Ckey is Damous, player forgot to put a space between the : and the first letter of their ckey.
Disclaimer: Standard procedure to post a player's notes on a ban appeal.
Player's Notes:
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3 hour ban, ERG by X(X) on Fri, May 13th of 2016
Banned by X| Duration: 180 minutes | Reason: ERG by X(X) on Tue, May 31st of 2016
Warned that suicide at round end is still considered EORG. by X(X) on Mon, October 31st of 2016
Warned for having a name that violates the naming rule, and for going down on the first drop as a SO. by X(X) on Sun, May 21st of 2017
Banned from Bridge Officer - Suicide as a SO because (since i've seen so many shit and responsible for death of uncoutable lives and i seriously need to sleep) by Adminbot (Friendly Robot) on Sun, May 21st of 2017
Banned by X|Duration: 4320 minutes|Reason: Violation of ban appeal rules -
viewtopic.php?f=76&t=13013 by X(X) on Thu, May 25th of 2017
Banned from Staff Officer - Was banned from bridge officer, Reapplying ban to Staff officer. by Adminbot (Friendly Robot) on Tue, September 5th of 2017
Banned from Commander, Executive Officer, Pilot Officer, Military Police, Corporate Liaison, Requisitions Officer, Chief Engineer, Chief Medical Officer, Chief MP - Suicide as SO because he failed his mission and lost an arm, was banned from BO once already. by Adminbot (Friendly Robot) on Tue, September 5th of 2017
Appealing a job-ban after only four days have passed for anything but going SSD will very likely result in denial, especially so as you were already banned from Staff Officer previously due to the
exact same thing and should have definitely have known better.
The only other notable thing is that he has in fact not actually gained any notes from May to September, a whole four months. It's possible he simply wasn't playing during this time, of course.
My two questions to you are whilst you're waiting on an answer, have you been playing since your May 21st 2017 job-ban from Bridge Officer, or did you take a break? And, why did you believe it was acceptable to commit suicide as a Staff Officer for the exact same reasons that you were previously job-banned for last time?