Boltersam ban appeal

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Boltersam ban appeal

Post by Boltersam » 15 Jul 2017, 12:13

Your Byond ID: Boltersam

Character Name: Jackson 'Rat' Grobes

Type Of Ban (Job-ban, Timed Ban, Permaban): Jobban

Admin who banned you (if known): SLC

Total Ban Duration: N/A

Remaining Duration: N/A

What other servers do you play on? Occasionally No Man's Land.

Are you now or have you been banned on any of them? No.

Reason for ban (If you have a Permaban, it should be the EXACT MESSAGE YOU GET WHEN YOU LOGIN with the Error code that looks like this: X##XXX##. If you do not provide this EXACTLY you can't be unbanned): Related notes

Code: Select all

Banned from Military Police - Disrupting an event in progress and arresting a CO without High Command permission - refusing a reasonable order to arrest the WY Liasion after their company was implicated in the creation of Xenos. by Adminbot (Friendly Robot) on Fri, July 7th of 2017

Banned from Chief MP - Same as above. by Adminbot (Friendly Robot) on Fri, July 7th of 2017
Link to previous appeals for the same ban (if applicable): N/A

Your appeal, including evidence (screenshots, etc): For arresting the CO without High Command permission, it's very unclear on that, as the writing implies that you only need their permission to remove them from Command, not arrest them. Even Coronel, our resident expert, thought you just arrested them as normal, and this was also what I thought at the time. After the incident, I requested that the law be rewritten as to have that added.
(Relevant law: )

I'll give context on what was going on at the time

The CO, whose name I'll keep out, decided to ally with the UPP who'd shown up as part of the event, and while this was fine, the CO started giving orders to arrest the CL. The MP department, me included, refused, as they'd broken no laws. These orders continued, and the CMP tried to get the CO arrested, but the other MPs and I calmed him down and told him to fax High Command about removing the CO. Eventually the CO announced, and I don't remember the message clearly, but it was telling the Marines to detain the CL and allowed lethal force. Three Marines showed up to act on these orders, specifically the last part. After turning them away by telling them it was an unlawful order, the other MP and I went to arrest the CO because their order was encouraging murdering the CL, thus breaking the Murder law. At this time, the Xenos had boarded, and the CO was in the SD room with some Marines and UPP. I succeed in arresting the CO, but then get murdered by the aforementioned UPP.

The MPs hadn't been told anything about ignoring Marine Law for the event, so I handled it like I usually would have. I'll admit, from my eyes, my only fault was breaking the law about faxing High Command to arrest the CO. I don't think I deserved the jobban, because the law had been poorly worded. I do, however, have some history with not doing well with events, and I admit to that. I don't intend to take any actions that touch events without permission from the one doing the event from now on as I tend to cause trouble when involved.

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Byond: NescauComToddy

Re: Boltersam ban appeal

Post by NescauComToddy » 15 Jul 2017, 20:08

Your only mistake here was to try to arrest the commander without high command's permission. We could say that you could have interrupted in some way the event that was happening in that round. Anyway, I do not know if anyone approved, but the commander also should not have allowed the use of lethal force to interrupt the CL.

Here are the player's notes.

Code: Select all

As a survivor shoot another survivor to deny them getting guns with no Rp before hand, and the shooting was one sided, after a lot of discussions a note was decided, if the event repeats itself a ban is in place by (Moderator) on Fri, September 30th of 2016 

Used an M41A as a predator against the marines, including the grenade launcher. Given a warning, by (LeadSpriter) on Sat, October 8th of 2016 

Wordlessly assaulted a marine for not following orders. Marine in question was fresh out of cryo and was not aware of standing orders. Spoken to, understands the issue. by (Moderator) on Fri, March 3rd of 2017 

Tazed an XO in order to keep him on the planet when the XO ordered an evacuation to the planet. by (Moderator) on Sun, March 19th of 2017 

Banned from Military Police - Disrupting an event in progress and arresting a CO without High Command permission - refusing a reasonable order to arrest the WY Liasion after their company was implicated in the creation of Xenos. by (Friendly Robot) on Fri, July 7th of 2017 

Banned from Chief MP - Same as above. by (Friendly Robot) on Fri, July 7th of 2017

Man'sur, The Victorious', Cetanu's Al'nagara.

Retired staff (moderator).

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Byond: Apophis775

Re: Boltersam ban appeal

Post by apophis775 » 16 Jul 2017, 04:46

I'll have to discuss this with Jerkface, since you are a mentor.
flamecow wrote: "unga dunga me want the attachment" - average marine

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Byond: Feweh

Re: Boltersam ban appeal

Post by Feweh » 17 Jul 2017, 12:35

This is denied.
As you received a Predator suspension and MP job-ban in a very short time-frame.
