Squad Leader Appeal

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Squad Leader Appeal

Post by Xurphorus » 16 Mar 2017, 18:58

Your Byond ID: Xurphorus

Character Name: Xur ''Ghost'' Dergens

Type Of Ban (Job-ban, Timed Ban, Permaban): Job-ban, Squad Leader

Admin who banned you (if known): Feweh, Manager

Total Ban Duration: Indefinite

Remaining Duration: Indefinite

What other servers do you play on? N/A, Mainly Colonial

Are you now or have you been banned on any of them? Nope

Reason for ban (If you have a Permaban, it should be the EXACT MESSAGE YOU GET WHEN YOU LOGIN with the Error code that looks like this: X##XXX##. If you do not provide this EXACTLY you can't be unbanned): Accused of using Meta-Knowledge to have an advantage during a round and Low RP. viewtopic.php?f=71&t=11620

Link to previous appeals for the same ban (if applicable): None

Your appeal, including evidence (screenshots, etc):

To be honest, I can't apologize for what happened during that round because I don't really see what I have done wrong. Sure things have went south rather quickly but everything up until the shooting of the XO and MP, in my eyes was handled ICly. I didn't use any lethal action, but in the end I was killed by the XO, and things escalated even further. I'm only guilty of disagreeing with the CO's tactics and didn't support what he wanted to do for the FoB. I chose to secure the dropship LZ not out of META-Knowledge but out of common sense. It was a high pop round and using the pod to transport marines back and forth, along with sending supplies and such was not efficient in my eyes. Securing the Main LZ is pretty much paramount in any military operation. I openly expressed my dislike for the COs plans, the CO was rather disrespectful, I responded with disrespect and he ordered for my detainment so I have a motive for my insubordinate behavior. No thoughts of meta should be involved, even after the CO showed everyone in the bridge a detailed map of what he wanted to happen for the planned FoB. My involvement with disrupting the MP from subduing the Alpha SL was because I was to be detained as well from what I know. I even took the measures of telling my squad to not get involved with the MPs or anything that would happen because I didn't want a total hostile situation to ensue, which happened anyway since the XO pulled his gun and killed me while I was unarmed.

When the report was submitted, the Moderators who investigated it gave detailed logs of what transgressed which shows the reason of my involvement, and that player shortly after seeing the logs rescinded his report but Feweh and /Noize continued the investigation. Not that I'm salty over it, I just wanted that point to be stated. I've waited a bit before I made an appeal to let the salt over it die down, and If I could say something to ease the minds of the ones who we're affected by what happened I'll say this, I will work on being more compassionate towards the orders of whoever plays the CO.

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Re: Squad Leader Appeal

Post by slc97 » 16 Mar 2017, 19:26

I have to say, that given the short length of time, and that you still don't admit to what you did wrong, I don't think you've learned anything from this ban for it to be lifted.

You do not need to work on being more compassionate to the orders of the CO, you need to follow the orders of the CO as an SL. I think you should wait this one out a little longer.

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Re: Squad Leader Appeal

Post by Xurphorus » 16 Mar 2017, 20:16

I do admit, that I should have stood clear of the MP taking Alpha leader during that altercation. I just wanted to clarify my standing in all of this, and I will try to do better in the future. I main as a Squad Leader, it has been my go to role since the Pre-Alpha. Just because I'm not apologetic doesn't mean I'm this player with a shitty attitude or anything, I mean sure I have a temper but I try to keep it in check for most instances.

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Byond: Feweh

Re: Squad Leader Appeal

Post by Feweh » 17 Mar 2017, 00:54

You were banned for ignoring Command orders at round start, for really no reason.
As a whitelisted CO, you yourself should know that the aim of CM is never to win and it's acceptable to give orders like that.

But basically, your appeal is pretty much "I did nothing wrong in my opinion, but I'm sorry about the MP stuff". Which funny enough, I don't even care about the whole MP situation and people getting shot afterwards.

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Re: Squad Leader Appeal

Post by Xurphorus » 17 Mar 2017, 01:36

I wouldn't use the word ignored, I protested, and the CO tried to have me brigged for it. If the situation was any different then I probably would have followed through with the COs demands, but he wanted me brigged for simple back talk. Knowledge of the LZ and why I wanted to secure it was after the CO gave us all a map of what he wanted on the Colony. I gave an opinion on how much resources it would take to carry out said orders and that the Pod LZ seemed too open. My spark of rebellious attitude started when the CO told me to ''STFU'', I said something back, and then he orders the MPs to detain me. I'm not built in a way to simply apologize when I don't sincerely mean it, I'll tread more carefully if I get the ban lifted.

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Byond: Feweh

Re: Squad Leader Appeal

Post by Feweh » 17 Mar 2017, 01:50

Xurphorus wrote:I wouldn't use the word ignored, I protested, and the CO tried to have me brigged for it. If the situation was any different then I probably would have followed through with the COs demands, but he wanted me brigged for simple back talk. Knowledge of the LZ and why I wanted to secure it was after the CO gave us all a map of what he wanted on the Colony. I gave an opinion on how much resources it would take to carry out said orders and that the Pod LZ seemed too open. My spark of rebellious attitude started when the CO told me to ''STFU'', I said something back, and then he orders the MPs to detain me. I'm not built in a way to simply apologize when I don't sincerely mean it, I'll tread more carefully if I get the ban lifted.
Im going to lift this, but I find in the last few months you've been very "power-gamey".

In the past you use to just play the game and relatively stay out of causing problems, thats shifted a lot lately.
Start thinking about this for the future.
