Ban Appeal - Trustscience44

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Ban Appeal - Trustscience44

Post by spaceisfarcavesareclose » 02 Apr 2017, 01:18

Your Byond ID:


Character Name:

Zuup Puuz

Type Of Ban (Job-ban, Timed Ban, Permaban):

Timed Ban - Temporary ban

Admin who banned you (if known):


Total Ban Duration:

10080 minutes.

Remaining Duration:

10070 minutes.

What other servers do you play on?


Are you now or have you been banned on any of them?

Yes under 3 hours

Reason for ban (If you have a Permaban, it should be the EXACT MESSAGE YOU GET WHEN YOU LOGIN with the Error code that looks like this: X##XXX##. If you do not provide this EXACTLY you can't be unbanned):

- Pulled an Admin Crusher (me) to the frontlines while they were ghosted out doing admin work. Never responded to my pm's after. I.

Link to previous appeals for the same ban (if applicable):


Your appeal, including evidence (screenshots, etc):

I definitely pulled Feweh as a crusher into the frontline and got him killed along with what looked like suicide on my part as I jumped into a m56d sentry nest. This actually was not intentional. A really bad decision all around.

I was frustrated by the previous queen of the round and was really really wanting the xenos to show some offensive initiative working together. I wanted the crusher to come see what to stun but did not communicate with them or make sure they weren't afk or that they were not SSD, or even talked to the Queen I had just assumed and angrily demanded action as a low tier runner, not even thinking if they were ready. I had just died as a Xeno from the queen walking over my corpse, while I was alive, and asking in xeno chat "why so many 'runners' are dying" this was the third runner corpse she had walked over and not helped and just totally let it get to me,even on this April Fools map, ended up making a bad decision in haste to push the offensive. At the end I totally could have turn around and saved you, because there was bullet blockers right there!, but panicked realizing how much had fucked up and instead hit a jump spin key into the completely wrong direction, bonking my head as a runner and dying into the M56d nest.

Then I took way too long typing way too long messages to you and broke chat scroll or something so the bottom right chat interface continued scrolling to the top over the hours I had played over many many pages of endless scroll spam, the first one seemed like it sent fine but then I saw you respond back and didn't know if it was me or the server chat pushing the messages, So I clicked reply again on your name and it Just scrolled endlessly while at the same time it popped up the input prompt under the byond window instead of ontop in the foreground, then I kept trying to click your name again when it scrolled by really fast, and retype everything, so I just retyped as it scrolled forever, but I guess none got through. At that point I'm thinking okay let me just try to communicate in any chat real quick, so I don't look like some asshole just disconnecting, but I took too long and that's when the disconnect occurred.

I fucked up on this and gotta remember to communicate , not try to take matters into my own hands if I feel like the queen is being garbage, I know its all for fun and should do my best not to let some rounds get to that point.

Sorry about wasting your time on the server and your round as the crusher, especially because we had momentum for that push and you were having a great crusher round...until me... hope you will come to see I'm not the type of person that griefs for some revenge or intentionally or tries to ruin rounds with meta or delay rounds.

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Byond: Feweh

Re: Ban Appeal - Trustscience44

Post by Feweh » 07 Apr 2017, 19:07

Ya, denied.
