Job Ban Appeal

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Byond: Felix_grabovski

Job Ban Appeal

Post by FelixG » 13 Oct 2017, 15:13

Your Byond ID:
Character Name:
Oleg Akimov
Type Of Ban (Job-ban, Timed Ban, Permaban):
Job-ban, all roles that have access to C4: SL, SPEC, Engineer.
Admin who banned you (if known):
Total Ban Duration:
Remaining Duration:
What other servers do you play on?
Logged in few times at WW2, but I believe server is dead now. Miss clicked twice or so and logged in paradise.
Are you now or have you been banned on any of them?
Reason for ban (If you have a Permaban, it should be the EXACT MESSAGE YOU GET WHEN YOU LOGIN with the Error code that looks like this: X##XXX##. If you do not provide this EXACTLY you can't be unbanned):
Used C4 on REQ south door. Admin message " Cant be trusted with explosives, blew up requisitions because he didn't get the metal he wanted"
Link to previous appeals for the same ban (if applicable):
Your appeal, including evidence (screenshots, etc):
Went to colony as engineer received orders to build FOB. After a while I spend all metal (other engineer went SSD with tools and some metal).
After I realized that no metal will arrive to the planet I decided to get some metal from REQ directly.
After small confrontation with cargo tech, I used C4 to get inside and steal/commandeer some metal. Got boinked.
Now I know, that this indecent was completely out of bounds. This indecent was just a disruption of the round, without any contribution to the story/round.
Overall is just a negative experience for server population, extra work for mods, admins. Avoid.
Thank you for your time!
Last edited by FelixG on 13 Oct 2017, 16:52, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Felix_grabovski Job Ban - Notes

Post by Robotonic » 13 Oct 2017, 16:27

Player's Notes:
Used netspeak WTF in IC, warned about it by X(X) on Mon, April 3rd of 2017

Warned about harm baton'ing marines planetside as an MP. by X(X) on Wed, April 5th of 2017

Banned by X|Duration: 180 minutes|Reason: EORG by X(X) on Fri, April 7th of 2017

Banned by X|Duration: 180 minutes|Reason: Griefer - Shot two friendly players twice during evac, once is understandable, but twice. no excuse. by X(X) on Sun, May 14th of 2017

Warned for wearing B18 armor as an Squad Engineer. by X(X) on Wed, June 14th of 2017

Spilled liquid fuel all over the hanger then set himself on fire. Warned. by X(X) on Sat, June 24th of 2017

Warned for cutting up dead marines with a fireaxe. by X(X) on Tue, June 27th of 2017

Was warned about building metal barricades as a SL by X(X) on Mon, July 10th of 2017

Warned IC in OOC. by X(X) on Tue, July 11th of 2017

Banned by X|Duration: 720 minutes|Reason: Thought it was ok to blow up requisitions because he didn't get the metal he wanted by X(X) on Fri, July 14th of 2017

Banned from Squad Engineer - Cant be trusted with explosives, blew up requistions because he didn't get the metal he wanted by Adminbot (Friendly Robot) on Fri, July 14th of 2017

Banned from Squad Specialist - Cant be trusted with explosives, blew up requistions because he didn't get the metal he wanted by Adminbot (Friendly Robot) on Fri, July 14th of 2017

Banned from Squad Leader - Cant be trusted with explosives, blew up requistions because he didn't get the metal he wanted by Adminbot (Friendly Robot) on Fri, July 14th of 2017

Banned by X|Duration: 180 minutes|Reason: Banned for improper esclation by X(X) on Fri, August 4th of 2017
Both previous appeals:
03 Sep 2017, - SL, Specialist, Combat Engineer
15 Jul 2017, - SL, Specialist, Combat Engineer
Last edited by Robotonic on 13 Oct 2017, 16:55, edited 1 time in total.

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Byond: Felix_grabovski

Re: Job Ban Appeal

Post by FelixG » 13 Oct 2017, 16:40

Oh, forgot to include first appeal. Should I edit it in or leave it be? Not sure if it's wise to edit appeal.

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Byond: Tidomann

Re: Job Ban Appeal

Post by Tidomann » 13 Oct 2017, 16:50

FelixG wrote:
13 Oct 2017, 16:40
Oh, forgot to include first appeal. Should I edit it in or leave it be? Not sure if it's wise to edit appeal.
If you can edit it, probably a good idea to include.

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Byond: Apophis775

Re: Job Ban Appeal

Post by apophis775 » 16 Oct 2017, 01:37

Approved. But don't fucking abuse explosives again.
flamecow wrote: "unga dunga me want the attachment" - average marine
