Your Byond ID: MayorOfKenya
Character Name: Alexandria "Allie" Krieger
Type Of Ban (Job-ban, Timed Ban, Permaban): Permaban
Admin who banned you (if known): ElDefaultio
Total Ban Duration: 10080 -> Perma
Remaining Duration: n/a
What other servers do you play on? n/a
Are you now or have you been banned on any of them? n/a
Reason for ban (If you have a Permaban, it should be the EXACT MESSAGE YOU GET WHEN YOU LOGIN with the Error code that looks like this: X##XXX##. If you do not provide this EXACTLY you can't be unbanned): ERP. M27SEP17. Perma.
Link to previous appeals for the same ban (if applicable): n/a
Your appeal, including evidence (screenshots, etc):
Let me just start off by saying I apologize for what i've done, and that there is little chance of me receiving sympathy for what I did. The Admin who banned me did the correct thing by filing a perma for what i've done and I will harbor no ill will towards staff or anyone. The fault is all me. Even if this gets denied, (Judging by how i've skimmed the other reports and their stances on ERP, this is highly likely to be denied :c) I still respect the server for what it is and that I will have to move on knowing I've messed up and potentially lost a server I can sink a hundred hours into.
So you might be thinking, "why the hell would you make an appeal anyways?" Let me explain.
Your stance on ERP should stay the way it is, it is completely fair, and I actually applaud you guys for having a stance like that. It is actually quite respectful. No, this is not sarcasm!
Had I have been more aware about it, I probably should not have let the things that were done, done. It was my fault for not entirely reading the rules, and I have taken the bullet for it. I place no blame on the partner that it was associated with, or anything else that may have been involved. Human error, self inflicted.
"Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity."
-Martin Luther King, Jr.
The real reason why I made an appeal..a shot in the dark.. is that I actually do care about the server and playing in it. It is probably one of the most unique gametypes i've ever seen in a video-game, and I can see myself sinking in more hours than a stupid AAA game we see nowadays. Ever since my JobBan from Researcher (And its ban-lift,) I Ahelp and cyro SSD people all the time when I see them, and since my past notes, I haven't done (or at least I hope not) anything that would warrant a hefty punishment, if at all, any. I guide new doctors and players to how to play this server all the time, and my time spent on this server on how little days since I've started should AT LEAST get some recognition. I've poured in so much time into this server in so little days...I just love this gametype and the freedom of play styles it offers. It's just...awesome. I'm not trying to kiss ass, I'm just literally typing how I feel.
"So, Allie, why did you ERP?"
Well, good question. It involved drugs (in-game) I'll tell you that. I wasn't expecting it to spiral into what events transpired, din't want to take it THAT far. Nevertheless, I cannot deny any allegations that were made against me, the admins have the notes and it's crystal clear. It still counts as ERP. I guess...Allie, or me, was dumb to do it. Now that I think about it, it's plain stupid what I did, and I wish I had just stopped it; but hindsight is 20/20. Allie was a unique character that people appreciated, she talked with a "mhm~" lisp and made very lewd gestures over comms and in character- In short, it made people uncomfortable. I actually enjoy RPing as that character, as it's based off a short story book from GooseBumps. People appreciated the unique dynamic it brought to the ship, and research, no-less, where it is currently RP heavy. It was a great environment for Allie to RP herself as a "Mad Doc" of sorts, and players enjoyed it. I just...never intended for the moment to get too hot and heavy. Allie is, I feel, a character who has developed over the rounds to where she is a familiar face in Research. Shes unique, and the roleplay she offers is fantastic... Well...barring the "illegal" part.
"Why should we trust you again? What makes us think your mature enough for us to lift the ban?"
...Honestly, at this point it's everyone's word versus mine. I can only sit here behind a computer screen...and type away and promise you that I will never do such a revolting thing again. I don't intend making Allie -that- lewd. Never wanted to. I could sit here and tell you that I am a person who has the best interests for the server and would like to continue to help expand roleplay and gameplay more for the server; make rounds more interesting. What i've done has potentially tarnished my name for eternity. I'm not looking for sympathy...I mean You guys are completely in the right. Your stance on ERP should stay how it is and I hope you continue to bust more people like me so that people of all ages will have a fun experience playing this server, which is what I would ultimately want anyways; not having to be exposed to some third-rate E-FanFic. I looked through all the previous bans and saw that the rate of getting a E-rp perma ban lift was close to nil... I guarantee you it won't happen again.
I just miss the server a lot. It is truly unique with great staff behind it. I hope that I can continue to one day play as Allie, the mad scientist with a ~ at the end of every sentence.
If on the very small chance this does get appealed...I am willing to still wait out the rest of my initial one week ban. I would deserve it, anyways, for what I did. I mean, I don't want this to sound like a goodbye letter, it's more of a last shot kind of thing. I won't change my IP or anything, I won't multilog or whatever the hell people do to bypass the perma. I respect my punishment, it is well deserved, and your staff is great for doing it.
I appreciate you taking the time to read this, whoever you are. I poured my soul into it, and it's all the truth, no lying or anything. And if on the chance you AREN'T staff and reading this, don't even think about E-Rping in the slightest. It's not worth it, trust me.
Perma Appeal!
- Registered user
- Posts: 31
- Joined: 18 Sep 2017, 19:57
- Byond: MayorOfKenya
- Sleepy Retard
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- Posts: 1273
- Joined: 11 Mar 2017, 09:15
- Location: Yaga
- Byond: ElDefaultio
- Steam: Fat Rigatoni
Re: Perma Appeal!
Not only did you ERP, which is a huge no-no, you tried to justify it by saying you got date raped.
You said in LOOC that it was ok because you were drugged by the other doctor, or something along the lines - I'd have to pull up the logs, but it doesn't make it any better for you.
I'm thinking this'll be denied, nice quote btw.
You said in LOOC that it was ok because you were drugged by the other doctor, or something along the lines - I'd have to pull up the logs, but it doesn't make it any better for you.
I'm thinking this'll be denied, nice quote btw.

Have any questions or concerns about Synthetic? PM me on the forums, or contact me on the CM discord under the name sleepy#1984 with the nickname Sleepy Retard.

- slc97
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- Location: Florida
Re: Perma Appeal!
Jesus, it's a 2d spaceman game. How can you even...? Never mind, I don't wanna know. I'm goin with nah.
- Feweh
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- Joined: 24 Feb 2015, 19:34
- Byond: Feweh
Re: Perma Appeal!
Try again in 30days
Try again in 30days