Ban Appeal TheSpaceCupCake
- ThespaceCupCake
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Ban Appeal TheSpaceCupCake
Your Byond ID:TheSpaceCupCake
Character Name:Jack Persov
Type Of Ban (Job-ban, Timed Ban, Permaban):I ERP
Admin who banned you (if known):No, sorry can't remember
Total Ban Duration:For Ever
Remaining Duration:For Ever
What other servers do you play on? No other servers just colonial marines
Are you now or have you been banned on any of them?No.
Reason for ban (If you have a Permaban, it should be the EXACT MESSAGE YOU GET WHEN YOU LOGIN with the Error code that looks like this: X##XXX##. If you do not provide this EXACTLY you can't be unbanned): I was banned for ERP as I stated, I was saying some things about fucking fidget spinners in LOCC while in briefing waiting and an admin contacted me and asked me to explain myself which I failed to do. I didn't insult him or anything I just didn't explain what I meant... Ive only been banned for killing myself end match cause I didn't know that can happen at the END OF THE MATCH and I've also got warned about ERP but that was when I started playing Colonial Marines and I suppose I forgot about that.... My code is T14MAY17 and I honestly don't try to brake any of the rules so I apologize for being so rude and if you wish you can see the other.... crapy appeal I made.
Link to previous appeals for the same ban (if applicable):viewtopic.php?f=87&t=14078&p=151883#p151883
Your appeal, including evidence (screenshots, etc):I made an appeal not so long ago and I do under stand I had an awful explanation.... well the hole post was horrid in general, I apologize. I apologize but I can't remember what I actually did I think kept talking about the fidget spinner and was just about to write to the admin but you know... I first wrote about the damn fidget spinner. I got banned for 7 days and I found it kinda funny so I went to share it in the forum chat and I guess the admins thought I was getting salty. so I left colonial marines for a week to wait out the ban and when I come back I see got permabaned which was probably from my comments on the chat or the admins change of heart. I'm sorry about that really I mean I haven't played in like 6 months.... or something and I haven't gotten salty or complained i just made my appeals hopping to come back.... anyways i apologize if i included some information in the wrong place but Im not use to making these and I apologize for the long appeal.
Character Name:Jack Persov
Type Of Ban (Job-ban, Timed Ban, Permaban):I ERP
Admin who banned you (if known):No, sorry can't remember
Total Ban Duration:For Ever
Remaining Duration:For Ever
What other servers do you play on? No other servers just colonial marines
Are you now or have you been banned on any of them?No.
Reason for ban (If you have a Permaban, it should be the EXACT MESSAGE YOU GET WHEN YOU LOGIN with the Error code that looks like this: X##XXX##. If you do not provide this EXACTLY you can't be unbanned): I was banned for ERP as I stated, I was saying some things about fucking fidget spinners in LOCC while in briefing waiting and an admin contacted me and asked me to explain myself which I failed to do. I didn't insult him or anything I just didn't explain what I meant... Ive only been banned for killing myself end match cause I didn't know that can happen at the END OF THE MATCH and I've also got warned about ERP but that was when I started playing Colonial Marines and I suppose I forgot about that.... My code is T14MAY17 and I honestly don't try to brake any of the rules so I apologize for being so rude and if you wish you can see the other.... crapy appeal I made.
Link to previous appeals for the same ban (if applicable):viewtopic.php?f=87&t=14078&p=151883#p151883
Your appeal, including evidence (screenshots, etc):I made an appeal not so long ago and I do under stand I had an awful explanation.... well the hole post was horrid in general, I apologize. I apologize but I can't remember what I actually did I think kept talking about the fidget spinner and was just about to write to the admin but you know... I first wrote about the damn fidget spinner. I got banned for 7 days and I found it kinda funny so I went to share it in the forum chat and I guess the admins thought I was getting salty. so I left colonial marines for a week to wait out the ban and when I come back I see got permabaned which was probably from my comments on the chat or the admins change of heart. I'm sorry about that really I mean I haven't played in like 6 months.... or something and I haven't gotten salty or complained i just made my appeals hopping to come back.... anyways i apologize if i included some information in the wrong place but Im not use to making these and I apologize for the long appeal.
- Adralimas
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Re: Ban Appeal TheSpaceCupCake
Player notes.
This aside, ERP Is an offense we take VERY Seriously, We have underaged people playing the server so we're quite literally required by law to do everything we can to prevent and remove it. It even says so in the rules that we have a zero tolerance policy on this.
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- ThespaceCupCake
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Re: Ban Appeal TheSpaceCupCake
it was a joke and to make sure I didnt affect the role play I did it in LOCC and wouldn't ERP count when you are actually including it in your role play. I didn't want to ruin the role play so i did it in LOCC don't you think that if I was actually trying to bother some one I would say it on normal chat?
- NGGJamie
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Re: Ban Appeal TheSpaceCupCake
What you said definitely does violate ERP rules in my eyes, after looking back to see what it was. ERP can apply to any sexual content that staff may deem inappropriate for our server on an IC or OOC level. You went into detail about how you would violate a figet spinner, not just that you would.ThespaceCupCake wrote:it was a joke and to make sure I didnt affect the role play I did it in LOCC and wouldn't ERP count when you are actually including it in your role play. I didn't want to ruin the role play so i did it in LOCC don't you think that if I was actually trying to bother some one I would say it on normal chat?
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I run Linux on all of my machines and actively reject Windows. I have some cool dotfiles up on Github for configuring some of my favorite stuff.
- ThespaceCupCake
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Re: Ban Appeal TheSpaceCupCake
Actually I didn't go in to detail from what i can remember I just said I would fuck fidget spinners and anime fidget spinners. Players constantly use vulgar language and do explicitly say what they would do to their dead or living foe from time to time but in a joking manner, I did not mean to brake the rules I just meant to apply some... odd humor sense I was waiting till briefing started. Honestly after this why would I even try to do anything even remotely close, just to get banned for another few months or even get banned for ever?
- apophis775
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Re: Ban Appeal TheSpaceCupCake
ThespaceCupCake wrote:it was a joke and to make sure I didnt affect the role play I did it in LOCC and wouldn't ERP count when you are actually including it in your role play. I didn't want to ruin the role play so i did it in LOCC don't you think that if I was actually trying to bother some one I would say it on normal chat?
Nope, any sexual content counts. Staff all see all LOOC messages and some people troll by putting stupid shit there.
Sorry, but this ban appeal will probably stand. We take extremely hard stances against sexual content and ERP.

flamecow wrote: "unga dunga me want the attachment" - average marine
- ThespaceCupCake
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Re: Ban Appeal TheSpaceCupCake
No ERP or 18+ sexual content - ZERO TOLERANCE POLICY! ERP, or Erotic Roleplay, is defined as roleplay that has a strong erotic element intended to elicit a sexual response from the receiver(s). It may involve two or more people or be done in front of spectators. This includes reading stories about ERP but not participating directly (WGW), or posting links to adult websites and images. Both consensual and non-consensual ERP will be met with a PERMABAN. This is not to be confused with distasteful but acceptable marine bravado such as "/me scratches his crotch" or "/me pinches [player]'s nipple." However, these actions can be handled IC as Neglect of Duty or Sexual Assault per Marine Law. Bottom line: If you're not sure if it's ERP or not, or you don't want to be permabanned, just don't do it.
Honestly Im not going to say "OoooOooOooO its suppose to involve 2 people" or "I wasn't trying to get a reaction from anyone" like a dumb ass. I accept that I did something wrong and I understand the zero tolerance policy but I think it can be accepted as "Marine bravado" sense I was just saying I wanted to fuck fidget spinners not describing in explicit detail what I was going to do to that fidget spinner. Honestly what I say is getting repetitive because I don't have a good excuse. I did something wrong and I accept it but I only wish to return to killing or getting killed by aliens.... I don't want to stop playing colonial marines because of some stupid comments I made and if I were given a second chance I honestly wouldn't attempt anything even remotely close again knowing the SEVERE CONSEQUENCES. Why would I even try to play colonial marines just to say or do something similar if I know I'm not gonna be able to get away with it? It's not an attempt to deceive you and if it happens the second time around their won't be any excuse I can give you because I willingly lied to do some stupidity even after learning the risk of such actions. I just say stupid jokes like "THICC fog spotted north" but I have no reason to go in to detail about any sort of sexual interactions.
Honestly Im not going to say "OoooOooOooO its suppose to involve 2 people" or "I wasn't trying to get a reaction from anyone" like a dumb ass. I accept that I did something wrong and I understand the zero tolerance policy but I think it can be accepted as "Marine bravado" sense I was just saying I wanted to fuck fidget spinners not describing in explicit detail what I was going to do to that fidget spinner. Honestly what I say is getting repetitive because I don't have a good excuse. I did something wrong and I accept it but I only wish to return to killing or getting killed by aliens.... I don't want to stop playing colonial marines because of some stupid comments I made and if I were given a second chance I honestly wouldn't attempt anything even remotely close again knowing the SEVERE CONSEQUENCES. Why would I even try to play colonial marines just to say or do something similar if I know I'm not gonna be able to get away with it? It's not an attempt to deceive you and if it happens the second time around their won't be any excuse I can give you because I willingly lied to do some stupidity even after learning the risk of such actions. I just say stupid jokes like "THICC fog spotted north" but I have no reason to go in to detail about any sort of sexual interactions.
- freemysoul
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Re: Ban Appeal TheSpaceCupCake
Here's a BIG hint for ya: 18+ Sexual Content.
Not ONLY that, but you also were told a MONTH ago by another moderator to curb what you say.
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- ThespaceCupCake
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Re: Ban Appeal TheSpaceCupCake
Damn now I know what I said but, again I repeat myself, I know I did something wrong Im just not willing to do it again. I can't provide evidence from these words and I can't magically make the no tolerance rule disappear, I went in to detail on what I would do fidget spinners and it's 100% erp but I ask you to give me one more chance and monitor me for any further offense or the slightes hint of any type of rule braking. I don't know what else to say but I'm not afraid to say that I broke the rules and deserved what I got but through the time I was banned I didn't show any type of bad conduct on this website.
- apophis775
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Re: Ban Appeal TheSpaceCupCake
Denied. That is just.... bad.

flamecow wrote: "unga dunga me want the attachment" - average marine