by ArthurEpicoBR2 » 29 Jul 2017, 22:57
Killed a marine because he though it was a drone,and was bugged by x(x) on Tue, September 13th of 2016
(R) this was my second time playng it i dont even knnowed that drones was not playable
Banned by x|Duration: 14400 minutes|Reason: Metacommunication, can barely speak English and admitted to not having read the rules. by x(x) on Thu, September 29th of 2016 (R) my english ve got better
Banned from Squad Engineer - Went ssd round start,did not warn staff neither cryo himself by Adminbot (Friendly Robot) on Tue, October 11th of 2016 Remove
(R)this should be a temporary ban
Given a warning about meta gaming his location and many things about the xenomorphs. by x(x) on Thu, November 10th of 2016
Banned by x|Duration: 360 minutes|Reason: Suiciding at the beginning of the round because he was bored of playing marines. by x(x) on Mon, November 21st of 2016
(R) the game was too repetitive and i start to fell that i should just fuck up everything
Dickish behaviour to another drone, pushed drone so that they couldn't evolve which meant that they could evovle to Queen. by x(x) on Fri, December 16th of 2016
(R)you ve typed evovle
Went down to the planet as the CDR without an XO, warned. Recommend a CDR ban next time he does something like this. (This is before the whitelist) by x(x) on Sat, December 24th of 2016
Warned for IC in LOOC by x(x) on Mon, December 26th of 2016
(R) yo ve should sayed what i sayd
OOC in IC, named Dwayne Hicks, slipping people with soap until logging out in the canteen as a specialist. by x (x) on Fri, January 6th of 2017
(R) there was a guy with the name of the main character of acm he was not still banned so i thinked that i could
Banned from Commander, Executive Officer, Bridge Officer, Pilot Officer, Military Police, Corporate Liaison, Requisitions Officer, Chief Engineer, Chief Medical Officer - Authorized the execution of the RO because the RO called him a baldie by Adminbot (Friendly Robot) on Wed, January 18th of 2017 Remove
(R) anyway he should had respected me
Banned from Squad Leader - SSD at round start by Adminbot (Friendly Robot) on Wed, January 25th of 2017 Remove
Banned by x|Duration: 180 minutes|Reason: Extensive notes, Failure to follow orders of Queen. Multiple reports of being a general shitler. by x(x) on Thu, February 2nd of 2017
Warned for shooting people for taking his gun by x(x) on Fri, February 17th of 2017 Remove
Joined with the name of "Gorman" by x(x) on Mon, February 27th of 2017
(R) hey it was only gorman! also not only movie characters can have name of gorman
Banned by x|Duration: 1440 minutes|Reason: Breaking the name rule (second offense) by x(x) on Mon, February 27th of 2017
(R) which name now
Final warning: was slipped by Micheal Ticker (x), claims they "didn't realise they had a pistol in their hand" when they disarmed them. Spoken to and even told that he's notes are GETTING excessive and needs to shape up and stop breaking rules. by x(x) on Tue, March 7th of 2017
Banned by x|Duration: 4320 minutes|Reason: Shot a guy after getting FF'd with a flamer by accident, who apparently he stole a gun from. Due to previous note history, this is a 3 day ban pending perma. by x(x) on Wed, March 8th of 2017
(R) self defense
Banned by x|Duration: 10800 minutes|Reason: Perma ban waiting to process. by x(x) on Sun, March 12th of 2017
There is also a language barrier, in my ahelps I have not been able to understand what you are saying.[/quote]
(R) i dont knnowed everything about your languague also this sounds racist