Squad Leader- JobBan Appeal

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Squad Leader- JobBan Appeal

Post by Cirukcaller » 19 Sep 2017, 07:50

Your Byond ID: Cirukcaller

Character Name: Jordan something? I actually don't remember. Right now, I've been playing Jared Howland.

Type Of Ban (Job-ban, Timed Ban, Permaban): Job-ban.

Admin who banned you (if known): I can't remember, it was a while ago.

Total Ban Duration: Permanent.

Remaining Duration: Until old and rotten.

What other servers do you play on? Currently, on Aurora. Whenever possible- most usually, due to the current state of my country, almost never.

Are you now or have you been banned on any of them? I've received job-bans on Aurora due to sudden blackouts that have me disconnect, without warning the admins, from the Head Roles I was accepted through whitelist in. Once I recover a modicum of stability in my electricity and internet provider, here in Venezuela, I'll be handling those as well.

Reason for ban (If you have a Permaban, it should be the EXACT MESSAGE YOU GET WHEN YOU LOGIN with the Error code that looks like this: X##XXX##. If you do not provide this EXACTLY you can't be unbanned): I completely and utterly neglected my role, plain and simple, the reason was that my squad at the time was increasingly hostile, acting in misdemeanor, and refusing (at first) to follow my orders due to their perceiving of my character as 'unrobust'. This, of course, led me to neglect my squad in turn, and after they decided to listen to me finally, for my - at the time - very upset self they deserved to be left to die leaderless. And so I was removed from the Squad Leader list.

Link to previous appeals for the same ban (if applicable): None.

Your appeal, including evidence (screenshots, etc): There's really no evidence needed- fact is fact. This happened a while ago, months ago, and I've let it cook with time as there's really nothing to support me being innocent in any way or form, I should've acted in a more mature approach, not fallen and crumbled under the pressure of rude Standards, and just gotten shit done. I miss the role, however, and so I appeal.

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Byond: Tidomann

Re: Squad Leader- JobBan Appeal

Post by Tidomann » 19 Sep 2017, 09:08

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Re: Squad Leader- JobBan Appeal

Post by Cirukcaller » 19 Sep 2017, 13:46

It may seem bad at first - I'm sure it does - but most of the times I got banned due to firing upon another marine they very much certainly deserved it. Like, I understand how systematic administration work in the server, they see logs, logs points crudely at X thing, with Y in guilt of firing at Z and due to such, we need not to look into details, Y is certainly guilty. While the notes paint me as a lacking player, keep in mind there's no notes for good deeds- and I'm not a shitty player. I don't enter the round meaning to be a shit to anyone, and many can attest that many of said players act that way. Those marines I shot, poorly worded in the notes in one case, or the other, had it coming- the one I point blanked with the shotgun was beating me to dead while on the floor, and in crit, and only through shooting him I was able to get him off of me, and so forth.

In the end, however, none of those bans merited my reaction- so the ban can't be contested, and I never reached into the forums to do so either. I treated every admin in every case politely, with respect, and took a break. (Sans the time with the bad event- I was speaking with the admin responsible for it, things went awry I'm sure)

Notice how before I was banned due to these conflicts with other marines, it was in April- in April, after being banned due to an involvement of about five players who whined about an event I can't recall of, I took a break. I didn't play for several months, and I've recently started playing again. Believe me, I've been trying to be a better player, but this is no easy server to be a better player in. Most players are conflictive, in search for excuses for conflict, and very poor in combat that leads to either your dead or theirs in clumsy decision making. The things that got me banned in the first place have happened over and over again in the successive rounds, and I've reacted in a much better way than previously, because I've learned from that. I never expected my notes to clear, however- they're like your penal notes, and when a homie goes to jail the world doesn't forget. Either way, give me a chance, chances are you're going to ban me from SL due to my blackouts either way, life's like that.

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Re: Squad Leader- JobBan Appeal

Post by Tidomann » 19 Sep 2017, 16:41

Well spoken reply.

I am a bit hesitant because of the amount of notes for improper escalation.

I can understand that some players might be doing something you disagree with, or performing actions that might endanger you, or even straight up be punching you excessively.

The issue is your jump to using lethal force in order to solve the problems. It's issues like this that make me think putting you in charge of 6-13 other players (relatively speaking) is a bit concerning.

Can you point out which note was the one where the marines were beating you? Why would you escalate to lethals instead of seeking mod/admin help?

Escalation issues for things like helmets, supplies, attachments seem excessive. You're taking someone out of the round permenantly for this actions. Do you feel this is still justifyable?

Have you been playing in any other command roles since the ban? What can you tell me about your experience in roles like SO that might have shifted your view on how orders are passed down, and the importance of SLs?

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Re: Squad Leader- JobBan Appeal

Post by Cirukcaller » 19 Sep 2017, 18:13

For example, this one; Banned|Duration: 4320 minutes|Reason: Shot and killed two marines, one for stealing his attatchments and the other because he tried to help the dying marine. by X on Thu, August 17th of 2017

The explanation was extremely vague and unrealistic to what actually happened- again, a fine example of taking a good look at logs without understanding the situation as it unfolded.

What happened was this, something I remember accurately due to how absurd and unbelieveably stupid it was: I had an assault rifle properly decked, a rail scope, skeleton stock, long rifling and whatnot, you know? The whole sniper get-go. I'm sitting behind barricades firing at a boiler who's sieging down the camp, and eventually a PFC of my squad, a PFC from Delta slightly behind and the Delta SL move in to charge the boiler, but it was a trap. I immediately run forward, drop my rifle, and pull out my secondary - a buckshotgun - to engage up close the ravager that had just come out to assault my squaddie PFC who got caught in the stun. Rather than help, the Delta SL ran off, while the Delta PFC decided to grab my rifle - in sight of me fighting and trying to save my fellow squaddie - to field strip it. As luck would have it, the ravager was young and found out about the buckshot curse, and as I see all of my rifle's attachments fall on the floor under the Delta PFC that decided to get himself some nice accessories rather than help me, and the PFC in the fight, I shot him. It wasn't methodical thinking- it was anger at his bullshit, and, logically, the Delta SL saw me fire at him for what he presumed to be no good reason, and he fired at me instead. I fired back - in self-defense - and we both died of our wounds, that's how I killed both the Delta PFC and SL. It wasn't justified, sure, but it wasn't as bad as its painted- it was all cause and effect, even though there's no excuse for using lethals on fellow marines, goes without saying I was beyond upset.

Banned|Duration: 10080 minutes|Reason: Murdered another marine for the reason of stealing from them and looting medbay by X on Mon, August 21st of 2017

To contrast, this was very accurate, yet not as utterly endeavoured in the explanation as I'd like it- what happened was, this was in a returning ship from an engagement on the FOB. My character got acided by praetorian toxins pretty badly, stacking a lot of pain damage, and he was shipped back literally seeing foggy and passing out from pain. Pain stunned, laying in the middle of Medical with really nothing else to do but let Kelotane kick in, a random PFC shows up and starts undressing my character. I told him repeatedly, through IC means, that if he keeps looting me like I'm a dead corpse and I happen to get up, I was going to kill him. Many threats, it didn't matter- webbing, gun, helmet, equipment and even backpack. He went as far as to take my ID, take my guys' clothing - everything, just in underwear. Eventually my guy did get up, and after acquiring a buckshotgun I did eventually blow his head off. I know I should've contacted an admin, the catharsis of the situation didn't hit me until the 'boink' that made me realize yet again cholera was going to rob me of a whole week of playing videogames. But that's life. I explained the situation to the admin, and I realized he probably didn't ban me on purpose, being symphatetic to the shitty nature of the ban and what happened, but I was completely wrong. Its explained in our next ban here:

Banned|Duration: 10080 minutes|Reason: Grief, Shot marines with a shotgun on purpose, previous ban did not stick by X on Tue, August 22nd of 2017

Now this one was the unfairest of them all, and at the same time, perhaps the more deserving one - its a matter of perspective - I had a battle rifle, the kind that Requisition was handing out, and we were having a last stand at CiC in the hallway from the entrance to said CiC to the memorial and hallway leading to the up and bottom sides of Medical. Its extremely packed with marines, we were like 15-20 holding down that 3x3 hallway, and I was at the forefront. Of course, being at the front meant I got shot a lot, and I in turn, in a bout of lagspiking and constantly zig-zagging marines, fired at a good hallway of three people while aiming to hit the boiler at the back. Understandably, one marine beside me got upset and told me to boogey into CiC and give him the rifle- I complied, after getting shot a bit more by fellow marines in comical FF, before laying in crit inside CiC. Once inside, that same upset marine outside wound up inside and started punching my character deeper into crit, beyond the pain crit threshold. On a last ditch effort, my character got up, acquired his shotgun and pointblanked him in the head. I was banned afterwards. Deserving or not? I did shoot a lot of marines, utterly by accident, was the guy justified in punching my marine on the ground over five-six times before he was hit back? I wouldn't know, but I think its fairly reasonable to shoot at someone who's stomping on your head after you've been shot a good seven times.

Banned|Duration: 180 minutes|Reason: Shot a synth because he suspected he sabotaged the ship and because he refused to leave engineering as the CE. Bad history. by X on Thu, September 7th of 2017

This ban felt like a joke to me. It had been a long round; a round that nurtured my character's suspicions for said Synthetic after a, what I'd come to later find out due to neglect of my MT's that had thoroughly convinced my character they were top-notch were power issues, series of issues in the telecomms and SMES, constant changing of outputs that drained the power and far from economically started to deter the production of the ship. As CE, and soon to be acting Commander, I felt responsible towards this fact. I forget the name of the Synthetic, but I remember they were both female and a spriter. After building up very lengthy suspicions from seeing them move in and out of engineering, a simple ultimatum was put: don't enter engineering again or you'll be shot. The situation was a bit hectic, no answer was found to the structural problems of the ship and the marines were losing, badly. In fact, just as I finally fired upon her after she ignored my simple directive of staying out of engineering - even though I told her, at gunpoint, to leave or be shot, which she refused and was utterly against marine law, which they're forbidden OOCly as ICly from breaking - the aliens had begun to fly up to board the ship. This was also slightly upsetting, since the moment I did indeed open on them, the synthetic, with my weapon, they immediately aghosted and froze my character, while blurting out on me with a 'boink' in a very upset manner. And then I got banned for three hours, with that flimsy understanding of what happened "refused to leave engineering," and "bad history." It was never that simple. It never is.

Either way, this reply is getting pretty long, so I'll get to the strict facts here. I've played all sort of Command roles for these past few months, as you can see, from CE to SO and least of them all, XO. I've always been afraid of the XO role, as is the CO role, for I respect them too much. This doesn't mean what you may think it means- it means I know its really easy to fuck up, its really easy for people not to forget, and more importantly, really easy to get banned for failing. Despite that, most CO's I've seen are awful and only play the role to kill people on the slightest of whims. SO, however, I've come to love dearly- I enjoy the logistics of it, but I've never thought of it as relatable to playing squad leader. Overlord was always, to me, as the hand that handled directives and channeled the orders of the AC at the time, or worked around the understanding of the many squads to properly organize their own squad. While yelling at requisitions for good logistics. If I was to play Squad Leader I'd work on organizing the squad numbers and playing offensively, as I've come to experience to be more effective, by keeping as many marines as possible together and pushing.

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Byond: Feweh

Re: Squad Leader- JobBan Appeal

Post by Feweh » 29 Sep 2017, 13:45

