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Post by SUPERMAN112 » 05 Feb 2017, 12:52

:) Your Byond ID: SUPERMAN112

Character Name: Chad Stephenson

Type Of Ban (Job-ban, Timed Ban, Permaban): 7 day ban

Admin who banned you (if known): Feweh

Total Ban Duration: 7 days

Remaining Duration: 7 days

What other servers do you play on? none that I play on, would need to look, main CM these days

Are you now or have you been banned on any of them? noted above

Reason for ban (If you have a Permaban, it should be the EXACT MESSAGE YOU GET WHEN YOU LOGIN with the Error code that looks like this: X##XXX##. If you do not provide this EXACTLY you can't be unbanned): Banned by Feweh 10080 min, Reason:player report
Hard to read: Essentially banned for pushing someone trying to become queen as that is under don't be dick
Link to previous appeals for the same ban (if applicable):

Your appeal, including evidence (screenshots, etc): A 7 day ban for competing to be queen... oh boy...
First off I remember that round, and I was not a "dick" as the player report described, after I evolved to queen I apologized or something along those lines and said she (the drone) would be the backup, is that a "toxic" player as my ban description says? Was I swearing and being a dick to the drone I beat out of being queen? nope. So many player reports (Ie this one viewtopic.php?f=71&t=11129) have been denied because they are an IC issue, it is pretty clear what this dont be a dick rule means

Code: Select all

Don't be a dick. - "Dickish" and "harassment" type of behavior is not allowed. This includes all OOC forms of racism, homophobic slurs, all other demeaning language with the intent to harass another player. This is combined with your attitude towards staff. If you have a problem with a staff member's decision, show them respect and do what they say, then submit a staff complaint. Arguing with a staff member will more than likely get your punishment increased, and any report you make AFTER arguing might be thrown out because your punishment will be seen as deserved. On the other hand, you have some wiggle-room In Character (IC) since
Now from the wording is seems it is majorly meant to cover, just that being a total toxic dick... I was never toxic... I apologized, I have never been rude or disrespectful to the staff, so I am not sure where this "history of this toxic behavior" is coming from, I have notes yes, but not for toxicity. I mean I was banned for doing something to get ahead that was a bit aggravating, but so is nade spame, hiding mines, targeting certain APCs and SPECS as aliens, but this isn't marked as being a dick/given a 7 day ban... It's one thing if this occurred and I starting insulting Boltersam and swearing at him, but no I didn't do that... I evolved to queen and carried on with the round.

Also not to make this a player report but Boltersam was being very skeptically honorable with his plasma-caster as a pred, firing on aliens that were for the mostpart alone, sometimes they were grouped yes, but other-times he was firing on a lone alien cloaked like a round or so earlier... forget the pred code, that is MUCH more dickish than this, firing on a lone slow queen 2-3 times before engaing, firing on a lone ravager, where is the fairness here? sure I have notes, but all I did was literally push a drone, and then apologize that IS NOT worthy of a damn 7 day ban, and its not even that dickish OR against the rules, honestly I think this is due to some kind of anger towards me from Feweh, I mean I didn't mean to make you mad but this is a bit extreme, dishing out 7 day bans for the slightest level of anything even though I haven't even broken a rule. Yet Boltersam goes on a plasma-caster rampage and Im sure doesn't have a SINGLE note about it

My notes for reference/so staff done need to get them:

Code: Select all

End of Round Grief by UnknownMurder (GameAdmin) on Tue, August 4th of 2015 

Stacking Resin Walls... Bug Abuse. Warned by UnknownMurder (GameAdmin) on Thu, August 13th of 2015 

Warned about dragging a banana peel behind him, causing a marine to slip and get caught. by FatalEYES (Moderator) on Sun, September 6th of 2015 

Killed two survivors,one by "accident" and the other "since it doesnt say anywhere in the rules that a survivor cant kill another survivor" and "said survivor was getting suspicious of the player killing the first one" by Coroneljones (GameAdmin) on Mon, October 12th of 2015 

Decided that breaching the Sulaco intentionally as queen was not an act of powergaming. by rovernic (GameAdmin) on Wed, October 14th of 2015 

Ghosted from ERT by apophis775 (Host) on Sun, November 1st of 2015 

As RO, eluded MP's by escaping planetside. Job-banned. by WestHybrid (TrialAdmin) on Thu, November 19th of 2015 

Banned from Requisitions Officer - Escaped planetside while eluding MP's. by Adminbot (Friendly Robot) on Thu, November 19th of 2015 Remove

Make a breach during the "Breaching not allowed" time. -Warned by Adjective (TrialAdmin) on Sun, December 6th of 2015 

Was harming infected host... spent 10 minutes trying to justify harming host to me afterwards. Gave him a warning by Feweh (Moderator) on Tue, December 15th of 2015 

Decapped a marine in the FOB, started dragging her head all the way back to the hive. Argued towards the validity of that with such arguments as "marines drag around xeno dead bodies all the time as trophies why can't xenos do it" and "marines have been slashing weeds all round, is that not a bit meta?" and " She liked the last head she saw so i figured bring her more, the rules says dont destroy dead bodies never says you can't move them around" by Ordukai (GameAdmin) on Tue, December 22nd of 2015 

3 hour ban for stealing doner items when told not to. by Lostmixup (GameAdmin) on Sun, December 27th of 2015 

Banned from Survivor - As a survivor, met another survivor and started insisting that they go to secure storage to set up a fort there. The other survivor refused which lead to a chase into the jungle. This chase ended with the victim typing and Superman shooting him twice with a rifle. His explanation for this was that he was trying to ctrl+click and failed. He then pulled around the injured survivor which led to a runner capturing the two of them. He fought the aliens (The victim had succumbed at this point), died, and then logged. by Adminbot (Friendly Robot) on Thu, February 11th of 2016 Remove

Found melting weapon vendors. Warned. Suggest a ban on next offense of any kind. by Jackserious (TrialModerator) on Sun, February 14th of 2016 

Caused multiple breaches on the sulaco, including one in the alpha specialist room. Told that "one line of resin doors is not an airlock". by Hycinth (Moderator) on Sun, February 14th of 2016 

Warned not to multi stack resin walls/doors. Player has a severe history of power-gaming and doing this kind of stuff... After reading his notes he has been warned about this previously. 24hour ban given due to warnings. by Feweh (Moderator) on Tue, February 16th of 2016 

Was making a swastika out of eggs as an alien queen. Stopped when told to. by ForwardslashN (Developer) on Sun, October 2nd of 2016 

Suspected of metarushing the shuttle as a xeno Larva, warned. by Snypehunter007 (Moderator) on Wed, January 4th of 2017 

Dragged a decapped marine to the shuttle and let it get decapped, kept stealing corpses as well to hide them by Apophis775 (Host) on Sat, January 7th of 2017 

Banned by apophis775|Duration: 4320 minutes|Reason: Powergaming/Griefing - Moved many marine bodies away to "Hide' them from the FOB, also left a body on the pad to get gibbed. by Apophis775 (Host) on Sat, January 7th of 2017 

Melted OR tables on the sulaco and hid the CO's body in the vent hub, warned because the vent hubs are new and rulings were not fully made on them, and due to a miscommunication with another staff member about melting OR tables. by Dapper Stache (TrialModerator) on Sat, January 14th of 2017 

Banned by feweh|Duration: 4310 minutes|Reason: During WO decided to build his own personal base in the caves using two sentires and resources. Despite two warnings, he continued to do so till the very end. Very selfish behavior and no excuse when you were warned prior to doing so. by Feweh (Manager) on Mon, January 23rd of 2017
As my closing remark I will say just because something makes you salty doesn't mean you can mark it as "being a dick" and ban that person, that essentially breaks the game and stops every possible thing that could piss someone off... (which is pretty much everything)
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Last edited by SUPERMAN112 on 05 Feb 2017, 13:14, edited 2 times in total.

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Post by SUPERMAN112 » 05 Feb 2017, 13:19

DeadLantern wrote:Pushing a player on purpose so you can become queen is obviously being a dick.

If you called being a queen, then another, random, player decides he wants to be queen and then PUSHES you so he can become queen is being a massive jerk.

Imagine your in a casual foot race, you're about to win when that try hard fucker next-door pushes you out of the way, making him win.

It's BS.
Well it's "dickish" sure, but 1.) lore wise (its Praetorians in lore but ignore that for now) fight to become queen, so why cannot drones fight to become queens? so there is an IC explanation for scuffling to become queen, 2.) there are other very annoying actions other players take during the game, that from a certain angle can be seen as dickish, but if you look at anything from a given point of view it can seem dickish, thing was I wasn't toxic, I mean I said all this in the appeal so I'm guessing you just skimmed and didn't read it (wouldn't blame you its a bland and boring text wall of death)

3.) I don't mean to be a dick (pun-tastic) but the forum rules state pretty clearly unless you are contributing as a witness don't post, just don't want you to get in trouble dude
Last edited by SUPERMAN112 on 05 Feb 2017, 13:24, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Rain7x » 05 Feb 2017, 13:23

if you are not contributing as a witness or a staff member DO NOT POST. Read the forum rules.

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Post by Boltersam » 05 Feb 2017, 13:43

I'll contribute as a witness.

I didn't think it was worth a report, I was told it was, so I made a report. I never expected nor wanted you to be banned for a week, at max a warning. If you had a history of this kind of stuff (Your notes aren't exactly spick and span,) and didn't quit it, then I figure the ban may have warranted.

As for the "Plasma caster rampage", you fail to mention several key details, and it also has no place in a BAN APPEAL. Make a report for that stuff.

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Post by SUPERMAN112 » 05 Feb 2017, 13:51

Boltersam wrote:I'll contribute as a witness.

I didn't think it was worth a report, I was told it was, so I made a report. I never expected nor wanted you to be banned for a week, at max a warning. If you had a history of this stuff and didn't quit it, then I figure the ban may have warranted.

As for the "Plasma caster rampage", you fail to mention several key details, and it also has no place in a BAN APPEAL. Make a report for that stuff.
I was more trying to point out that stuff that is seemingly dickish/annoying isn't necessarily something you can ban for, if you apply that to preds then most play styles just fall apart (Aliens were in your turf, you had been wounded, etc, there was a lot going on, yeah)

Did pushing me so I couldn't become queen piss me off? yes, was doing that being a dick from my point of view, yes.
Did the plasma caster stuff piss me off? yes, from my point of view was shooting a slow moving queen a lot being a dick, yes. <- This breaks SO many mechanics in CM if you apply the rule like this

That is more what I was trying to point out, not fault/turn it into a player report. I could easily be wrong since I didn't write these rules but it seems to me that the don't be a dick rule is more to stop gross toxicity and things of that nature, as opposed to behavior that makes people salty and such. Also I did apologize and say you could be the backup, further squashing this "toxic" accusation

sorry for the creepy fast reply, Im watching this thread like a hawk on redbull :creepy:

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Post by Feweh » 05 Feb 2017, 13:55

SUPERMAN112 wrote: Did pushing me so I couldn't become queen piss me off? yes, was doing that being a dick from my point of view, yes.
In your own words, you broke the rules.

Don't be a dick. - "Dickish" and "harassment" type of behavior is not allowed. This includes all OOC forms of racism, homophobic slurs, all other demeaning language with the intent to harass another player. This is combined with your attitude towards staff. If you have a problem with a staff member's decision, show them respect and do what they say, then submit a staff complaint. Arguing with a staff member will more than likely get your punishment increased, and any report you make AFTER arguing might be thrown out because your punishment will be seen as deserved. On the other hand, you have some wiggle-room In Character (IC) since


You have a huge history of power-gaming, being selfish and toxic.
This is your final warning to improve, stop making excuses for your shitty behavior.
