Ban Appeal - 3 Hr.

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Byond: LordOfMasks

Ban Appeal - 3 Hr.

Post by LordOfMasks » 18 Jun 2017, 12:33


Devan Maskerva:

Timed Ban:

Admin - zdashe:

180 Minutes [3 Hours]:

Approximate 160 Minutes:

TG Station / Paradise Station?

I have never been banned before.?

Reason: EORG.:

Link to previous appeals for the same ban (if applicable):

It was only in self-defense both IC and OOC. Abraham Blaine started opening fire like a fucking lunatic and was hitting people. I opened fire in an attempt to neutralize him and once I had I intended to keep him disarmed and, if at all possible, treat his victims wounds, my wounds, and then his wounds. I didn't notice talk of Bans and EORG in chat because I was somewhat occupied trying to stop Abraham that I didn't notice anything else until I was banned.
Abraham Blaine fires the M44 combat revolver!
Joe 'Broccoli' Campbell is hit by the revolver bullet in the head!
Abraham Blaine fires the M44 combat revolver!
Joe 'Broccoli' Campbell is hit by the revolver bullet in the head!
You hear a loud cracking sound coming from Joe 'Broccoli' Campbell!
Abraham Blaine fires the M44 combat revolver!
The revolver bullet misses Asmodius 'Thor' Smith!
CPL Joe 'Broccoli' Campbell exclaims, "AYGH!"
Your chest hurts badly.
Abraham Blaine fires the M44 combat revolver!
The hull is damaged by the revolver bullet!
Devan Maskerva misses Abraham Blaine with the M39 submachinegun!
Abraham Blaine fires the M44 combat revolver!
Your armor softens the impact of the revolver bullet!
Devan Maskerva is hit by the revolver bullet in the left leg!
The wound on your left leg widens with a nasty ripping noise.
CPL Joe 'Broccoli' Campbell shouts, "THE HELL!"
Abraham Blaine has been struck in the right arm with M39 submachinegun by Devan Maskerva!
You fire the M39 submachinegun! 23/48
Abraham Blaine is hit by the submachinegun bullet in the right arm!
Abraham Blaine is hit by the submachinegun bullet in the left foot!
The M39 submachinegun is not ready to fire again!
Abraham Blaine fires the M44 combat revolver!
The revolver bullet narrowly misses you!
The hull is damaged by the revolver bullet!
Devan Maskerva has disarmed Abraham Blaine!
Devan Maskerva attempted to disarm Abraham Blaine!
Devan Maskerva has grabbed Abraham Blaine passively!
Devan Maskerva attempted to disarm Abraham Blaine!
etc. etc. etc.

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Re: Ban Appeal - 3 Hr.

Post by Kazuko_myu » 18 Jun 2017, 12:42


I was there as a witness. I played the SO (Harry McLagan) that stood ready when DS2 landed and the final xenos were terminated.

Generally speaking, I didn't catch who actually opened fire first, but what I do can tell is the fact that, as the situation got more heated, people kept joining in and blowing the entire issue out of proportion. I'm not oppossed to the idea that you defended yourself, but since EORG is seen as an actual OOC issue, the only correct thing you should have done in that situation is to wait it out and let him kill you if it means anything. No marine in a rational mindset would go on a killing spree once the primary objective is completed, and there's little to no justification for that, ever.

I think the rules even cover that administration has no time to validate the actual rulebreak once EORG transpires, so they just go off what the logs tell and hand out bans accordingly. If you really didn't have any malicious intent, then you might just be a consequence of the resulting shooting spree.

I'll give this a +1 if I'm allowed, just for the next time, keep in mind to just let it happen and have staff handle the rest. This here can be avoided if you do exactly that.

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Re: Ban Appeal - 3 Hr.

Post by slc97 » 18 Jun 2017, 12:46

You can't generate any combat logs after the round ends. If you're being shot, just let it happen, and we'll handle it. You also are not supposed to appeal 3 hour bans.

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Re: Ban Appeal - 3 Hr.

Post by Helgraf » 18 Jun 2017, 12:46

3. Bans take at minimum, 24 hours to be investigated and processed. Avoid appealing for a 24 hour or less ban.
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Re: Ban Appeal - 3 Hr.

Post by apophis775 » 18 Jun 2017, 22:22


After a round ends, you should Ahelp/not engage people. A lot of EORG happens any ANYONE GENERATING LOGS IS SUBJECT TO IT (barring special situations like events).
flamecow wrote: "unga dunga me want the attachment" - average marine
