CMP and MP Job Ban.
- Asada Ryou
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- Byond: Tweety1997
CMP and MP Job Ban.
Your Byond ID: Tweety1997
Character Name: Asada Ryou
Type Of Ban (Job-ban, Timed Ban, Permaban): MP and CMP Job Ban
Admin who banned you (if known): Robotonic
Total Ban Duration: Job Ban
Remaining Duration: Job Ban
What other servers do you play on? Just this one because I do not care much for the others.
Are you now or have you been banned on any of them? Currently banned from YOGS I believe for having my name as "Johnny Smegma"
Reason for ban (If you have a Permaban, it should be the EXACT MESSAGE YOU GET WHEN YOU LOGIN with the Error code that looks like this: X##XXX##. If you do not provide this EXACTLY you can't be unbanned): "The reason for your ban is extensive note history, and beating a SO with a stun baton and cracking their skull."
Link to previous appeals for the same ban (if applicable):
Your appeal, including evidence (screenshots, etc): Alright so here is what happened, I come into the brig and see the CMP "Yuri Nabakov" and the SO tied to a chair. The SO was arrested for being drunk and the CMP tells me to get my baton and help him and he starts beating the SO in the chest twice. I get mine and turn it on and hit him three times in the head. After the third hit I hear a crunch and then stop, as does the CMP. We begin taking the man to medical and then notice he is SSD, I get messaged by the admin asking me why I did it. I tell him that the man was drunk and was following orders to teach him a lesson and say that I do not think I broke the man's skull since the stun baton was on and 3 hits to the head is not that much and hearing that noise does not always mean a broken bone. I also asked the admin to ask the CMP about this and considering how he the CMP was still running around he is either a God at multi tasking or was not messaged at all, meanwhile I was not able to do anything because I was trying to talk to the admin who was not responding hardly at all. And what is the deal with this extensive note history? I do not believe I have a note warning about anything like this so why is that a reason for adding to the ban? Most of my notes are from when I was drunk and got angry and mouthed off some people, which I then apologized to the next day and I still feel bad for saying those things. Listen, I am not really bummed out about the job ban since I mostly play medical but I feel this was wrong. Being told to beat someone from a superior officer and then doing it and I am the one who gets job banned? Also the lack of communication between the admin and me was insane... It also came across as the admin was just looking to ban me not really caring or looking into the situation... I have seen a CMP cut off a guy's hand and see him on the very next day and be beating someone and then on the very next day. If this gets denied and I am Job banned then so be it, but please staff communicate more and investigate... this was done very poorly.
Character Name: Asada Ryou
Type Of Ban (Job-ban, Timed Ban, Permaban): MP and CMP Job Ban
Admin who banned you (if known): Robotonic
Total Ban Duration: Job Ban
Remaining Duration: Job Ban
What other servers do you play on? Just this one because I do not care much for the others.
Are you now or have you been banned on any of them? Currently banned from YOGS I believe for having my name as "Johnny Smegma"
Reason for ban (If you have a Permaban, it should be the EXACT MESSAGE YOU GET WHEN YOU LOGIN with the Error code that looks like this: X##XXX##. If you do not provide this EXACTLY you can't be unbanned): "The reason for your ban is extensive note history, and beating a SO with a stun baton and cracking their skull."
Link to previous appeals for the same ban (if applicable):
Your appeal, including evidence (screenshots, etc): Alright so here is what happened, I come into the brig and see the CMP "Yuri Nabakov" and the SO tied to a chair. The SO was arrested for being drunk and the CMP tells me to get my baton and help him and he starts beating the SO in the chest twice. I get mine and turn it on and hit him three times in the head. After the third hit I hear a crunch and then stop, as does the CMP. We begin taking the man to medical and then notice he is SSD, I get messaged by the admin asking me why I did it. I tell him that the man was drunk and was following orders to teach him a lesson and say that I do not think I broke the man's skull since the stun baton was on and 3 hits to the head is not that much and hearing that noise does not always mean a broken bone. I also asked the admin to ask the CMP about this and considering how he the CMP was still running around he is either a God at multi tasking or was not messaged at all, meanwhile I was not able to do anything because I was trying to talk to the admin who was not responding hardly at all. And what is the deal with this extensive note history? I do not believe I have a note warning about anything like this so why is that a reason for adding to the ban? Most of my notes are from when I was drunk and got angry and mouthed off some people, which I then apologized to the next day and I still feel bad for saying those things. Listen, I am not really bummed out about the job ban since I mostly play medical but I feel this was wrong. Being told to beat someone from a superior officer and then doing it and I am the one who gets job banned? Also the lack of communication between the admin and me was insane... It also came across as the admin was just looking to ban me not really caring or looking into the situation... I have seen a CMP cut off a guy's hand and see him on the very next day and be beating someone and then on the very next day. If this gets denied and I am Job banned then so be it, but please staff communicate more and investigate... this was done very poorly.
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Re: CMP and MP Job Ban.
Note sure if bad form to reply to the ban you applied with notes, but.
Player Notes:
BYOND pager message is unconventional, but by the time the job-ban was applied they were already DC'd, the next round had started and I figured I should inform them in some way at least, lest they join in one round and find out they were banned from CMP and MP.
More details on this specific incident: Went to arrest a drunk staff officer who was on a chair in the brig along with the CMP. CMP stunned them about ~10 times and then Asada Ryou followed by beating them 3 times with a stunbaton on harm intent, breaking the SO's skull in the process. Reportedly on the CO's order of 'teach them a lesson', which the CO states they never said.
Player Notes:
Code: Select all
Warned about jumping straight to chucking high explosives around over trying to get someone out of the brig. Did it as the CL so keep an eye out for self antagging or repeat instances of this sort of thing. by X (Moderator) on Thu, April 13th of 2017
Warned about naming himself 'Rudolf Chess', was changed to Asada Ryans. Warned to change his name next round. by X (TrialModerator) on Tue, April 18th of 2017
Fed someone a monkey cube (which makes someone die from a monkey expanding in their stomachs), but didn't know it did this. by X (Admin) on Mon, April 24th of 2017
Warned for sending a pointless ahelp: "Admins, this cow (?) has comitted treason against humanity by refusing us milk... a high offense... " by X (Moderator) on Fri, April 28th of 2017
LOOC: Asada Ryou/(Tweety1997): Go fuck your dog you basement dweller failed jackhammer abortion... <--- Warned to not do that... calmed down quickly after. by X (Admin) on Sun, May 7th of 2017
Warned for accidentally suiciding as a medic. Didn't realize their gun was loaded at the time and was fucking around. Informed about gun safety procedures and to check the chamber in future. Gonna be lenient, but if this happens again in future, job ban. by X (Moderator) on Sun, May 28th of 2017
Banned by X|Duration: 180 minutes|Reason: EORG by X (Moderator) on Tue, June 6th of 2017
Warned about trying to use a wheelchair to get around during Xeno invasion. Informed that it's powergaming to use it in combat. Claims he's injured, but he isn't missing his foot or anything that warrants the need for it. Stopped using it after being told about it. by X (Moderator) on Wed, June 7th of 2017
Banned by X|Duration: 180 minutes|Reason: Disrespect, "Seriously fuck your mother in her blue waffle pussy", when told to stop he just said to report him. Take a break by X (Moderator) on Tue, June 27th of 2017
Built a shitload of meta-defenses on the Almayer. Next time, job-ban. by X (Host) on Fri, July 28th of 2017
Banned from Chief MP - Beat SO 3 times, breaking marine law as an MP, note history by Adminbot (Friendly Robot) on Sat, August 12th of 2017 Remove
Banned from Military Police - See above by Adminbot (Friendly Robot) on Sat, August 12th of 2017 Remove
More details on this specific incident: Went to arrest a drunk staff officer who was on a chair in the brig along with the CMP. CMP stunned them about ~10 times and then Asada Ryou followed by beating them 3 times with a stunbaton on harm intent, breaking the SO's skull in the process. Reportedly on the CO's order of 'teach them a lesson', which the CO states they never said.
- Asada Ryou
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- Location: Murica
- Byond: Tweety1997
Re: CMP and MP Job Ban.
Let me ask you something, did you message the CMP? Because if you did holy shit that guy is a god at multi tasking. And it was not ten times, he hit once and then asked me to hit him. And did you log dive to see if the CO did in fact say that?
- driecg36
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- Byond: driecg36
- Asada Ryou
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- Joined: 06 Jun 2017, 21:46
- Location: Murica
- Byond: Tweety1997
Re: CMP and MP Job Ban.
Thank you driecg! Also as before I am not proud of my notes, thank you for sharing with everyone. And I do appreciate you giving me the heads up with the ban you did good there. I still do not see where in my notes it is pertaining to my Job ban as an MP, other than just me being a shitty person I do not see any reason to involve my notes in this.
- taketheshot56
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- Byond: taketheshot56
Re: CMP and MP Job Ban.
I'd just like to take the time and offer my opinion of Asada as MP and as a player, I have MP'd with him on numerous occasion, Asada is by far one of the most competent and law abiding MPs on this server, as seen from his note history this was his first offense ever as an MP. He was job banned for beating an SO, following orders. But ive had an MP gun down three marines for having a drink at the bar and then walking away with a verbal warning. There has got to be a crackdown on MP conduct, fully agree. But Asada in no way deserves a job ban.
"I like to live in the present sir. The past is for pussies...and Airmen."
Part of the Commanders council. Pm me with your concerns loyal consituents.

Part of the Commanders council. Pm me with your concerns loyal consituents.

- driecg36
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- Byond: driecg36
Re: CMP and MP Job Ban.
Results of investigation:
My take on things:
All in all, both the CMP and Asada had some pretty abysmal LRP shittlery going on this round. The CMP was completely breaking RP guidelines multiple times, and his "jokes" to beat people resulted in multiple people actually being beaten. However, the CMP only STUNNED the drunk SO multiple times, while Asada BEAT the SO on harm intent 3 times, and after that whipped the SO a whopping total of 11 times with a cable coil, to the point where the CMP had to yell enough and stunned Asada. However, the CMP was presumably watching this unfold without stopping it. In no case is it acceptable to beat a prisoner for fun, especially not at the level of intensity Asada did. The CO never said to "teach them a lesson", so you must've misheard that (robotonic confirmed this with the CO as well, so he did well in that regard).
Overall, I've seen you play MP a lot as Asada, and quite frankly I expected better. I think the jobban was perfectly acceptable considering how viciously you beat that SO, and in the future you should remember that the CMP or other MPs doing it too doesn't make it right. In fact, I'd go as far to propose jobbaning the CMP as well for awful RP and causing multiple incidents due to his "jokes", but that's in the hands of a head. Robotonic handled this very well, and issued a very fair and reasonable punishment. Also, to those instances of CMP's breaking rules, ahelp those instances instead of just complaining about them later. We take CMP's breaking server rules and marine law very seriously.
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All in all, both the CMP and Asada had some pretty abysmal LRP shittlery going on this round. The CMP was completely breaking RP guidelines multiple times, and his "jokes" to beat people resulted in multiple people actually being beaten. However, the CMP only STUNNED the drunk SO multiple times, while Asada BEAT the SO on harm intent 3 times, and after that whipped the SO a whopping total of 11 times with a cable coil, to the point where the CMP had to yell enough and stunned Asada. However, the CMP was presumably watching this unfold without stopping it. In no case is it acceptable to beat a prisoner for fun, especially not at the level of intensity Asada did. The CO never said to "teach them a lesson", so you must've misheard that (robotonic confirmed this with the CO as well, so he did well in that regard).
Overall, I've seen you play MP a lot as Asada, and quite frankly I expected better. I think the jobban was perfectly acceptable considering how viciously you beat that SO, and in the future you should remember that the CMP or other MPs doing it too doesn't make it right. In fact, I'd go as far to propose jobbaning the CMP as well for awful RP and causing multiple incidents due to his "jokes", but that's in the hands of a head. Robotonic handled this very well, and issued a very fair and reasonable punishment. Also, to those instances of CMP's breaking rules, ahelp those instances instead of just complaining about them later. We take CMP's breaking server rules and marine law very seriously.
Some guy.

- Asada Ryou
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- Location: Murica
- Byond: Tweety1997
Re: CMP and MP Job Ban.
The cable coil does no damage what so ever, just pointing that out... I would never have used it so many times if it did. And I had no idea that having intent on harm does more damage than having it on help, so my bad on that. But what about the lack of communication between me and robotonic where I asked several times to talk to the CMP and he just ignored me? And I am actually mad about my notes being shared here for no reason other than to just say "Hey this person is pretty shitty so let's apply this to it as well". And okay, I fucked up with the harm intent I seriously had no idea about that. But does this REALLY warrant for a Job ban? You said it yourself you watch me play as MP a lot, so you know when I play as an MP I try to play in a rightful manner. I was also trying to bringing the SO to medbay when I was messaged by robotonic.
- Asada Ryou
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- Byond: Tweety1997
Re: CMP and MP Job Ban.
And also thank you for log diving, I know how much of a task that shit is to do.
- driecg36
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- Byond: driecg36
Re: CMP and MP Job Ban.
Notes are always posted in ban appeals, no exceptions. This is standard procedure.
Even if the cable coil does no damage, you were still whipping a lieutenant a dozen times, which is a MASSIVE breach of marine law and RP. Also, since you play MP quite a bit, I find it extremely hard to believe you don't know what "harmbatonning" is. Even that word is extremely common in the ss13 community.
In addition, Robotonic was rather overwhelmed at the time, being one of the few staff on and a tmod. He handled the situation appropriately, and talking to the CMP would really have made no difference in your ban whatsoever.
Even if the cable coil does no damage, you were still whipping a lieutenant a dozen times, which is a MASSIVE breach of marine law and RP. Also, since you play MP quite a bit, I find it extremely hard to believe you don't know what "harmbatonning" is. Even that word is extremely common in the ss13 community.
In addition, Robotonic was rather overwhelmed at the time, being one of the few staff on and a tmod. He handled the situation appropriately, and talking to the CMP would really have made no difference in your ban whatsoever.
Some guy.

- Asada Ryou
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- Byond: Tweety1997
Re: CMP and MP Job Ban.
As I posted before I do not play regular ss13 and again I do not play MP that much I play medical. Also excessive notes was also inputted as a reason of my ban, which there is no notes that have me as an mp in any of them and I feel only the notes that pretain to the situation should be posted but I guess that is just me. I disagree, whether it would have made a difference or not the CMP should have been messaged and held accountable just as me, not just me being singled out. I stayed on a good 15-20 minutes awaiting a response but never got one, that is a long time. How is it massive breach of RP if I was ordered to do this? Marine law? Sure, and if you want to Job ban me from MP due to one break of marine law than go ahead, I take no enjoyment in playing MP anymore anyways... I am just mainly pissed that ERT ban goes with this.
- Philby0
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Re: CMP and MP Job Ban.
My sides. Competent yes, one the most competent and law abiding on the server ? Nah.taketheshot56 wrote:Asada is by far one of the most competent and law abiding MPs on this server
Still, Ryou gets noticed for lowRP shenanigans, not for being a shitter, that character can cause trouble but is never a pain. I'd say they deserve a chance.

- Asada Ryou
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- Byond: Tweety1997
Re: CMP and MP Job Ban.
I admit, outside of MP I break the law a lot, haha.
- apophis775
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Re: CMP and MP Job Ban.
And so you know, excessive notes (even if they are unrelated) always results in more severe punishment. Pretty much because the more notes you have for a short time, the shittier player we believe you are. We have players who have been on the server for over 2 years with just 1 or 2 notes and you've got 12 for 5 months. That speaks volumes about your playstyle.
I suggest you play for a month obeying the rules and not getting notes before you try to appeal literally the two most strictly controlled non-whitelist jobs on the server.
And so you know, excessive notes (even if they are unrelated) always results in more severe punishment. Pretty much because the more notes you have for a short time, the shittier player we believe you are. We have players who have been on the server for over 2 years with just 1 or 2 notes and you've got 12 for 5 months. That speaks volumes about your playstyle.
I suggest you play for a month obeying the rules and not getting notes before you try to appeal literally the two most strictly controlled non-whitelist jobs on the server.

flamecow wrote: "unga dunga me want the attachment" - average marine