Character Name: I don't remember - Current Character Name is "Deacon Frost"
Type Of Ban (Job-ban, Timed Ban, Permaban): Job-ban
Admin who banned you (if known): Not Known
Total Ban Duration: Permaban
Remaining Duration: Forever
What other servers do you play on?: I don't, CM is the only one worth playing on to me. I used to play on tg station last year, but I got fed up with being randomly harassed by people and nothing ever being done about it. I mean I get "shitcurity" is a joke in ss13, but at least on CM there is consistency and I can actually have fun without someone just being a jerk for no reason. So it's been about a year since I got back into ss13, and CM is where I wound up.
Are you now or have you been banned on any servers? Which ones?: I was banned for setting myself on fire while trying to learn to play the game on baystation a few years ago. I was smoking a cigarette and ended up throwing vodka on my face and died. Then I was banned for it. I was later unbanned after I appealed a year later (I learned how to play on Paradise and TG in the interim) but I never actually played on the server more than maybe a round or two because I liked tg more.
Reason for ban (If you have a Permaban, it should be the EXACT MESSAGE YOU GET WHEN YOU LOGIN with the Error code that looks like this: X##XXX##. If you do not provide this EXACTLY you can't be unbanned): Probably because I played for about 20 minutes as a doctor and had to go to the emergency room because of kidney stones I have been in a battle with for several weeks now, so I ran myself to the mass ejection unit and threw myself into space (not understanding the necessity to put myself to sleep properly). Was one of my first times playing on the server (maybe my 4th or 5th round?) and didn't setup my jobs properly (screwed up and didn't read the menu all the way to realize I could select join as marine by default instead of random job). This actually was my second time to off myself as a doctor because the first time I think I just logged out in the hospital because I didn't want to play as a doctor/chemist.
Link to previous appeals for the same ban (if applicable):
Your appeal, including evidence (screenshots, etc): Now that I have played on the server quite a bit more (I know I was permabanned a few weeks ago, I just didn't feel comfortable applying for an appeal until I actually knew more about the server and might be able to prove myself a little more), I not only don't choose random jobs anymore (default to marine now), I feel confident enough as a medic that I think I could perform my duties in the doctor field. So that if I do attempt that job I won't just log out on the floor or off myself into space. At least I will ask an admin what I should do if I need to leave abruptly again (once was because I didn't want to do the job, the second time was because I had to run to the ER. Maybe I'm getting the order of that backwards, it's been a few weeks and the times blur together).
If the appeal is denied I won't complain, I know logging out abruptly in an important role screws over everyone ultimately now. Sorry for the trouble I caused

tl;dr - I am really bad at this game. Years later and I'm still a f*king noob at everything it feels like.