Job Ban appeal: researcher

poland spring
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Byond: Raemuz

Job Ban appeal: researcher

Post by poland spring » 30 Mar 2017, 23:26

Your Byond ID: Raemuz

Character Name: James Footballs

Type Of Ban (Job-ban, Timed Ban, Permaban):Job Ban

Admin who banned you (if known):SL79 or something, I closed the window like a fool

Total Ban Duration: Permanent

Remaining Duration: Forever

What other servers do you play on? Goonstation

Are you now or have you been banned on any of them? Years ago, have since become mentor

Reason for ban (If you have a Permaban, it should be the EXACT MESSAGE YOU GET WHEN YOU LOGIN with the Error code that looks like this: X##XXX##. If you do not provide this EXACTLY you can't be unbanned): It's a jobban and I closed the window so I don't have the message exactly, but it was something along the lines of ran around with a gun at the FOB as a researcher, lied about having permission, asked to speak to my manager (rude!)

Link to previous appeals for the same ban (if applicable): N/A

Your appeal, including evidence (screenshots, etc): As a new player, I'm still learning how to play this game, even after reading the rules and checking out the wiki I'm finding there's new layers to the understanding of the game. I've been playing SS13 for years now, and that sort of stuff is why I keep coming back to it. Recently I've heard high praise of this server from other people I play with, and came to check it out. After reading the rules and the wiki, I figured that it was worth a go, and have really enjoyed my time here in the past week. A few days ago there was some issue over my character's name that got resolved after being escalated with ease and respect, both from the original mod that contacted me, and the admin who spoke to me after. Today after getting back from work I felt like checking out a more specialized job. I had never played research on another server so I figured it was worth a go here, and found a lot of fun in scanning items, but realized there were many research categories that we couldn't get that far into without new supplies. Here's where I fucked up: I talked to the other researcher about heading down to the surface, who I thought was my boss (wrong), and they said they didn't have an issue with it, and to go ahead if I wanted to.

So here's where the truth gets pretty dumb

I took this as an order in my mind, even though it was not. I printed a bunch of high capacity cells to give to the engineers below, and waited impatiently with a few doctors and marines to head down, running around to grab a few more things while I waited. Finally touching on the surface, I set out, being told to stick to the FOB which at this point I assumed was the whole Nexus (Also where I fucked up), since I saw soldiers running around the entirety of it. I head into the chapel, spot a shotgun and a bunch of liquor that looked like contraband, and figure it'll make good research material. I find the researcher outfit and backpack can't hold the shotgun, so I keep it in hand (APPARENTLY ALSO A FUCK UP I GUESS MAYBE USE A CRATE OR SOMETHING NEXT TIME), manage to drag an alien corpse on to the dropship, and hunt around the nexus for anything else that looked research-y.

I start getting messages from a mod asking me about what was going on, and why I was down there. I repeat the (INCORRECT) information I thought was the truth, the chat frustratingly scrolling away from me when I was trying to look up the actual wording. I couldn't find it, so I went with what I thought was right. This pretty clearly turned out to not be the case and I had a very angry mod talking to me, and saying I was jobbanned permanently. I thought this was pretty unfair, so I asked to speak to a higher up, just like when I had the issue with the name change thing. I figured that it wouldn't be a big deal, but I got a lot of static about it from the mod. The admin on the other hand was very helpful and polite, and explained to me that I had to post here regardless to get it removed.

So, that's the summary as best I can write it. I've been around this game enough to know that yeah, you don't want assholes going around doing whatever they want and lying to admins. This is not the case for what happened here. I like your server. I like it a lot, in fact! I'm still learning the systems and what exactly people mean by terms like FOB and "baldie" and all, and pretty clearly fucked up something you guys hold dear. For this I apologize, it was not my intention to deceive, nor to cause anyone undue stress in moderation or admin in dealing with this. I'm going to re-read the rules, and make sure I don't make mistakes like this going forward, but....I would really like to get off on a better foot here. If I don't have the opportunity to learn a particular system of the game PERMANENTLY because of a single, stupid misunderstanding on my part, then I worry that other parts of the game will be locked off without recourse as well. I do not intend to break your rules, and will try my absolute best to stick by them in the future in a way that's fun for other players as well. I hope writing all this has had some small impact at the very least on your decision making, as I am being as earnest and as honest as I possibly can be, in defense of an experience I've quite come to enjoy.

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Re: Job Ban appeal: researcher

Post by slc97 » 30 Mar 2017, 23:50

This happened 45 minutes ago. You should really wait a few days before you appeal jobbans.

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Byond: Feweh

Re: Job Ban appeal: researcher

Post by Feweh » 07 Apr 2017, 19:04

