Your Byond ID: lukeluke
Character Name: Dillon Bunten
Type Of Ban (Job-ban, Timed Ban, Permaban): Job Ban
Admin who banned you (if known): Not known
Total Ban Duration: permanent job ban
Remaining Duration: forever?
What other servers do you play on? i think its called yogstation, but only very rarely
Are you now or have you been banned on any of them? i was banned for a couple of days when i first started playing on yogstation i think, because i was operating on people in the medbay and had no idea how to do it. someones head came off(!) and a long story short i was banned for two days i think.
Reason for ban (If you have a Permaban, it should be the EXACT MESSAGE YOU GET WHEN YOU LOGIN with the Error code that looks like this: X##XXX##. If you do not provide this EXACTLY you can't be unbanned): I got banned from being an MP for not being able to arrest people properly as far as i can remember (it was ages ago) i am not disputing this MP ban. I just wanted to be unbanned from joining a game as a responder, as for some reason i also got jobbanned from this but didnt realise at the time. i have never been a responder, but would like the option because of hunger games and tribes.
Link to previous appeals for the same ban (if applicable): none
Your appeal, including evidence (screenshots, etc): none
Appeal for Dillon Bunten
- Registered user
- Posts: 4
- Joined: 23 Apr 2017, 21:16
- Byond: Dillon Bunten
- TheSpoonyCroy
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Re: Appeal for Dillon Bunten
The note that got you banned
I've checked the player's play time and they were quite active for the latter half of 2016 and have been around for 2017. They haven't accumulated any notes recently (4 months, last note was from a EoRG ban back from Sep 2016) but seems the player has a relatively clean record besides these two incidents
Code: Select all
Banned from Military Police - As an MP, went to the planet to arrest a person carrying an SMG. They didn't follow proper MP procedure when arresting them either, so I spoke with them. After I made them read Marine Law and the MP rules, they were called away to another arrest and again did not follow procedure, just opened fire with their taser. That aside, they said they'd always take a lethal weapon down to the planet as an MP, regardless of the rules. by Adminbot (Friendly Robot) on Fri, March 25th of 2016 Remove
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- Posts: 4
- Joined: 23 Apr 2017, 21:16
- Byond: Dillon Bunten
Re: Appeal for Dillon Bunten
The admin's statement is completely right. It was my first time as an MP which is not a defence, just stating it because this was not a case of griefing. I disagreed with the rule that a lone MP cannot take self defence with him to attempt to arrest an armed marine in a planet full of aliens. I was unrobust hence the poor taser usage.
Please dont think im trying to dispute the MP ban, I thought it was common sense what I did and I stand by it - I did not use the SMG, it was just there in case. This was not disrespect to the admin I just disputed that one rule in my current situation, I informed the admin at all times and he took action which was completely justified. I think I simply used common sense in a situation where the rule comes into conflict with an MP's discretion and the situation as it develops on the planet. I would personally be more worried about an MP who deploys to a planet that you now know is full of hostile aliens, to arrest an armed marine and does not think about taking a weapon for self defence only.
I only ask to be able to be a responder - mainly for the hunger games and tribes that was on last night. If I am right in thinking that being a responder and an MP are linked - I would promise to never go as MP under threat of a Permaban if it meant I got the responder rights back. I know its cheeky to ask but if you dont ask you dont get.
I understand you are likely to find the above less than persuasive on its own, all I can say otherwise is please look at my record other than this incident. I have spent most of the time as a doctor or recently as a BO, in cargo or standard marine. The EORG ban was made when I didnt realise it was against the rules, which I recognise is my fault, and it has not happened again.
Please dont think im trying to dispute the MP ban, I thought it was common sense what I did and I stand by it - I did not use the SMG, it was just there in case. This was not disrespect to the admin I just disputed that one rule in my current situation, I informed the admin at all times and he took action which was completely justified. I think I simply used common sense in a situation where the rule comes into conflict with an MP's discretion and the situation as it develops on the planet. I would personally be more worried about an MP who deploys to a planet that you now know is full of hostile aliens, to arrest an armed marine and does not think about taking a weapon for self defence only.
I only ask to be able to be a responder - mainly for the hunger games and tribes that was on last night. If I am right in thinking that being a responder and an MP are linked - I would promise to never go as MP under threat of a Permaban if it meant I got the responder rights back. I know its cheeky to ask but if you dont ask you dont get.
I understand you are likely to find the above less than persuasive on its own, all I can say otherwise is please look at my record other than this incident. I have spent most of the time as a doctor or recently as a BO, in cargo or standard marine. The EORG ban was made when I didnt realise it was against the rules, which I recognise is my fault, and it has not happened again.
- apophis775
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Re: Appeal for Dillon Bunten
Approved and processed

flamecow wrote: "unga dunga me want the attachment" - average marine