Your Byond ID:Aredal
Character Name:Elite Empress
Type Of Ban (Job-ban, Timed Ban, Permaban):Job-ban
Admin who banned you (if known):tidomann, but from what I understand it was Freemysoul that advised it
Total Ban Duration: I assume perma as the duration was not stated
Remaining Duration: We will see
What other servers do you play on? A long time ago I played mostly on TG, I checked out the other ones too though.
Are you now or have you been banned on any of them? I remember being once banned as a security cyborg for doing detective work and I think making some passive aggressive comments disrespecting the admin who thought that it was bad for me to do investigations. And a job ban as an RD for stopping evacuation after the singularity tore a path through the station, that was after mining supplied us with alot of resources allowing us to unlock all technologies, which together with a minor surge of megalomania made me think that we could rebuild the station, and make it even better, but most of the people wanted the round to end.
Reason for ban (If you have a Permaban, it should be the EXACT MESSAGE YOU GET WHEN YOU LOGIN with the Error code that looks like this: X##XXX##. If you do not provide this EXACTLY you can't be unbanned):You have been jobbanned by tidomann from: Queen.
The reason is: Banned for memey attitude in hivemind, stating they are pirates etc. The real issue is disabling slashing at the end of the round when SD was activated, preventing Xenos from pushing- ruining the round for the xenos. They said they tried to make an objective of capturing live hosts and returning them to the planet- will have to followup in investigation to make sure this was the case.
Link to previous appeals for the same ban (if applicable):
Your appeal, including evidence (screenshots, etc):What was taken as memey attitude by me, was trying to use the word pirate to make it easier for the rest of the xeno players to imagine the plan that I created, that being launching the Alamo and leaving the Almayer on Normandy, but that would be done after capturing hosts and placing them on the Normandy, so that they could be used as cattle and for future infections, the word pirate was used only twice I'm pretty sure, once during the announcement of the plan, and then to explain it to some xeno that asked what pirate means. The plan was mostly accepted by xenos, other than a crusher and maybe a single spitting caste member who were against it before the launch, though I could have missed more. After landing and hitting, I think I disabled slashing at first, as the objective was taking hosts alive, but I listened to the advise of other xenos that we will need to kill a part of the xenos to break through them, thus I allowed it soon after, but I'm unsure of that. Later on, when we got up to lower medbay, I ordered to take them alive, as they were weak and struggling against our superior numbers, but I was met with a totally wiped out medbay. After that I ordered all xenos to go to the hangar, and disabled/restricted slashing as I was going along the plan still, most xenos did not listen to the order about going to the hangar for some reason, but after alot of cries of allowing it, I allowed it fully, but I'm pretty sure that I warned them about not killing people that can be captured. After securing the hangar, I started capturing hosts from the bridge with the ones who followed orders. After capturing quite a sizeable number of hosts, mostly MPs and a prisoner I think, I saw a hunter slash the hosts that were captured, thus I disabled slashing-and I'm pretty sure that this instance of disabling it was during the time the xenos in SD were fighting(against my orders as I said in hivemind that we are all supposed to be in the hangar). Annoyed with the xenos breaking orders, and then openly starting to rebel in hivemind, I decided to follow my plan to the end, and launched Normandy, which was by coincidence only a short time before the SD blew up. My intentions from the start were to make the CM experience more enjoyable by creating a round that would be different from other rounds, to break the monotony of xenos breaking FoB, going to space, and just killing the marines up there too. Which happens basically all the time. If more of the xenos were against the plan before it began and were more vocal about it, I would have pulled back on it. And I did not intend to cause any deaths that could have happened during the disabling of slashing, as I was not around any such situation, and because I was not around those situations, I was not aware of them.
Please do scrutinize my arguments because there are many variables that could make some of the information I presented incorrect-like the sheer amount of the chat messages and the speed at which they appear especially during combat, and simply bad memory.
Thank you for your time.
Queen Job Ban Appeal
- Kernir
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Re: Queen Job Ban Appeal
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- apophis775
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Re: Queen Job Ban Appeal
I wanna say I was on for that. And that you had said something along the lines of "We are Pirates!". But that may have been someone else. we'll have to pull logs.

flamecow wrote: "unga dunga me want the attachment" - average marine
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Re: Queen Job Ban Appeal
Thank you for taking notice of the appeal, Apop. As I stated I did use the word pirates, which I admit to in the appeal itself. And if I'm correct, I used it twice, as stated in the appeal. And as stated in the appeal, its context was getting the other xeno players to understand the plan- which was raiding Almayer, by crippling it and abducting living hosts without infecting them, and leaving onboard the Normandy, for the purpouse of creating an interesting and diffrent from others round, for the enjoyment of the playerbase -that I created easier. And the second use of it was when a xeno player asked what pirates are for some reason, propably beucase he was not an english speaker and did not know the meaning of the word.
- Feweh
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Re: Queen Job Ban Appeal
I'd rather not lift this, your name rings a bell purely for annoying and stupid queening.
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Re: Queen Job Ban Appeal
I can understand why it could be seen as annoying, as it is ussualy not enjoyed when I try and change the pace at which rounds go. Stupid? That is quite hurting, though some of my ideas could be seen as quite eccentric, one of my more notable changes to a round via orders was that one round where I decided to try a hive fully constiting of the spitting and building castes, as I never saw it tried(Ended in a Xeno Major, even though I died during the marine assault). My defence is that me taking the role of a Queen has never breached any rules- which is thanks to the staff. I had a few incidents of me not being updated on rules, but luckly there were active moderators which I'm thankful to who informed me about them before I would commit the breach.
I also think that I did not breach any rules regarding this instance, I was not being memey for sure, and I'm even more sure that if I was memey it was not constant, but a singular instance by mistake or misunderstanding.
I also think that I did not breach any rules regarding this instance, I was not being memey for sure, and I'm even more sure that if I was memey it was not constant, but a singular instance by mistake or misunderstanding.
- Feweh
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Re: Queen Job Ban Appeal
Youre too controversial as queen and I really don't think youre going to stop if we lift this.
Youre too controversial as queen and I really don't think youre going to stop if we lift this.