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- Joined: 24 Feb 2015, 19:34
- Byond: Feweh
by Feweh » 11 Feb 2017, 21:32
blute1 wrote:
I feel that this permaban wasn't justified at all and furthermore there is absolutely no proof that I metacommunicated wth ANYONE and that this is just bias against Hippie players. Very unprofessional.
Lets cut this bullshit here right now and let me state some facts.
In the last two weeks alone we've had 6-7 HIPPIE STAFF/EX-Staff come on our server and grief.
So let me make this clear when I say that Hippie Staff are generally regarded as THE MOST unprofessional and there definitely is a bias towards them. Especially when their Ex-Head Staff Spankmaster (Who at the time was the Head Admin) comes on your server blatantly briefing.
Will look into this a bit further, but we had information and suspicion to suspect you both of meta-coms at the time.
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- Byond: Apophis775
by apophis775 » 11 Feb 2017, 22:39
The dude you were metacomming with, Wrathsomethingorother literally told us you guys were metacomming, and you have a history of being a total shitbag.
I mean, a few days ago you literally ahelped:
[16:30:59]ADMIN: HELP: Spacedong/(Raymond Perkins): can I roleplay as a super nazi wehrmacht officer from the future who still thinks its 1945 - heard by 7 non-AFK admins.
And just when I thought you couldn't get ANY STUPIDER, you followed it by admitting you didn't read the rules or anything.
You've got a history of being a shitter all over the damn place, and in your appeal you admitted breaking several rules.
If you want, I'll add "general shittery" to the ban reason, but that's all.
You obviously don't understand how the RP works on our server and what is/is not acceptable according to the rules or don't care enough to pay attention too it. You've been doing this on and off for over a year, and I'm tired of it. It's pretty clear you don't want to learn how to play here, or be involved in the game as a non-shitler.
So, go play somewhere else and stop shitting the game up for people who want to play the game as intended.

flamecow wrote: "unga dunga me want the attachment" - average marine