Pending Permaban - Multikeying (appeals)

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Pending Permaban - Multikeying (appeals)

Post by DeLineFortune » 25 Jun 2017, 16:13

Your Byond ID:
DeLineFortune / DeVerezzer

Character Name:
Charlotte 'Fortune' View

Type Of Ban (Job-ban, Timed Ban, Permaban):
Timed ban

Admin who banned you (if known):

Total Ban Duration:
10800m / 7 days

Remaining Duration:
6 days

What other servers do you play on? CM and russian's servers

Are you now or have you been banned on any of them?
Last ban was one year ago (russian server)
On CM - was 3 hours ban, because i accidentally did one shot on my sister after round end
And, mabye, was 6 hours ban, because im suicide myself by m4a3 and was revived (and evaced) when xeno hjacked our shuttle, because i had a depression+doctors did a real bad thing - they forget marines with lavras and ignore them

Reason for ban (If you have a Permaban, it should be the EXACT MESSAGE YOU GET WHEN YOU LOGIN with the Error code that looks like this: X##XXX##. If you do not provide this EXACTLY you can't be unbanned):
Banned by host: Reason: Pending Permaban - Multikeying Expiries 6.3 Days by: Karmac (DeLineFortune)
Banned by host: Reason: Pending Permaban - Multikeying Expiries 6.3 Days by: zDashe (DeVerezzer)

Link to previous appeals for the same ban (if applicable):
Have no

Your appeal, including evidence (screenshots, etc):
I did it, because i have two account. One - for russian server, and one - for other.
But sometimes i forget change it.
When i forget it - i played like a usual round (1 round = 1 account)
Always used one round = one account rule.
And i dislike that name (DeVerezzer) and did a new (DeLineFortune). You can ban DeVerezzer.
Russian server account (name change history):

Custrom items (russian build)

My byond acc:
Duty, Honor, *medic

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Re: Pending Permaban - Multikeying (appeals)

Post by ZDashe » 28 Jun 2017, 09:48

I have completed my side of the investigation, and when you logged into your other account to play as medic when you were job banned on the other, you basically broke:

General Rules:
  • 5. No ban evading - Defined as attempting to log into the server with a different account after one account was banned. This results in your current punishment being upgraded to a PERMABAN. NO EXCEPTIONS!
However, you're not guilty of multikeying, so your notes shall be adjusted accordingly.

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Re: Pending Permaban - Multikeying (appeals)

Post by DeLineFortune » 28 Jun 2017, 11:11

My second account was banned a medic? Ah, i dont saw it. Really. Because when i suicide myrself like a medic on Deverezzer account, we talked about 6 hour ban with administrator (not a jobban, really because i did suicide after heal my all pacients), and i dont play like a medic after it on deverezzer account, (maybe i didt connect like this account after it too, i dont remember) and i dont knew about that jobban.

But okay, it's only my failure. Sorry.

If you block my account DeVerezzer and give me a second chance - I promise that this will not happen again. That's probably all I can do.
Duty, Honor, *medic

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Re: Pending Permaban - Multikeying (appeals)

Post by apophis775 » 02 Jul 2017, 14:53

If you use 2 accounts, you're gonna get a multikey permaban.
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Re: Pending Permaban - Multikeying (appeals)

Post by DeLineFortune » 02 Jul 2017, 21:43

I happened to bypass the ban, yes. Accidentally, because I have two accounts for the Russian and English server (proof in the topic) and sometimes I forget to change them. I dont knew about that jobban (Permaban for combat-medic, because SSD at roundstart)
I got that permajobban, because sometimes that happens

And i dont know, what i should do if that happens :р

And, i told all honestly, when they asked about it
For half a year of the game I received only 2 bans - accidentally shot the player after the end of the round and, probably, I was given a ban when I killed myself for the doctor after the treatment of all the patients and began evacuation. And permajob, when my internet has fallen.

Okay. I'll try do it shorty:

1)I got a permaban of combat medic. Reason: SSD at roundstart.
Why i did it? Because, my internet has fallen and showed me that pic sometimes:

And i dont know, what can i do, if this happens when i started a new round and i was relogged¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Can you remove that jobban?

I dont knew about that ban. Seriously.
If I knew, I would have created the topic in advance.

2)Im connect and play like a combat medic as different account. Yes. Because i dont knew about that jobban. Why did i have a two accounts? One for russian and english server. Proofs in start topic.
For half a year I received one ban (an accidental shot after the end of the round) and, maybe, the second, when i did suicide as doctor, when I cured all my patients and evacuation has been began. Always waited for both accounts when the ban will over. (Because i knew about it)

Can you ban my second account (DeVerezzer), to prevent this from happening again?
Duty, Honor, *medic

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Re: Pending Permaban - Multikeying (appeals)

Post by slc97 » 03 Jul 2017, 13:53

I'm going to go ahead and vouch for this player. In the time they've been here, they have always been respectful and helpful. The player has PMed me multiple times about donating on discord and has always been respectful when I informed them donations were closed or that I didn't have the information they were looking for. I don't believe there was anything malicious going through the player's mind when this occurred.

The problem is, the player's ban has currently expired, and I am not sure if we are able to permaban one of the player's accounts without banning both due to permas being IP based.

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Re: Pending Permaban - Multikeying (appeals)

Post by apophis775 » 03 Jul 2017, 18:31

I will make an exception to the ban, for one of the accounts. Which one do you want to have access?
flamecow wrote: "unga dunga me want the attachment" - average marine

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Re: Pending Permaban - Multikeying (appeals)

Post by DeLineFortune » 04 Jul 2017, 05:42

Oh. Thanks.

I want to have "DeLineFortune" account.

You can ban ''DeVerezzer''

Thanks again, and sorry for that troubles :р
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Re: Pending Permaban - Multikeying (appeals)

Post by Biolock » 13 Jul 2017, 11:52

Saved by the SLC. Reputations work both ways, thanks for being a good dude.
I'm stressing way too hard about what to put here, so I'm just gonna leave it blank.... or....

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Re: Pending Permaban - Multikeying (appeals)

Post by apophis775 » 16 Jul 2017, 04:59

Let me know if your first account has a problem, I banned the extra.
flamecow wrote: "unga dunga me want the attachment" - average marine

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Re: Pending Permaban - Multikeying (appeals)

Post by apophis775 » 20 Jul 2017, 15:06

It's working.
flamecow wrote: "unga dunga me want the attachment" - average marine
