Your Byond ID: SylasTG
Character Name: Alex 'Tofu' Collins
Type Of Ban (Job-ban, Timed Ban, Permaban): Job-ban
Admin who banned you (if known): Not known
Total Ban Duration: Job-ban
Remaining Duration: Job-ban
What other servers do you play on? None
Are you now or have you been banned on any of them? Don't truly remember, I haven't played on SS13 in a while until I returned to CM this past month. Last I played was in November on CM as well as far as I know.
Reason for ban (If you have a Permaban, it should be the EXACT MESSAGE YOU GET WHEN YOU LOGIN with the Error code that looks like this: X##XXX##. If you do not provide this EXACTLY you can't be unbanned): I rage quit and left during the round while being arrested by MPs, I was an SO so I was in a Command role.
Link to previous appeals for the same ban (if applicable): Not Entirely related but it *is* a job-ban so Queen Job-ban
Your appeal, including evidence (screenshots, etc):
I recall joining this round about 30 minutes into the round as a Staff Officer. I made my way through the lower levels to take the ladder through the brig to CIC, on my way there I encountered a Marine holding an M4 Battle Rifle so I doubled back to the RO to investigate and found a few more "PMC" weapons in the Requisitions Office. The Commander also walked in at this time, Bill Carson, and began helping convert pistols into metal for use on the ground as barricades. I decided I should ask if I could go to the surface and support the battle there and I believe during this exchange between myself, the RO, and the Commander, he might've answered "Yes" but didn't state to whom, as the RO was also asking a question. I took this as an answer for me and then helped myself to one of the FN9000 SMGs on the floor and attached it to my suit slot. I then attempted to make my way down to the surface via Dropship but I was stopped by an MP and then brought up to CIC. I tried to pull rank on the MP in order to escape his clutches so I could board the dropship and make for the surface to support the frontline but he eventually ended up tasing me and I became unruly, again attempting to pull rank on him so I could flee and head for the surface. I was brought back to Bill at the Helm now and he was asked if I was given permission and an exchange took place where he eventually admitted he might've said yes but mistook my question. The MP ended up arresting me regardless and dragging me off to the brig, by this point I was already upset and rage quit, I said "Fuck this" in LOOC and logged off the game and took off. I came back 30-40 minutes later after locked in perma-isolation during the final part of the round and ended up breaking out of perma-isolation and fighting my way through to Briefing before dying.
I've given you the entire truth as I recall it and summed it up as unbiased as I can. I linked my previous ban appeal because I know I admitted that if I were to log off with a crucial role I'd ahelp and inform administration but I failed to do so here because I rage quit and took off. I came back during the round to try and finish it off and hoped I could avoid getting job banned by coming back to finish the round with that role but that didn't work. I'd hate to beat to the same tune but I know I should've informed administration regardless of whatever mood I was in and I failed to do that. Where as my first appeal was for something out of my hands this time it's on me and I admit it, it's my fault. I'm asking that you can hopefully remove this ban.
Command/ERT Job-ban
- SylasTG
- Registered user
- Posts: 32
- Joined: 15 Nov 2016, 23:39
- Byond: SylasTG
Command/ERT Job-ban
James "Ghost" Steele - Grizzled Veteran and Roughneck
George Blackburn - Leading by Example and Bravery
George Blackburn - Leading by Example and Bravery
- TheMaskedMan2
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Re: Command/ERT Job-ban
Player Notes:
Code: Select all
Banned by |Duration: 180 minutes|Reason: Major Powergaming - Crossed the River as a researcher on the first flight at 25 minutes in, fully geared in marine armor with an M39. Was on the front line fighting aliens. When I Pm'ed him, very clearly did not understand why what he did was wrong, and then called me a nazi. Promptly after this, he left. Please read the rules. by () on Fri, November 25th of 2016
Warned for improper escalation. Been causing a ruckus in medbay and got put to sleep to calm down, later unloaded an SMG burst into the Doctor. by () on Sun, August 6th of 2017 Remove
Afk at round start as queen by () on Sun, August 6th of 2017
Banned from Queen - AFK at round start as xeno queen. by Adminbot (Friendly Robot) on Sun, August 6th of 2017 Remove
Banned from Commander, Executive Officer, Staff Officer, Pilot Officer, Military Police, Corporate Liaison, Requisitions Officer, Chief Engineer, Chief Medical Officer, Chief MP - Tried to go to the surface as SO, when caught by the MPs he went SSD to avoid his punishment by Adminbot (Friendly Robot) on Sun, August 13th of 2017 Remove
Certified RP Professional™
Marine: Vera Webb
Synthetic: Sybil
Predator: Vaya'Nylk
Marine: Vera Webb
Synthetic: Sybil
Predator: Vaya'Nylk
- apophis775
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- Joined: 22 Aug 2014, 18:05
- Location: Ice Colony
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Re: Command/ERT Job-ban
I literally JUST removed a job-ban for close to the same thing.
This one is probably gonna stick for a little bit.
No offense, but you can't expect me to give you a second chance, ragequit, and then expect a third chance right away...
I literally JUST removed a job-ban for close to the same thing.
This one is probably gonna stick for a little bit.
No offense, but you can't expect me to give you a second chance, ragequit, and then expect a third chance right away...

flamecow wrote: "unga dunga me want the attachment" - average marine