Job-ban appeal

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Byond: PinkledWrenis

Job-ban appeal

Post by PinkledWrenis » 07 Jun 2017, 00:53

Your Byond ID:PinkledWrenis

Character Name: Mature Larva

Type Of Ban: Xenomorph Job-ban

Admin who banned you (if known): Feweh

Total Ban Duration: Indefinite

Remaining Duration: Indefinite

What other servers do you play on? TG/VG Station

Are you now or have you been banned on any of them? TG Station

Reason for ban : No code is given. Ahelped, reason: Banned from Alien - Ran to the frontline as a larva for no reason

Your appeal, including evidence:

Late joined in the game as marine as aliens attack, died shortly after. Burst on the Alamayer, attempt to reach the queen, succeed. Got excited when I saw abunch of mercenaries. Hid for a bit, danced on one for a bit after hive had killed them. Staying near queen, they engage two marines, I try to make one shoot the other, I fail and get destroyed. At the point I die I might have been ready to evolve.

I was surprised when I burst on the ship, I had to evade marines on the way to the queen/Saftey. I got to excited and messed up. Once I found the queen I should have just stayed back, hid, and evolved. Sorry for the trouble.
Last edited by PinkledWrenis on 07 Jun 2017, 04:39, edited 1 time in total.

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Byond: Biolock

Re: Job-ban appeal

Post by Biolock » 07 Jun 2017, 04:35

Banning admin was Feweh, so yer fate lies in his hands. Did some log diving and it didn't appear to be malicious, just careless.

You've mostly addressed everything I would have said to you; as a xeno your purpose is to survive and repopulate. It's both poor roleplay and poor gameplay to try and suicide charge humans as a larva unless the queen expressly tells you to do so.

You've had your moments, but you appear to be a genuinely decent person and a player willing to learn from his mistakes.
I'm stressing way too hard about what to put here, so I'm just gonna leave it blank.... or....

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Byond: PinkledWrenis

Re: Job-ban appeal

Post by PinkledWrenis » 07 Jun 2017, 04:49

I wasn't thinking, got caught up in the moment. I'm usually letting queens know of this type of thing when I see it. I'm pretty embarrassed.

Yeah, I agree with both statements. I do enjoy role playing as alien a good bit, specially when it's with marines. Tapping on glass or growling behind a wall or little things like that or direct contact with support staff like a doctor or the corporate liaison is fun.

Yeah, not proud of them. I am trying not to repeat mistakes or make new ones.

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Byond: Apophis775

Re: Job-ban appeal

Post by apophis775 » 07 Jun 2017, 15:31

Here's the notes:

Code: Select all

given small warning for using ID of ssd marine. was polite in ahelps by  on Mon, October 24th of 2016 Remove

Fucking blew his brains out in briefing because he didn't want to play without an SL. Didn't know about the sleepers. Ban lightly next time he suicides without reason. by  on Wed, November 2nd of 2016 Remove

Slashing infected, nested host. Warned. by on Thu, November 3rd of 2016 Remove

Bug Exploit: Used pounce to move a pistol away from a nest. by on Mon, January 2nd of 2017 Remove

Attempted to slashthe SM as a runner, got themselves killed. by on Wed, January 11th of 2017 Remove

Banned by |Duration: 180 minutes|Reason: Told admin to "lick their taint" by on Sun, February 19th of 2017 Remove

Warned for powergaming. Bringing down a coffin full of UGL attachments on first drop. on Sun, February 26th of 2017 Remove

No more warnings for this guy. Next incident = 24 ban. I'm not a fan of his attitude from his last appeal. You can tell him it's under my orders. by on Fri, March 3rd of 2017 Remove

Banned by |Duration: 1440 minutes|Reason: Powergamed using a wheelchair. Genuinely did not seem to realize it was powergaming, however due to previous note this was a ban instead of a warning. Player handled things extremely well, asked questions on how to improve. Genuinely good impression of the player, expecting better behaviour in the future. This can be appealed on the forums. by on Sat, March 4th of 2017 Remove

Warned for borderline powergaming. As the CT, was wearing the XO's uniform and an assortment of different gear during Almayer alien invasion. ( by  on Mon, May 15th of 2017 Remove

Banned from Alien - Ran to the frontline as a larva for no reason. by Adminbot (Friendly Robot) on Tue, June 6th of 2017 Remove

This makes me hesitant to lift a ban that was placed yesterday.
flamecow wrote: "unga dunga me want the attachment" - average marine

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Byond: PinkledWrenis

Re: Job-ban appeal

Post by PinkledWrenis » 07 Jun 2017, 17:05

This makes me hesitant to lift a ban that was placed yesterday.
Understood. Would it be possible to change the ban duration to a timer instead of indefinite?

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Byond: Apophis775

Re: Job-ban appeal

Post by apophis775 » 07 Jun 2017, 19:32

No, all job-bans are permanent until lifted.
flamecow wrote: "unga dunga me want the attachment" - average marine

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Byond: PinkledWrenis

Re: Job-ban appeal

Post by PinkledWrenis » 07 Jun 2017, 20:32

Alright, is there anything I can do to expedite the review of my appeal or do I need to just wait at this point?

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Byond: Feweh

Re: Job-ban appeal

Post by Feweh » 07 Jun 2017, 23:35

Draw me an MSPaint photo with a larva in it and some marines.

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Byond: PinkledWrenis

Re: Job-ban appeal

Post by PinkledWrenis » 08 Jun 2017, 00:46

Aw jeez, I hope it'll at least make you laugh. I feel retarded after drawing this. Image

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Byond: Feweh

Re: Job-ban appeal

Post by Feweh » 08 Jun 2017, 15:20

PinkledWrenis wrote:Aw jeez, I hope it'll at least make you laugh. I feel retarded after drawing this. Image

lol lifted
