PO Job-ban Appeal

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Byond: Doombug1

PO Job-ban Appeal

Post by Doombug1 » 12 May 2017, 15:55

Your Byond ID: Doombug1

Character Name: Joseph Murta

Type Of Ban (Job-ban, Timed Ban, Permaban): Job-ban for Pilot Officer

Admin who banned you (if known): Can't remember since it was a fairly long time ago, but I think it was one of the higher up admins, possibly Apop himself.

Total Ban Duration: Permanent.

Remaining Duration: Forever and ever.

What other servers do you play on?
Used to play on various light/medium RP servers, but mostly been playing CM for the past couple years, pretty much the only thing I go on SS13 for now.

Are you now or have you been banned on any of them?
Banned from Yogstation for excessive swearing and I think from Hypatia for blowing something up, these were years ago though.
Reason for ban (If you have a Permaban, it should be the EXACT MESSAGE YOU GET WHEN YOU LOGIN with the Error code that looks like this: X##XXX##. If you do not provide this EXACTLY you can't be unbanned):
Was given the exact reason from the notes by a mod I asked but forgot to copy paste it, but it was something like - "Left his ship to fight aliens and got himself killed."
Link to previous appeals for the same ban (if applicable): N/A

Your appeal, including evidence (screenshots, etc):
Sadly can't get any evidence for this one myself as, if I recall correctly, I got banned from PO very shortly after it was added to the server - either that or it was one of my first times playing as it, since I definitely hadn't played it much/at all before then (though I know that's not a good excuse for breaking the rules.) So any evidence would probably have to come from pretty old logs/notes from last year. Anyway, I can still kind of remember what happened, so I'll describe that -

I came down in the LZ2 pod while Engineering/Comms Relay were under attack by aliens (this was back when LZ624 had LZ2 right next to the Comms Relay), heard fighting nearby and that they were evacuating so I decided to go help cover their escape. But I got overeager and went about halfway into Engineering - instead of just hanging around at the back and maybe helping to pull some wounded, or even just staying on the pod, as I should've. While pulling back to the pod (and pulling an injured marine, I think), the aliens rushed into Comms and that was the end of me. At the time I thought I was covered under the little 'quick trips to the FOB' bit in the PO rules and I think I may have argued that point with the admin that job-banned me, but afterwards realised I'd gone past that and basically started fighting as if I were a standard marine, so that was definitely my bad. However, having seen a lot more rounds with POs in them since then (and seeing the job actually played right) I believe I've got it figured out what I can and can't do as PO, to what extent and for what reasons I can leave the ship, etc. so I'd like to give it another try if possible.

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Byond: Feweh

Re: PO Job-ban Appeal

Post by Feweh » 14 May 2017, 16:05

