes to light I got banned because of a so called report so filled with lies that it doesn't even resemble truth anymore.
You should get punished for making a falsified report as holy shit that's all yours is, bullshit and lies. Any details that do resemble reality are so distorted it's practically a joke.
How the hell do I appeal if I was banned based on a report that was neither verified nor cross checked.
For crying out loud, I can't even set up a fucking Tesla or Singulo, how the hell could I release one?
I was banned based on a False, biased report and nobody thought to verify it? Did nobody think to have a chat with me, I never left the Discord, I was in the channel below the entire time till I got banned from it.

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Re: Discord Ban appeal

Post by Feweh » 06 Feb 2017, 15:55

Can everyone relax, Jesus Christ.

We had a few staff in the channel listening, I myself heard something about a Janitor cleaning blood and some bear traps.
I reported it to the server you guys were meta-comming on and then I left as I didn't care that much from what I was hearing.

Someone else, most likely Apop heard after that it was still going on and further banned you both for it.
I honestly don't know the extent of the meta-comming but from what I heard it was generally very mild and non malicious.

However, we can easily clarify this by asking the 5 other staff-members who purposely got on to listen in.
Now everyone relax, such a mild issue turned into needless bullshit.

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Re: Discord Ban appeal

Post by Harakoni warhawk » 06 Feb 2017, 15:59

Feweh wrote:Can everyone relax, Jesus Christ.

We had a few staff in the channel listening, I myself heard something about a Janitor cleaning blood and some bear traps.
I reported it to the server you guys were meta-comming on and then I left as I didn't care that much from what I was hearing.

Someone else, most likely Apop heard after that it was still going on and further banned you both for it.
I honestly don't know the extent of the meta-comming but from what I heard it was generally very mild and non malicious.

However, we can easily clarify this by asking the 5 other staff-members who purposely got on to listen in.
Now everyone relax, such a mild issue turned into needless bullshit.
The Blood and bear traps was from the Chaplain called Old Man Robustin attacking me with a energy sword I thought was a Syndicate one in the Caps office while the Bear traps one was from Durper asking me why the Janitors office had a bear trap in it, to which I replied it was to leave in the halls for people to trip over.
Those were funny moments to be honest.

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Re: Discord Ban appeal

Post by Feweh » 06 Feb 2017, 16:04

Harakoni warhawk wrote:The Blood and bear traps was from the Chaplain called Old Man Robustin attacking me with a energy sword I thought was a Syndicate one in the Caps office while the Bear traps one was from Durper asking me why the Janitors office had a bear trap in it, to which I replied it was to leave in the halls for people to trip over.
Those were funny moments to be honest.
Ok, this is EXACTLY why you were banned.


You're revealing IMPORTANT round events to someone else using META-Coms who otherwise would have no idea unless you're telling him via Discord.
Specifically saying "IM BEING ATTACKED BY OLD MAN ROBUSTINS WITH AN ENERGY SWORD" is malicious meta-coms AND you also gave him the location being the captains office.

That isn't a nice casual discussion, that's round ruining shit as now Durper knows important IC shit he probably shouldn't.

Durper asking about the Bear Traps is CASUAL AND ACCEPTABLE meta-coms. Sure it's not Kosher, but simply asking a harmless question for clarity isn't very malicious.

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Re: Discord Ban appeal

Post by apophis775 » 06 Feb 2017, 20:15

Firstly, I only just caught up on this thread and let me say this:

1. I hate "no one" over metacomming. SLC asked me what to do, the message went to slack on my phone, I said "ban them both". He did. I didn't even know who it was until I saw the appeals
2. Harakoni Warhawk, you need to seriously chill the fuck out. Instead of shitting up Durpers ban appeal you should have made your own. All-in-all, that's a bad show on your part.
3. Several staff have stepped forward and spoken to me in support of Durper generally "not being shit" and "being a pretty good player".

So, I'm lifting the ban on Durper from Discord. However, if there's another case of meta-comming using our discord on another server, it won't be lifted again.

When staff are saying "some metacomming" they are partly wrong.
ANYTHING that breaks another server rule that happens on our discord will result in a discord ban. ALWAYS. If you wanna break other server rules, don't do it here. I won't have a part of it, and our policy is to report it directly to the server whose rules you are violating along with any additional information they may request within reason.

We DO allow a "small' amount of Metacomming when playing CM. Things like "I'm dead" or "The runners got me" etc are permissible. Directing people to your body, giving information about movements, or things like that are NOT. There's a difference between "i died" and "I died at the northern fob entrance". The former is fine, the latter gets you a ban.

And remember: Discord is not required to play CM or SS13 at all. It's a community option place for gathering and meeting we've added. As such, it's rules are a bit different and they vary between being harsher sometimes or more forgiving. I try to avoid banning in Discord but we retain the right to ban whoever the fuck we want from my discord if I feel they are causing problems or may cause problems.
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