Your Byond ID: TeenGowen
Character Name: Xo Yung Kyunseok
Type Of Ban: Jobban
Admin who banned you: Slc97[Senior Moderator/Senior Staff]
Total Ban Duration:Jobban
Remaining Duration:Jobban
What other servers do you play on? Colonial Marine[Main], Aurora, Fallout 13, Paradise
Are you now or have you been banned on any of them? Nope
Reason for ban: Powergaming as a MP, Broken Military rules as a MP(2 law have been broken), carry a lethal on the armor when not allowed.
NOTE: There can be more.
Link to previous appeals for the same ban:
[Attempt 1] viewtopic.php?f=87&t=11130&p=117961&hil ... ok#p117961
Your appeal, including evidence (screenshots, etc): I think the Staff team should lift my Military Police jobban because...
I've been playing XO and keeping rules safe.
I've learned my lesson while playing Security on other server.
Reread rules.
Know will not do this in the future.
Will becareful in the future.
Won't let this happen in the future.
Now I have been an issue for the past week, but I have learned my lesson not to do it again. I've waited long enough and learned my lesson that I won't do it again in the future... I have broken some law and server rules as a XO... but I have learned my myself that I won't do that again in the future. I deeply APOLOGIZE that I have done this... I know better... I may or may not be a competent player... but I am a friendly player... again... I am sorry, I won't do this again in the future.. I know I have been an issue... but I have learned my lesson... I am sorry.
3/13/17 Military Police Job Ban. /Xo Yung/ [Attempt 2]
- XenonDragneel
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3/13/17 Military Police Job Ban. /Xo Yung/ [Attempt 2]
When u talk sh** to the IB

- Feweh
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Re: 3/13/17 Military Police Job Ban. /Xo Yung/ [Attempt 2]
Banned by slc97|Duration: 180 minutes|Reason: Abusing Ahelps again. Disrespecting staff again. Player is extremely toxic and desperately needs to adjust his attitude. by Slc97 (SeniorModerator) on Wed, March 8th of 2017
You'll never be unbanned or have a job-ban removed when you continuously accumulate bans afterwards/
You'll never be unbanned or have a job-ban removed when you continuously accumulate bans afterwards/
- XenonDragneel
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Re: 3/13/17 Military Police Job Ban. /Xo Yung/ [Attempt 2]
Yes, I know. Though I have learned my lesson from that... even though Slc97 doing his "job" I still work toward to improvements. But this is /MP/ Jobban...Feweh wrote:Banned by slc97|Duration: 180 minutes|Reason: Abusing Ahelps again. Disrespecting staff again. Player is extremely toxic and desperately needs to adjust his attitude. by Slc97 (SeniorModerator) on Wed, March 8th of 2017
You'll never be unbanned or have a job-ban removed when you continuously accumulate bans afterwards/
NOTE: At that moment, I never really disrespect any other staff, just Slc, though he said he is doing his "job" I shall work my improvement to be respectful... even though he just hate me(IDK why) I just need to be chill and such... all I am stating some facts and just fighting for /stuff/...
Sometimes... having things that I don't like to see... just get me in anger..
When u talk sh** to the IB

- Aetsuki
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Re: 3/13/17 Military Police Job Ban. /Xo Yung/ [Attempt 2]
Here's the problem as I see it. MPs are held to higher standards, because they are the enforcers of marine law in IC situations, and have buffs to allow them to do so more efficiently. Which means if you're causing trouble as a role that's supposed to be dealing with that exact trouble, then you're going to get jobbanned from it. Furthermore if you continue to cause further trouble, you're not going to get unbanned. You've been around for two years according to your notes, and consistantly cause problems. At this point you should know our rules. The fact you continue to get in trouble does not speak for your reliability as a candidate for MP.
I'll give you the benefit of the doubt that you don't mean you intentionally disrespect Slc, however this is not Slc's grudge match. A good variety of staff members have noted your behaviour and had to speak to you. There is no targetting, just you breaking the rules and Slc handling it. Looking over your notes, you seriously need to shape up or else you'll be looking at a permanent ban.At that moment, I never really disrespect any other staff, just Slc, though he said he is doing his "job" I shall work my improvement to be respecful... even though he just hate me

- XenonDragneel
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Re: 3/13/17 Military Police Job Ban. /Xo Yung/ [Attempt 2]
Respectful*Aetsuki wrote:Here's the problem as I see it. MPs are held to higher standards, because they are the enforcers of marine law in IC situations, and have buffs to allow them to do so more efficiently. Which means if you're causing trouble as a role that's supposed to be dealing with that exact trouble, then you're going to get jobbanned from it. Furthermore if you continue to cause further trouble, you're not going to get unbanned. You've been around for two years according to your notes, and consistantly cause problems. At this point you should know our rules. The fact you continue to get in trouble does not speak for your reliability as a candidate for MP.
Furthermore, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt that you don't mean you intentionally disrespect Slc, however this is not Slc's grudge match. A good variety of staff members have noted your behaviour and had to speak to you. There is no targetting, just you breaking the rules and Slc handling it. Looking over your notes, you seriously need to shape up or else you'll be looking at a permanent ban.
Yes... I am more aware from now on... I should just shut up and chill the fuck out..
When u talk sh** to the IB

- Feweh
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- Byond: Feweh
Re: 3/13/17 Military Police Job Ban. /Xo Yung/ [Attempt 2]
Been little improvement from you since getting that ban.
Been little improvement from you since getting that ban.