You have a ridiculous amount of notes, however, it's been 6 months since you were banned. Here they are for reference.
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Banned for end of round greif. by x) on Wed, December 16th of 2015
Warned for stealing ID's by TR-x) on Thu, June 16th of 2016
Banned by x| Duration: 360 minutes | Reason: ID theft with prior notes for doing so. by x) on Sat, July 2nd of 2016
Banned by x| Duration: 1440 minutes | Reason: EoRG - Attacked a marine past round end. by x) on Thu, July 7th of 2016
Banned from Requisitions Officer - Ignored Orders to hand out attachments as the RO, welded the airlocks shut and was apart of a group that shot fellow marines/mps. by Adminbot (Friendly Robot) on Thu, July 14th of 2016 Remove
Decapitated the CO and shoved a marine into an electric grille multiple times due to the marine breaking into engineering. banned for 3 days by x) on Fri, July 15th of 2016
Warned for self antagging as the Cl, using pmcs to "mutiny" and cut coms. Despite explaining to them that the CL and pmcs are neither crew or marines, and dont counts towards that rule he continued to argue his point. If there are further issues with him as Cl he should be job banned. by x) on Sat, July 23rd of 2016
Banned from Corporate Liaison - Self antagging: As the Cl, used pmcs to "mutiny" and cut coms. Argued his his point for about 30 minutes. by Adminbot (Friendly Robot) on Sat, July 23rd of 2016 Remove
Banned by x| Duration: 4320 minutes | Reason: Broke into Cargo using c4, injured the BO who he was also involved in a dispute with. Shit player,numerous job-bans will be given to limit player to simple roles due to constant shitty note history by x) on Mon, July 25th of 2016
Banned from Commander, Executive Officer, Bridge Officer, Military Police, Chief Engineer, Chief Medical Officer - See previous notes, shit player and needs to improve. by Adminbot (Friendly Robot) on Mon, July 25th of 2016 Remove
Banned from Doctor - As a doctor was at the front-lines fighting the Russians and quickly quick looted the russians once they were killed. This was as imple warning, but player then insisted arguing with me that it wasnt a rule. However /// If you are unarmed and there is a rifle on the ground, you may pick it up and fire it at an alien who is IMMEDIATLY THREATENING YOUR LIFE. Once the alien is gone, you must drop the weapon and leave the area. Your job is MEDICAL not combat, >>>> fighting on the front-lines will result in a job-ban. <<<< by Adminbot (Friendly Robot) on Sun, July 31st of 2016 Remove
Player is under probation due to MULTIPLE bans, warnings and job-bans. Further bans will result in a perma-ban and staff request to do so. by x) on Sun, July 31st of 2016
Banned by x| Duration: 14400 minutes | Reason: Ban evading on the forums. This is a seven day ban. by x) on Sun, July 31st of 2016
Ban Evading on the forums. Issueing a Seven day Server ban by x) on Sun, July 31st of 2016
Attempted to build atmos bombs as MT, warned against doing so. by x(Moderator) on Tue, October 11th of 2016
Banned by x|Duration: 180 minutes|Reason: Suicided at the beginning of the round for no reason. by x) on Sun, October 16th of 2016
Banned by x|Duration: 1440 minutes|Reason: Disobeying command orders, building river FOB, causing metarush. Saw one runner, and ordered his squad to hold hydro and meddome 30 minutes in. This resulted in a massive metarush and destroyed xenos this round. 24 hour ban for past history. by x) on Sun, October 23rd of 2016
Minor metagaming as Researcher, went to planet to pilfer supplies without any prior indication there would be anything. by x) on Sun, October 30th of 2016
Banned from Pilot Officer - Made an all access ID for himself as PO. by Adminbot (Friendly Robot) on Wed, November 2nd of 2016 Remove
Banned by x|Duration: 10080 minutes|Reason: Broke RP guidelines by disregarding chain of command and putting the CL in charge of the Sulaco when there was a CE, a BO, and himself as PO. Jobbanned for this. Broke RP Guidelines by fighting and cuffing the MP that was ordered to detain the CL by High Command. Told me that the RP Guidelines are not rules. Broke the ID by making an all access ID. Jobbanned for this. Giving him seven days to cool off and read the rules. I recommend a perma request on next offense though. by x) on Wed, November 2nd of 2016
Took a medivendor to prep, before briefing took place. Talked to, seemed to understand what he did was wrong. Warned. by x) on Thu, November 24th of 2016
Banned by x|Duration: 10080 minutes|Reason: Pushed 2 SSD marines, another marine, and himself out of the shuttle for being infected. Player's final warning. Next infraction NEEDS to go to the perma boards. by x) on Mon, December 5th of 2016