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- Byond: Wolph123
by wolph123 » 20 Feb 2017, 14:11
Your Byond ID:Wolph123
Character Name:Jessica Bailey
Type Of Ban (Job-ban, Timed Ban, Permaban):Job ban
Admin who banned you (if known):no idea
Total Ban Duration:job ban
Remaining Duration:forever
What other servers do you play on?hippie paradise FTL13
Are you now or have you been banned on any of them?banned from paradise for attempt of karma trade ( key word attempt)
Reason for ban (If you have a Permaban, it should be the EXACT MESSAGE YOU GET WHEN YOU LOGIN with the Error code that looks like this: X##XXX##. If you do not provide this EXACTLY you can't be unbanned):i really dont rememeber, i was banned a very long time ago (i was told by toroic that its not a problem)
Link to previous appeals for the same ban (if applicable):
Your appeal, including evidence (screenshots, etc):hello, i was banned from specialist position for going offline in the middle of a tough fight, i have only my country to blame as my whole neighbourhood lost power at that time, i just havent found the time nor the need to appeal even tho i love ebing a spec, but the urge cannot wait, please forgive my country and my self for my foulish behaviou that i have not done on purpouse

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- Byond: Feweh
by Feweh » 20 Feb 2017, 14:26
Did you make any attempt to contact your country about your internet outtage at the time and explain to them that it got you banned?
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by TheSpoonyCroy » 20 Feb 2017, 15:23
You weren't banned for being in combat it was in fact at the start of the round (right around 6 minutes at the round start
Code: Select all
Banned from Squad Specialist - SSD round start,did not warn staff or cryo by Adminbot (Friendly Robot) on Mon, October 17th of 2016
Here was the conversation you had with the mod handling the case when the original ban was appealed somehow (unsure how it was achieved but it seems the situation was explained somehow and this lead to the original ban and notes being removed)
Code: Select all
[08:59:36]ADMIN: PM: Mod/(Jessica Bailey)->Wolph123/(Jessica Bailey): you better not go ssd as a co
[08:59:38]ADMIN: PM: Mod/(Jessica Bailey)->Wolph123/(Jessica Bailey): >->
[08:59:53]ADMIN: PM: Wolph123/(Jessica Bailey)->Mod/(Jessica Bailey): im reading change log
[09:00:01]ADMIN: PM: Wolph123/(Jessica Bailey)->Mod/(Jessica Bailey): xD
[09:00:15]ADMIN: PM: Mod/(Jessica Bailey)->Wolph123/(Jessica Bailey): also,the jban of spec is still in place
[09:00:22]ADMIN: PM: Wolph123/(Jessica Bailey)->Mod/(Jessica Bailey): wat cmon
[09:00:27]ADMIN: PM: Wolph123/(Jessica Bailey)->Mod/(Jessica Bailey): why?
[09:00:49]ADMIN: PM: Mod/(Jessica Bailey)->Wolph123/(Jessica Bailey): and i got word you should stick to standard if you have connection issues
[09:00:53]ADMIN: PM: Mod/(Jessica Bailey)->Wolph123/(Jessica Bailey): from slack staff
[09:01:00]ADMIN: PM: Wolph123/(Jessica Bailey)->Mod/(Jessica Bailey): ''slack staff''
[09:01:04]ADMIN: PM: Wolph123/(Jessica Bailey)->Mod/(Jessica Bailey): but dad
[09:01:09]ADMIN: PM: Wolph123/(Jessica Bailey)->Mod/(Jessica Bailey): i like being spec
[09:01:33]ADMIN: PM: Mod/(Jessica Bailey)->Wolph123/(Jessica Bailey): and people live having a spec that does not disconnect every five seconds >->
[09:01:50]ADMIN: PM: Wolph123/(Jessica Bailey)->Mod/(Jessica Bailey): ooooooh shots fired
[09:01:55]ADMIN: PM: Wolph123/(Jessica Bailey)->Mod/(Jessica Bailey): but for real
[09:02:30]ADMIN: PM: Wolph123/(Jessica Bailey)->Mod/(Mature Larva (960)): connection issues are pretty, you know, not every 5 seconds
[09:02:37]ADMIN: PM: Wolph123/(Jessica Bailey)->Mod/(Mature Larva (960)): its not rare
[09:02:45]ADMIN: PM: Wolph123/(Jessica Bailey)->Mod/(Mature Larva (960)): but its not frequent
[09:02:54]ADMIN: PM: Mod/(Mature Larva (960))->Wolph123/(Jessica Bailey): that middle point
[09:03:03]ADMIN: PM: Mod/(Mature Larva (960))->Wolph123/(Jessica Bailey): thats why the j stays,for safety
[09:03:11]ADMIN: PM: Wolph123/(Jessica Bailey)->Mod/(Mature Larva (960)): ''safety''
[09:03:15]ADMIN: PM: Mod/(Mature Larva (960))->Wolph123/(Jessica Bailey): an SSD spec in the middle of a fight can be crippling
[09:03:15]ADMIN: PM: Wolph123/(Jessica Bailey)->Mod/(Mature Larva (960)): ugh
[09:03:21]ADMIN: PM: Wolph123/(Jessica Bailey)->Mod/(Mature Larva (960)): FIIINE
[09:03:35]ADMIN: PM: Wolph123/(Jessica Bailey)->Mod/(Mature Larva (960)): YOU JUST TOOK A GOOD SPEC FROM MARINES
[09:03:44]ADMIN: PM: Mod/(Mature Larva (960))->Wolph123/(Jessica Bailey): "good"
[09:03:54]ADMIN: PM: Wolph123/(Jessica Bailey)->Mod/(Mature Larva (960)): YOU WIL-stop
[09:04:00]ADMIN: PM: Wolph123/(Jessica Bailey)->Mod/(Mature Larva (960)): i is good
[09:04:07]ADMIN: PM: Wolph123/(Jessica Bailey)->Mod/(Mature Larva (960)): connection not good
[09:04:08]ADMIN: PM: Wolph123/(Jessica Bailey)->Mod/(Mature Larva (960)): me
[09:04:11]ADMIN: PM: Wolph123/(Jessica Bailey)->Mod/(Mature Larva (960)): is good
[09:04:13]ADMIN: PM: Mod/(Mature Larva (960))->Wolph123/(Jessica Bailey): good like casany?august slice
[09:04:22]ADMIN: PM: Mod/(Mature Larva (960))->Wolph123/(Jessica Bailey): she dies 4 minutes after deployment
[09:04:29]ADMIN: PM: Mod/(Mature Larva (960))->Wolph123/(Jessica Bailey): are you casy level good?
[09:04:35]ADMIN: PM: Wolph123/(Jessica Bailey)->Mod/(Mature Larva (960)): nah
[09:04:50]ADMIN: PM: Wolph123/(Jessica Bailey)->Mod/(corgi): im right under saul
[09:04:52]ADMIN: PM: Wolph123/(Jessica Bailey)->Mod/(corgi): like
[09:04:59]ADMIN: PM: Wolph123/(Jessica Bailey)->Mod/(corgi): 5 meters under him
Checked the player's activity and seems they have played a bit between the gap in their notes
Played frequently on October & November but seemed player's activity was lite on the months of December and January
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- Byond: Wolph123
by wolph123 » 21 Feb 2017, 06:48
i must have forgotten when and how i got banned seeing how it was so long ago, i would like to apologise i did not mean to deceive you in any way
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- Byond: Apophis775
by apophis775 » 03 Mar 2017, 17:34
Lifted for now. Next time it will not be.

flamecow wrote: "unga dunga me want the attachment" - average marine