Character Name: Artivus Grav
Type Of Ban (Job-ban, Timed Ban, Permaban): Job Ban
Admin who banned you (if known): Unknown
Total Ban Duration: Perma
Remaining Duration: Perma
What other servers do you play on? None, I'm a bit lonely
Are you now or have you been banned on any of them? No
Reason for ban (If you have a Permaban, it should be the EXACT MESSAGE YOU GET WHEN YOU LOGIN with the Error code that looks like this: X##XXX##. If you do not provide this EXACTLY you can't be unbanned): Banned from Commander, Executive Officer, Bridge Officer, Military Police, Corporate Liaison, Requisitions Officer, Chief Engineer, Chief Medical Officer - Didn't read rules, rifle/armor at round start as Commander. Player started the round as Commander, had a rifle and MP armor on. admitted to not reading the rules. Job ban from command roles.
Link to previous appeals for the same ban (if applicable): None
Your appeal, including evidence (screenshots, etc): This mess up by me happened a year ago, I was new to CM and wanted to "Be the best" so I always tried to go for the high jobs, without knowing much to do, I admit to not knowing rules at that time, but since then I now understand the rules and understand the job of these roles, I will also perform them with perfection. I apologise to the staff who banned me from them, as I did not know what I was doing, I also want to put in a wonderful word to the Mod Adralimas, he helped me a lot during this struggle and motivated me to make an Appel, Thanks. I apologise to all staff I have cause trouble and I promise I have improved!