Martzin's Job-ban Appeal

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Martzin's Job-ban Appeal

Post by Martzin » 20 Feb 2017, 02:43

Your Byond ID: Martzin

Character Name: Murdoch Machowicz

Type Of Ban (Job-ban, Timed Ban, Permaban): Job-ban

Admin who banned you (if known): ZDashe

Total Ban Duration: Permanent

Remaining Duration: Permanent

What other servers do you play on? None.

Are you now or have you been banned on any of them? No, but I was perma-banned at Hippie a long, long time ago for griefing, but had an appeal accepted.

Reason for ban (If you have a Permaban, it should be the EXACT MESSAGE YOU GET WHEN YOU LOGIN with the Error code that looks like this: X##XXX##. If you do not provide this EXACTLY you can't be unbanned): I had shot and killed a prisoner after he escaped and charged at me, and later on seriously injured another marine that broke into Brig. This action threw the whole Sulaco under anarchy right before the xenos landed as-well.

Link to previous appeals for the same ban (if applicable):

Your appeal, including evidence (screenshots, etc):I know what I did was wrong, and I sincerely regret having done it. The prisoner(Bill Houser) had started off the round as a doctor(not an MP, as was said in my ban) and was constantly committing hooliganism and not doing his job. I demoted him to Civilian and left him to his own time, and later on near the end of the round I saw him as an MP, even his ID assignment changed wearing a uniform and everything when I walked into the bridge... it was like he had body-snatched or something. I was the only MP out of the original 4 still playing and 2 of them were around for a long time, and my buddy CL(Adan 'Digger' Howard)was also extremely weirded out, also knowing the story of his arrest and actions.

Now, I knew that he shouldn't be an MP. He was a civvie as I previously assigned him to for incompetence and hooliganism, and here he was a full-blown MP officer. So I pacify him and Adan goes to change his ID access, only for Adan to discover he cant use the terminal. Clicking on it wouldn't pop a window up, so we both figured he had somehow broke the thing... that's where my paranoia started, so I kept him incapacitated with my assortment of MP equipment. I dragged the incapacitated Houser out of bridge only for 2 marines, Frasier and Henderson, to attack me and Adan both. I continued dragging Houser to brig while Adan fended them off where I attempted to strip him of his equipment but had to be incapacitate him once more. Finally I arrested him, and that's when Adan said on the MP Comms that he was leading a cult...(Talking in mchat with Adan revealed that they were yelling 'he needs a sacrifice') It should also be noted that while I was on the terminal assigning Houser to 'Incarcerated' and writing down notes etc., someone had opened the panels on the fucking doors which basically rendered me locked in, forcing me to break the windows open to get out into the main room. This moment is blurry for me so I dont remember much about it, but it was the very main reason I was okay with lethals. To elaborate further:

It was the tipping point of me freaking the fuck out. Again this was probably just Jon the MT(who we'll talk about later on) accidently leaving them open, but I was distracted on the terminal and didn't notice. Figuring that somehow 1 of them got in and purposely did that to fuck with me mentally and basically say they had the ability to break out of the cells and sneak out without me seeing a thing. I recall walking out after shattering the windows and literally yelling that these 3 were too dangerous to even house in the brig. I pulled out my shotty after this.

So my SS13 Security instincts had pretty much kicked in and I was paranoid as fuck. Houser, seeing how he had gotten this far was enough to convince me he was robust enough to escape once more with his 2 cult-buddies and sacrifice me or something. I know Cult isn't a game-mode on CM but I still got that mind-set.
Adan returned to Brig and hid there where Frasier and Henderson were waiting outside the door along with an assortment of other people. I wielded my shotgun in the heat of the moment focusing on the entrance, when Houser broke out of his cell(I believe he broke the window open) and charged at me. Out of my paranoid instinct I quickly shot him down with the shotgun, putting him in crit and just said 'fuck it' and shot him again to put him out of his misery. This was where I fucked up hard. Marines all flocked to Brig calling for my head, trying to break through by shooting the windows open and climbing in. Frasier ran in with something in his hand, and so I shot him but luckily only wounded him badly. A doctor would later come in to brig and patch him up as well as me. Afterwards an MT named Jon whom I had previously worked with when handling a colonist(by doing RP-psychological torture with him) ran in with a shotgun and put me into pain-crit. I feared the marines would finish me off so I began yelling that I'd explain everything to them but blacked out and the docs took care of me from there.

As I was in cryo, me and ZDashe could finally begin talking about what the hell was going on without any IC interference, and thus my job-ban was issued along with a 3-hour ban. I was able to spend some time in dchat before it came into effect, and Houser seemed pretty cool with the whole ordeal. He even said it was funny watching me freak out and seeing the ensuing chaos.

Again, I'm sorry I fucked up so badly, and I've learned my lesson. I hope I can move on and play the Sulaco roles again, as i'm restricted to pretty much only Marine roles. MT and Cargo Tech are not my thing.
The dude who plays Murdoch Machowicz, whoever he is.

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Re: Martzin's Job-ban Appeal

Post by Enceri » 20 Feb 2017, 03:00

I'm going to drop my input here. I was the Liaison that round, Adan Howard. I remember Houser was causing trouble in the beginning, being a nuisance and such, so after enough he got demoted and stripped to civilian. After the whole RP-Torture-Losing My Hand-bit, we went to bridge to find Houser, a full blown MP, plus two other marines and a doctor. None of them would leave until forced, and once upon that, as Mack said, they had broken the ID console by attempting to dismantle it (I assume.).

After all this, Fraiser and Henderson continued to attack me while we dragged Bill to brig, all keeping in character. I was standing inside brig, when I saw one of them say something about a sacrifice, which I shouted to Mack they were some kind've Cult of Bill, seeing as how they wanted to free him so badly.

Then as Mack said, everything went to hell.

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Re: Martzin's Job-ban Appeal

Post by Martzin » 20 Feb 2017, 03:04

Kneez wrote:MPs aren't allowed to have shotguns on them before boarding.
You're right, but I carried a shotgun on me because of a previous thing going on in the round. As Enceri said we had a colonist who we RPly mentally tortured and he went insane and shot off his hand, put a bounty on him which I was about to take but decided not to and went for non-lethal. Kept a shotty on me just incase things went hay-wire though.

I could go into more depth but this earlier-round tormenting and later brutal murder of the colonist by Jon the MT and a marine had basically fucked the round up for me enough as it is, leading to some late-round fatigue.
The dude who plays Murdoch Machowicz, whoever he is.

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Re: Martzin's Job-ban Appeal

Post by ZDashe » 20 Feb 2017, 04:46

Here's the relevant notes which I have placed on you for the incident:

Code: Select all

- MP/Command Job ban (redacted) on Sat, February 18th of 2017
- Banned by zdashe|Duration: 180 minutes|Reason: Broke Marine Law as an MP. Read the rules, reflect on your actions and come back again next time. by ZDashe (Moderator) on Sat, February 18th of 2017
I placed the ban to give you time to refresh on the rules and Marine Law again to reflect on what you actually did wrong that round. You have also narrated the incident quite well in your post under the appeal section. So, if you claim you have understood what you did was wrong, could you quote sections of your own narrative and tell us exactly where/how you
Martzin wrote:fucked up so badly
This will help to prove to our staff that you have learnt your lesson, and allow us to know that similar mistakes won't be made again if we choose to lift the job ban. Your current appeal does not tell us what have changed since then, especially since it's been only a few days ago.

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Re: Martzin's Job-ban Appeal

Post by TheMusician321 » 20 Feb 2017, 06:42

I was the doctor doing the RP tormenting and can confirm it, also patched up Adan's hand.
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Re: Martzin's Job-ban Appeal

Post by Martzin » 20 Feb 2017, 16:00

ZDashe wrote:if you claim you have understood what you did was wrong, could you quote sections of your own narrative and tell us exactly where/how you fucked up so badly
Here you are.
Out of my paranoid instinct I quickly shot him down with the shotgun, putting him in crit and just said 'fuck it' and shot him again to put him out of his misery.
Shooting Houser a 2nd time did not help at all but my judgement was still clouded. I snapped out of it only after I hit Frasier, who wasn't doing anything that that could have justified lethals.
Marines all flocked to Brig calling for my head, trying to break through by shooting the windows open and climbing in.
Frasier ran in with something in his hand, and so I shot him but luckily only wounded him badly.
This can be considered the tl;dr of what I did wrong but of course doesn't contain the context of why I did what I did. I narrated the story from my perspective to show I didn't shoot Houser for shits-and-giggles but because my mentality was clouded and not in a good place from the extremely weird stuff going on that round.

The whole round for the Marines had gone down-under from this action and it was right before the Xenos landed as-well, pretty much ruining any chance of winning for them.

I recognize the faults I made that round which led to my job-ban. I'm hoping that by showing this I can continue playing as an MP.
The dude who plays Murdoch Machowicz, whoever he is.

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Re: Martzin's Job-ban Appeal

Post by ZDashe » 21 Feb 2017, 02:29

Alright, it appears the story is more complicated than I thought... so I dug up the logs on that round:
  • Early round shows that you did your job as a MP pretty well:
    ► Show Spoiler
  • Later, you were also monitoring suspicious activities and conducting investigations properly:
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  • Subsequently, MP protocol was followed properly for non-lethal arrest:
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  • Murdoch also helped to restrain a colonist for a psychological evaluation by the doctors. The colonist failed his Psychotherapy and later disappeared. Murdoch later had to arrest Jon 'Sparky' Henderson (MT) who claims he had to put the insane colonist down. Till this point, everything was RPed appropriately as a MP. (Sorry, but i'm going to skip this entire story segment as it's too long...)
  • Then came the 'cult story' with Bill's return:
    ► Show Spoiler
  • This is the part where Murdoch totally fucked up:
    ► Show Spoiler
In summary, logs show that you were RPing as a MP very well since the start for hours and dealt with situations appropriately and without lethals as they came along. I don't see any malicious intent up until you messed up and pulled out lethals, then things started going haywire from then on.

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Re: Martzin's Job-ban Appeal

Post by Martzin » 21 Feb 2017, 19:03

Could you find out what happened to the ID Terminal? The logs show that Houser didn't in fact take any IDs but just re-joined which is a big surprise to me, didn't even know you could do that.

And I also forgot about the part where I told Adan to place bounties on the 3... and how it seemed Houser, Henderson and Frasier just joined sides in the heat of the moment instead as some pre-determined group which I also didn't expect.

A lot of surprising things were in these logs, actually. And I'm beginning to doubt whether I really had kept the shotgun with me since the Colonist fiasco, I might have put it away some-time inbetween.
The dude who plays Murdoch Machowicz, whoever he is.

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Byond: Feweh

Re: Martzin's Job-ban Appeal

Post by Feweh » 21 Feb 2017, 20:05

